(Askeri) YENİDEN DAĞITIM, YENİDEN DAĞITMA: Askeri kuvvetler dahilinde veya aralarında veya Askeri Kuvvetler ile diğer Federal teşkilatlar arasında malzemenin kontrolu, faydalanılması veya yerleştirilmesi bakımından devri işlemi. IADB tanımında "Federal teşkilatlar" yerine "hükümet teşkilatları" terimi kullanılır
Actions taken when a unit is so depleted in combat strength that remaining assets are placed in the replacement and resupply systems, and the unit flag is retired
a new arrangement of the electoral divisions in a state or territory with the result that the boundaries of some existing divisions are changed
Transfer of monies, benefits and services from one group in the society to another so its members receive a balance different from that created through the marketplace
Redistribution allows routing information discovered through another routing protocol to be distributed in the update messages of the current routing protocol For example, when a RIP router receives routing information from another protocol (say OSPF), it updates all of its RIP neighbors with the routing information already discovered by the OSPF protocol
a mechanism whereby a politically or economically powerful individual (or group) collects goods and services from the members of society and reallocates them among the society's members
Changes to boundaries of electorates in line with the principle that the number of voters in each electorate must not vary from a predetermined electoral quota by more than 5 per cent at the time of an election Carried out before each Legislative Assembly election
Where surplus goods are collected centrally and then given out to those persons in need of them