noch etwas

listen to the pronunciation of noch etwas
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
sonst noch etwas?
başka bir şey var mı?
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение noch etwas в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

any more

Başka sürprizler istemiyorum. - I don't want any more surprises.

Şimdi başka sorulara cevap vermeyeceğim. - I won't answer any more questions right now.

any more
anything else
daha başka?
any more
daha çok

Seni senin beni sevdiğinden daha çok sevmiyorum. - I don't like you any more than you like me.

Daha çok öğrencinin gelmek istediğini sanmıyorum. - I don't think any more students want to come.

any more

Kızınız artık bir çocuk değildir. - Your daughter is not a child any more.

Artık onu, içmekten alıkoymalıyız. - We have to stop him from drinking any more.

any more
daha fazla

Tom'un daha fazla sabuna ihtiyacı yok. Mary ona bir ömür boyu yetecek kadar sabun verdi. - Tom doesn't need any more soap. Mary gave him enough to last a lifetime.

O, hakaretlere daha fazla katlanmadı. - She could not put up with the insults any more.

any more
daha fazla: Don't give me any more! Bana daha fazla verme!
any more
artık: Belma doesn't live here any more. Artık Belma burada oturmuyor
anything else
başka bir şey

Tom başka bir şeye yapamayacak kadar çok yorgun olduğunu söyledi. - Tom said that he was too tired to do anything else.

İhtiyacın olan başka bir şey varsa, bana bildir. - If there's anything else you need, just let me know.

Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
any more
anything else
Noch etwas, bitte?
Anything else?
An dem Hotel stört mich außerdem noch etwas anderes:
Here's another one of my beefs with the hotel:
Die Angaben zu dem Unfall sind noch etwas vage.
The details about the accident are still a little sketchy
Haben Sie noch etwas zu sagen?
Have you any more to say?
Ich bringe dir noch etwas zu trinken.
I'll bring you another drink
Ich bringe dir noch etwas zu trinken.
I'll bring another drink to you
Ich habe noch nie erlebt, dass er etwas anderes getrunken hat als Bier.
I never saw him drink anything other than beer
Ich hatte von dieser Firma noch nie gehört, also musste ich mir schnell etwas ei
I had never heard about that company before, so I had to think on my feet
Ich muss zu meiner Schande gestehen, dass ich noch nie etwas von Donna Leon gele
I'm ashamed to say I've never read anything by Donna Leon before
Kommt noch etwas dazu?
Is there anything else?
Kommt noch etwas dazu?
Will there be anything else?
Mit etwas Phantasie kann man noch erkennen, wie es ausgesehen haben muss.
With a little imagination you can still recognise how it must have looked
Schreib ganz frei. Du kannst später immer noch etwas streichen.
Write freely. You can always edit things out later
So etwas ist mir noch nicht untergekommen
I've never come across anything like this
So etwas ist mir noch nie zu Ohren gekommen!
I never heard such a thing!
Sonst noch etwas?
Anything else?
Um noch etwas anderes anzusprechen: …
On a (slightly) different note, …
Wünschen Sie noch etwas?
Would you like anything else?
das letzte Wort (in etwas) ist noch nicht gesprochen
the jury is still out (on something)
die Größe von etwas kann zusätzlich/noch weiter verringert werden
the size of something can be additionally reduced
es gerade noch vermeiden, etwas zu tun
to stop short of doing something
noch im/aus dem Rennen um etwas sein Wettbewerb / Posten etc.
to be still in/out of the running/frame for something (competition, job etc.)
und etwas (noch) obendrauf...
and (sth.) on top of it
und etwas zusätzlich (noch)...
and (sth.) on top of it