
listen to the pronunciation of offensive
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

General düşman kampına karşı bir saldırı başlatmaya karar verdi. - The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.

Onlar ilk yarıda saldırıya geçti. - They went on the offensive in the first half.

{s} saldırgan

Onu saldırgan buluyorum. - I find that offensive.

Saygısız, saldırgan ve nefret dolu cümleler yazmaktan kaçınmamız gerekir. - We should avoid writing sentences that are disrespectful, offensive or hateful.

{s} hakaret edici
{i} hücum

Biz iyi bir hücum takımı değildik. - We weren't a good offensive team.

{s} saldıran
hatır kırıcı
çok nahoş
ağır kaçmak
saldırıya özgü
taaruza ait
(Kanun) mütecaviz
(Kanun) rahatsız eden
sürekli saldırı
saldırıyla ilgili

Tom'un esprileri iğrenç. - Tom's jokes are offensive.

Onun şakaları iğrenç. - His jokes are offensive.


Zenci kötü bir kelimedir. - Nigger is an offensive word.

{s} hakaret eden
offensiveness tiksindiricilik
hücuma ait
hücum ederek
(Askeri) TAARRUZ: Taarruz etme; taarruza hazır olma
saldırıya ait/çirkin
{s} yakışmaz
(Askeri) Saldırı ile ilgili
{s} spor ofansif
(Kanun) incitici

Onun kendini beğenmişliği kırıcı. - His smug behavior is offensive.

Onun kendini beğenmiş tavırları kırıcı. - His smug behavior is offensive.

ileri geri
offensive foul
(Spor) hücum faul
offensive grenade
(Askeri) taarruz el bombası
offensive warfare
(Askeri) taarruz harbi
offensive weapon
taarruz silahı
offensive backfield player (soccer)
saldırgan backfield oyuncu (futbol)
offensive cargo
saldırgan kargo
offensive inquisitiveness
saldırgan meraklılık
offensive or worthless
saldırgan veya değersiz
offensive term for an italian person
Bir italyan kişi için saldırgan dönem
offensive terms for a jew
Bir Yahudi için saldırı şartları
offensive, criminal
Suç saldırı
offensive air support
(Askeri) taarruzi hava desteği
offensive air support; Organization of American States
(Askeri) taarruzi hava desteği; Amerikan Eyaletleri Teşkilatı
offensive board
(Spor) hücum ribaund
offensive counter air operation
(Askeri) TAARRUZİ KARŞI HAVA HAREKATI: Bir düşman hava gücünü mümkün olduğunca kaynağına yakın bir noktada imha etmek, durdurmak veya sınırlamak üzere girişilen bir harekat
offensive counterair; operational control authority
(Askeri) taarruzi mukabil hava; harekat kontrol makamı
offensive counterintelligence operation
(Askeri) taarruzi İKK harekatı
offensive defence
(Askeri) taarruzi savunma
offensive defense
(Askeri) TAARRUZİ SAVUNMA: Düşmanın karşı taarruzuna engel olacak şekilde, kıtaların ve ateş kudretinin faal bir şekilde kullanılmasını ve bizzat taarruzu içine alan savunma. Buna "offensive-defensive" de denir
offensive defensive
(Askeri) taarruzi savunma
offensive grenade
(Askeri) TAARRUZ EL BOMBASI: Açıkta ilerleyen kıtalar tarafından kullanılmak üzere imal edilmiş, yüksek infilaklı el bombası. Bomba gövdesi fiberden yapıldığı için parçalar etrafa saçılmaz
offensive grenade
(Askeri) Taaruz el bombası
offensive mine counter measures
(Askeri) TAARRUZİ MAYIN KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Düşmanın başarılı bir şekilde mayın döşemesini önlemek amacıyla alınan tedbirler
offensive minefield
(Askeri) taarruzi mayın tarlası
offensive minefield
(Askeri) TAARRUZİ MAYIN TARLASI: Deniz mayın harbinde, düşman sularına veya düşman kontrolü altındaki sulara döşenen mayın tarlası
offensive odor substance
(Askeri) kötü koku yayan madde
offensive system
(Spor) hücum sistemi
offensive term
aşağılayıcı söz
offensive though at fault
hem suçlu hem güçlü
offensive warfare
(Askeri) TAARRUZ HARBİ: Neticeyi taarruzla almak maksadıyla yapılan; özellikle taarruz muharebeleri halinde sevk ve idare edilen harp
offensive weapon
(Kanun) saldırı silahı
offensive weapon
(Kanun) suç aleti
offensive weapons
saldırı silahları
iğrenç bir biçimde
charm offensive
(Ev ile ilgili) vaatlerde bulunarak, tatlı sözler söyleyerek, birini kandırmak, güvenini kazanmak
charm offensive
(Ev ile ilgili) ağza bir parmak bal çalmak
charm offensive
(Ev ile ilgili) insanları etkilemek amacı ile onların güvenini kazanmak ve kendini sevdirmek için bir dizi eylemlerde bulunmak. Politikacıların oy kazanmak için yaptıkları kampanyalar gibi
charm offensive
(Ev ile ilgili) a series of actions intended to get people to like and trust you so that you can influence them
charm offensive
çekicilik saldırı
saldırgan bir halde
hakaret edici bir şekilde
on the offensive
sürekli saldıran
take the offensive
saldırıya geçmek
Great Offensive
(Tarih) Büyük Taarruz
ground offensive
(Askeri) kara harekâtı

Many civilians have now been killed since the ground offensive began.

indecent or offensive
uygunsuz veya saldırgan
reviling, insulting, offensive
Hakaret, saldırı reviling
take the offensive
almak saldırı
air offensive
(Askeri) HAVA TAARRUZU: Stratejik ve/veya taktik hava silahlarıyla düşman hava kuvvetlerine veya kara hedeflerine karşı yapılan harekat
an offensive form of command and control warfare
(Askeri) Komuta ve Kontrol Harbinin saldırgan bir şekli
antisubmarine air offensive operations
(Askeri) DENİZALTI SAVUNMASI HAVA TAARRUZ HAREKATI: Taarruz harekatını yürütmek için, tek başlarına veya diğer hava araçları ya da gemilerle veya her ikisiyle koordineli olarak faaliyette bulunan, tayyare gemilerinde veya kıyıda üslenmiş hava araçları. Böyle bir harekatın maksadı uzak destek harekatından esaslı şekilde farklı olmakla beraber, arama işinin belirli sahaya inhisar ettirilmesi ve taarruz taktiği, denizaltı savunması uzak hava desteğinde uygulananın aynıdır
{i} iğrençlik
on the offensive
saldırı halinde
on the offensive
red integrated strategic offensive plan
(Askeri) kırmızı entegre stratejik savunma planı
strategic offensive
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TAARRUZ: 1. Ulusal stratejiyi desteklemek üzere askeri kuvvetleri dünya çapında intikal ettirme ve devam ettirme imkan ve kabiliyeti. 2. Bir ulusun savaşta, özel bir harekatı kasteden taktik taarruzun aksine geniş ölçüde uyguladığı taarruz hareketi
tactical offensive
(Askeri) TAKTİK TAARRUZ: Stratejik taarruzun çerçevesine girmeyen ve belirli bir muharebe harekatında yapılan taarruz. Ayrıca bak "strategic offensive
to be offensive
ağır kaçmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An attack

The Marines today launched a major offensive.

Causing offense; arousing a visceral reaction of disgust, anger, or hatred

Some feminists find pornography offensive.

The posture of attacking or being able to attack

He took the offensive in the press, accusing his opponent of corruption.

Relating to an offense or attack, as opposed to defensive

The army's offensive capabilities. An offensive weapon.

Having to do with play directed at scoring

The offensive coordinator is responsible for ordering all rushing plays.

{a} displeasing, invading, injurious
Giving pain or unpleasant sensations; disagreeable; revolting; noxious; as, an offensive smell; offensive sounds
violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity
morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal"
Meant for use in instigating an attack, as opposed to defending against an attack
If you go on the offensive, go over to the offensive, or take the offensive, you begin to take strong action against people who have been attacking you. The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them The Foreign Secretary has decided to take the offensive in the discussion on the future of the community
unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors" causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks" for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons" violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity
Making the first attack; assailant; aggressive; hence, used in attacking; opposed to defensive; as, an offensive war; offensive weapons
causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"
relating to or made or suited for attack
If you conduct an offensive, you take strong action to show how angry you are about something or how much you disapprove of something. Republicans acknowledged that they had little choice but to mount an all-out offensive on the Democratic nominee. see also charm offensive
The state or posture of one who offends or makes attack; aggressive attitude; the act of the attacking party; opposed to defensive
causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks"
Giving offense; causing displeasure or resentment; displeasing; annoying; as, offensive words
for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons"
A military offensive is a carefully planned attack made by a large group of soldiers. Its latest military offensive against rebel forces is aimed at re-opening important trade routes
unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors"
{s} repulsive, disgusting; disagreeable to the senses; offending; emotionally injurious; aggressive
the action of attacking an enemy
Something that is offensive upsets or embarrasses people because it is rude or insulting. Some friends of his found the play horribly offensive. offensive remarks which called into question the integrity of my firm. + offensively of·fen·sive·ly The group who had been shouting offensively opened to let her through
of an offensive substitute for inoffensive terminology; "`nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'"
An attack or assault
{i} attack, act of aggression; position of pursuit or aggression
offensive back
A player for the team in possession of the ball who lines up behind the line of scrimmage at the start of a play
offensive foul
A foul committed by a member of the team with possession of the ball
offensive line
the seven legally obligatory players lined up on the offensive side within a yard of the line of scrimmage
offensive line
the five players (the center, the two offensive guards and the two offensive tackles) lined up on the middle of the offensive side within a yard of the line of scrimmage
offensive line
all the offensive players, whether obligatory or not, lined up one yard or less from the offensive line of scrimmage
offensive line of scrimmage
the scrimmage line on the offensive side of the football field
offensive line of scrimmage
offensive line
offensive tackle
A lineman for the team in possession of the ball located outside one of the guard positions
offensive zone
The ice between opposing team's blue line and their end board
offensive zones
plural form of offensive zone
offensive arms
weapons used for attack purposes
offensive attitude
irritating attitude, insulting manner, aggressive manner
offensive behavior
behavior that causes injury or insult
offensive language
rude language, insulting language
offensive war
war based on attacks (rather than defense)
charm offensive
a campaign of deliberately using charm and flattery in order to achieve some goal; especially in a political or diplomatic field
ground offensive
A military action launched by land, using ground troops

distasteful language.

prawn cocktail offensive
a strategy of the Labour Party in winning over important people in the world of finance
take the offensive
To attack instead of defending; to be bold and proactive
charm offensive
a concentrated attempt to gain favour or respectability by conspicuously cooperative or obliging behaviour
charm offensive
(Ev ile ilgili) a publicity campaign, usually by politicians, that attempts to attract supporters by emphasizing their charisma or trustworthiness
charm offensive
a campaign of flattery and friendliness designed to achieve the support or agreement of others
{a} in an offensive manner
{n} a cause of disgust, mischief
Somme Offensive
failed World War I offensive in July-November 1916 made by the British against German forces near the Somme River in northern France (resulted in heavy British casualties)
Tet Offensive
military operation conducted by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army in 1968 in which many South Vietnamese sites were attacked
assumed the offensive
began to attack, took the offensive, initiated the assault
charm offensive
disapproval If you say that someone has launched a charm offensive, you disapprove of the fact that they are being very friendly to their opponents or people who are causing problems for them. He launched what was called a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government
full front offensive
{i} attack on the line of confrontation, attack that takes place completely in the front
ground offensive
{i} ground attack by ground forces
initiative offensive
attack initiated by the attacker
in an obnoxious manner; "he said so in one of his more offensively intellectually arrogant sentences"
in an offensive manner, harmfully; aggressively
in an unpleasantly offensive manner; "he smelled offensively unwashed
in an unpleasantly offensive manner; "he smelled offensively unwashed"
in an aggressive manner; "`In this crisis, we must act offensively,' the President said"; "the admiral intends to act offensively in the Mediterranean"
the quality of being offensive
{i} aggressiveness; affront, offense; quality of being offensive
on the offensive(p)
actively attacking
surprise offensive
surprise attack, sudden assault, unexpected onslaught
take the offensive
begin an attack, make an assault