Parece que as crianças terão de dormir no chão.
- It seems that the children will have to sleep on the floor.
Os vestidos das senhoras estão no chão.
- The ladies' dresses are on the floor.
Dennis lag flach auf dem Boden.
- Dennis lay flat on the floor.
Sie lag auf dem Boden, stranguliert mit der Saite einer Harfe.
- She was lying on the floor, strangled by a harp string.
Tomi istui risti-istunnassa lattialla.
- Tom sat cross-legged on the floor.
Tom näki jotakin lattialla.
- Tom saw something on the floor.
Je peux placer la paume des mains sur le sol sans plier les genoux.
- I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.
Elle était allongée sur le sol, étranglée avec la corde d'une harpe.
- She was lying on the floor, strangled by a harp string.
Człowiek na podłodze miał nóż w plecach.
- The man on the floor had a knife in his back.
Tom ujrzał krew na podłodze.
- Tom saw blood on the floor.
Ik kan mijn handpalmen op de vloer plaatsen zonder mijn knieën te buigen.
- I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.
Mijn mobiele telefoon viel op de vloer.
- My cellphone fell on the floor.
Der er et stort tæppe på gulvet.
- There's a large carpet on the floor.
C'è una roccia sul pavimento.
- There's a rock on the floor.
Chiamai la polizia appena vidi il suo cadavere sul pavimento.
- I called the police as soon as I saw his dead body on the floor.