
listen to the pronunciation of navigation
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
dolaşma Gezinti
deniz yolculuğu
(Askeri) deniz trafiği
(Ticaret) seyrisefer
akıllı yön bulma sistemi
deniz ya da uçak yolculuğu

Liman seferlere kapalıdır. - The harbor is closed to navigation.

gemi seferi
{i} gemi yolculuğu
{i} navigasyon

İlk kaşifler navigasyon için yıldızları kullandılar. - Early explorers used the stars for navigation.

Hey, araç navigasyon sisteminin kullanım kılavuzunu nereye koydun? - Hey, where did you put the car navigation system's user's manual?

(Askeri) DENİZ TRAFİĞİ, SEYRÜSEFER, SEYİR: Bir geminin, verilen bir rotaya göre, bir yerden bir yere sevki ve idaresi; bir tayyarenin, bir geminin veya aracın, bilinmeyen bir çevredeki yerinin tespiti, rotasının çizilmesi ve bu noktadan bir başka noktaya, emniyetle ve sıhhatle sevk ve idare edilmesi bilim ve tekniği. Seyrüseferinşu nevileri vardır: (celestial navigation), (dead reckoning navigation) ve (radio navigation). Bu terimlere bak
(Ticaret) denizyolu
(Askeri) seyir

Tom'un seyir becerileri yok. - Tom has no navigational skills.

nehir ulaşımı
navigation aid
(Askeri) seyrüsefer yardımcısı
navigation bar
(Bilgisayar) gezinme çubuğu
navigation chart
(Askeri) seyrüsefer haritası
navigation equipment
(Askeri) seyrüsefer cihazları
navigation icons
(Bilgisayar) gezinme simgeleri
navigation mode
(Askeri) seyrüsefer durumu
navigation light
seyir feneri
navigation [software]
yongudum, gezinim
navigation activity plan
(Askeri) sefer faaliyet planı
navigation acts
(Ticaret) denizcilik yasaları
navigation aid
(Askeri) seyrüsefer yardımı
navigation aids
(Askeri) gemi seferi yardımı
navigation area
(Askeri) gemi sefer alanı
navigation area
(Askeri) seyir bölgesi
navigation bridge
(Askeri) sefer  köprüsü
navigation chart
(Askeri) SEYİR HARİTASI: Bir gemi veya uçağın sevk ve idaresinde kullanılan harita
navigation company
(Ticaret) deniz nakliyat şirketi
navigation company
(Ticaret) deniz ulaştırma şirketi
navigation computer
(Otomotiv) seyrüsefer bilgisayarı
navigation controls
(Otomotiv) seyrüsefer kontrolleri
navigation data base
(Otomotiv) seyrüsefer veritabanı
navigation display unit
(Otomotiv) seyrüsefer ekran ünitesi
navigation dues
(Ticaret) nakliye resmi
navigation dues
(Ticaret) ulaştırma vergisi
navigation gauge
(İnşaat) seyretme gabarisi
navigation head
(Askeri) İNDİRME İSKELESİ: Bir suyolu üzerinde, yüklerin su taşıma araçları ile kara taşıma araçları arasında birinden diğerine nakledildiği aktarma noktası, indirme iskelesi, çalışma bakımından bir indirme istasyonu (railhead) veya oto indirme noktasına (truck head) benzer
navigation in coral region
(Askeri) mercan bolgelerinde seyir
navigation in narrow canals
(Askeri) dar sularda seyir
navigation information
(Havacılık) seyrüsefer bilgisi
navigation instruments
(Askeri) seyir aletleri
navigation light
(Askeri) sefer  ışığı
navigation light
(Askeri) navigasyon ışığı
navigation light
navigasyon feneri
navigation lock
(Askeri) sefer kanalı
navigation mode
(Askeri) SEYRÜSEFER DURUMU: Bir uçuş kontrol sisteminde, bir uçağın uçuş yolunun seyrüsefer cihazından gelen sinyaller ile otomatik olarak muhafaza edildiği bir kontrol durumu
navigation officer
navigation pass
(Askeri) sefer geçişi
navigation permit
(Ticaret) ulaştırma izni
navigation permit
(Ticaret) nakliye permisi
navigation satellite
(Askeri) seyrüsefer uydusu
navigation set
(Askeri) SEYRÜSEFER TELSİZ CİHAZI: Seyrüseferde kullanılmak üzere, bir uçağa konan telsiz cihazı
navigation set
(Askeri) seyrüsefer telsiz cihazı
navigation task
(Bilgisayar) gezinti görevi
navigation text
(Bilgisayar) gezinti metni
navigation waters
(Askeri) sefer suları
navigation zone
(Ticaret) deniz seyrüsefer bölgesi
celestial navigation
(Askeri,Havacılık) astronomik seyrüsefer
coastal navigation
hyperbolic navigation system
hiperbolik yöngüdüm sistemi
hyperbolic navigation system
(Askeri) hiperbolik seyir sistemi
resume own navigation
(Havacılık) kendi seyrüseferinize dönün
aerial navigation
hava trafiği
celestial navigation
uzay seyrüseferi
contact navigation
görerek seyir
deep-sea navigation
uzak deniz seferi
hyperbolic navigation system
hiperbolik seyrüsefer sistemi
inland navigation
yurtiçi seyrüsefer
deniz seferiyle ilgili
hyperbolic navigation
hiperbolik seyrüsefer
inertial navigation set (or system)
ataletsel navigasyon (sistem) set
Immigration and Naturalization Service; inertial navigation system; insert code
(Askeri) Göçmenlik ve Uyruğa Geçirme Servisi; atalet seyrüsefer sistemi; kodu giriniz
aerial navigation
aerial navigation map
(Askeri) hava seyrüsefer haritası
aerial navigation map
(Askeri) HAVA SEYRÜSEFER HARİTASI: Tayyarelerde seyrüsefer ile meşgul şahısların kullandıkları harita
air navigation
(Askeri) HAVA SEYRÜSEFERİ: Tayyarenin, coğrafi mevkiini tayin suretiyle, bir yerden başka bir yere sevkedilmesi. Hava seyrüseferi; harita, bariz arazi işaretleri, astronomik gözlemler ve telsiz işaretlerinden faydalanılarak gerçekleştirilir
allied navigation publication
(Askeri) müttefik seyrüsefer yayını
allied navigation publications
area navigation
(Askeri) saha seyrüseferi
astronomical navigation
(Askeri) ASTRONOMİK SEYİR: Bak. "celestial navigation"
carrier aircraft inertial navigation system
(Askeri) uçak gemisi uçak atalet seyir sistemi
celestial navigation
(Askeri) ASTRONOMİK SEYRÜSEFER: Referans olarak gök cisimlerinden faydalanan bir seyrüsefer şekli (Füze Terminolojisinde münasip aletlerle teçhiz edilmiş ve lüzumlu bütün güdüm teçhizatını ihtiva eden bir sistem, esas itibariyle, füze nispi mevkii ve önceden seçilmiş bazı gök cisimlerinin mevkilerine göre tespit olunmuş bir rota takip eder)
dead reckoning navigation
(Askeri) HESABİ SEYRÜSEFER (HV.); PARAKETE SEYRİ (DZ. ): Bilinen bir noktanın mesafe ve istikametine göre mevkiin tayin edilmesi esasına dayanarak yapılan seyrüsefer. Bu seyrüsefer; hız, düşme (yana) ve istikamet hesapları esas tutularak hazırlanır. Bknz. "navigation"
doppler navigation system
(Havacılık) dopler seyrüsefer sistemi
electrically suspended gyro navigation
(Askeri) elektrikli olarak durdurulan cayro yön bulma cihazı
en route navigation
(Havacılık) yol üzerinde seyrüsefer
freedom of navigation (operations)
(Askeri) seyrüsefer serbestliği (harekatlar)
grid navigation
(Askeri) GRİD SEYRİ: Yön referansı olması amacıyla bir grid kaplaması kullanarak seyretme metodu. Ayrıca bakınız: "navigational grid"
grid navigation
(Askeri) grid seyri
hyperbolic navigation system
(Askeri) HİPERBOLİK SEYİR SİSTEMİ: Bir seyir sistemi olup, uygun bir alıcı ile teçhiz edilmiş bir uçağın mevkiinin, 2 veya daha fazla birbirini kesen hiperbolik mevki hatları ile tespit edilmesine imkan verir. Bu sistem gerek faz tespitli dalga göndermelerinden, gerekse zaman farkı ölçüsünden yararlanır. Bak. "decca; loran"
inertial navigation system
(Askeri) ATALET SEYİR SİSTEMİ: Otomatik detektörlerle aracın yön, durum ve süratini otomatik olarak sağlayan kendi kendine yeterli seyrüsefer sistemleri
inertial navigation unit; integration unit
(Askeri) atalet seyrüsefer ünitesi; entegrasyon ünitesi
inland navigation
iç sularda taşımacılık
instrument navigation
aletli yongudum
integrated communications, navigation, and identification avionics
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş muhabere, seyrüsefer ve tanıma hava elektroniği
long range air navigation chart
(Askeri) UZAK MESAFE HAVA SEYRÜSEFER HARİTASI: Astronomik seyrüsefer için, seyrüseferci ve pilotlar tarafından kullanılan dünya haritası. Uzak mesafe hava seyrüsefer haritası, hava haritalarının bir şeklidir
low level navigation
(Askeri) ALÇAK İRTİFA SEYRÜSEFERİ: Bir uçağı; arazi seyrüsefer, hesabı seyrüsefer ve elektronik seyrüsefer yardımcı cihazlarından faydalanarak ve mevkii her an bilinecek şekilde arzu edilen bir rotada, alçak irtifada (genel olarak, mutlaka 500 fit altında) sevk ve idare tekniği
master navigation plan
(Askeri) ana seyrüsefer planı
ocean navigation
(Ticaret) açık deniz ulaştırması
ocean navigation
(Ticaret) okyanus nakliyatı
precise integrated navigation system
(Askeri) hassas entegre seyrüsefer sistemi
procedures for air navigation services
(Askeri) hava seyrüsefer usülleri
proportional navigation
(Askeri) ORANTILI SEYİR; BİRHOMİNG SEYİR METODU: Bunda füze dönüş hızı, görüş hattının boşluktaki dönüş hızı ile doğrudan doğruya orantılıdır
pseudopursuit navigation
(Askeri) GECİKTİRMELİ TAKİP SEYRİ: Güdümlü bir seyir usulü. Bu usulde füze, hassas hedef mevziine doğru istikamet açısı ile tevcih edilir; yükseklik açısıyla takip seyri, hedefe en elverişli taarruz açısı teşekkül edinceye kadar geçerlidir
pursuit navigation
(Askeri) TAKİP SEYRİ: Füzenin, hassas hedef mevziine doğru yöneltildiği bir homing seyri metodu
radio navigation
(Askeri) TELSİZLE SEYRÜSEFER: Seyrüseferde yön ve mevki belirlenmesi veya engel ikazı amacıyla yapılan telsiz mevkii
radio navigation guidance
(Askeri) TELSİZ SEYRÜSEFER GÜDÜMÜ: Bir füze uçuş yolu kontrol tekniği. Bu usulde; füze uçuş yolu kontrol tekniği. Bu usulde; füze uçuş yolu füze içinde mevcut ve füzeyi bir veya daha çok dış göndermeçten verilen telsiz sinyalleri ile arzu edilen yol üzerinde seyrettiren bir cihazla yan ve yüksekliğine ayarlanabilmektedir
river navigation
(Ticaret) nehir seyrüseferi
sailing navigation
(Askeri) yelkenli trafiği
satellite navigation system
uydu yongudum sistemi
security control of air traffic and navigation aids
(Askeri) hava seyrüseferi yardımcı cihazları ve hava trafiği güvenlik kontrolü SC
ship's inertial navigation system
(Askeri) gemi atalet seyrüsefer sistemi
tactical air navigation
(Askeri) taktik hava seyrüseferi
transit navigation satellite
(Askeri) transit seyrüsefer uydusu
transit navigation satellite
(Askeri) TRANSİT SEYRÜSEFER UYDUSU: Arz çevresinde devamlı olarak faaliyette bulunacak şekilde geliştirilen ve su üstü teknelerinin, denizaltıların ve uçakların yerlerini sıhhatli olarak tespit edebilen bir uydu
transition navigation keys
(Bilgisayar) dönüşüm kılavuz tuşları
very high frequency omnidirectional range station and/or tactical air navigation
(Askeri) VHF Her İstikamete Yayın Yapan Taktik Hava Seyrüsefer İstasyonu (Cihazı)
what sort of navigation equipment does the boat have
bu botun ne tür navigasyon aletleri var
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The theory, practice and technology of charting a course for a ship, aircraft or a spaceship
A canal
Traffic or travel by vessel, especially commercial shipping
{n} the act or art of passing by water
The art and science of conducting a boat safely from one point to another
1 Navigation can mean switching your reference point from one file to another 2 Navigation can also mean moving your cursor around a terminal display or a document using cursor keys and other commands
Navigation refers to the technical process of moving from one feature to another in an online module The navigation system for Academy modules allows students to follow a critical path, but also to exercise flexibility when they wish to vary from the normal path of progressing through a module
It helps to have consistent navigation on every page of your site so that visitors will find their way around your site It is also helpful to include a link to the home page from every page in your site so that you don't have "orphan" pages It is advisable to keep the amount of clicking to a minimum Ideally, a site's home page has direct links to all of its sub-pages so visitors only need to click 2 or 3 times from the home page to get to any page within the site If this is not the case, you may want to consider restructuring your web site Finally, keep the amount of scrolling required on each page to a minimum
A system of text or image links on a web page which enable visitors to find their way around the site
the work of a sailor
Ships in general
{i} act of navigating (planning and directing the course of a naval vessel or aircraft); seafaring, use of the sea for commerce or travel; work of a sailor; passage of sea vessels
You can refer to the movement of ships as navigation. Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation. see also navigate. Science of directing a craft by determining its position, course, and distance traveled. Early mariners followed landmarks visible on shore and studied prevailing winds for clues to direction. The Phoenicians and Polynesians sailed out of sight of land and used the stars to set their course. The compass (first used by the Chinese 1100) was the first navigational aid that gave a constant reference point, though its accuracy was limited, especially in heavy seas. Modern compasses are stabilized by gyroscopes and housed in binnacles that compensate for the craft's motion. Ship speed was first calculated by dropping overboard a log attached to a reel of line knotted at regular intervals; the number of knots exposed while the log drifted and a sandglass emptied gave the vessel's speed in knots (nautical mph). Charts are another essential navigational tool. Fixing a position requires charts detailing known locations, together with instruments that calculate a vessel's bearing relative to them. The earliest instrument for determining latitude was the quadrant, which measured the altitude of the polestar or the noonday sun. Other early instruments included the sextant and the astrolabe. Longitude (used for navigation with increasing success in the 17th-18th century) was fixed using chronometers and tables showing positions of celestial bodies throughout the year. In the 20th century, radio beacons and satellite networks allowed aircraft and ships to determine their position. Dead reckoning uses an accurate history of a vessel's headings and speeds drawn from gyroscopes and from computerized measurements of the craft's acceleration. See also Global Positioning System
the science or art of conducting ships or vessels from one place to another, including, more especially, the method of determining a ship's position, course, distance passed over, etc
ship traffic; "the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts"
A system of hypertext paths set up on a Web page to enable visitors to find their way around the site
The purpose of the Navigation package is to aid navigation of the event and detector object structures The navigation objects are transient, that is to say they are created as necessary and are not stored permanently The idea is that designers of the event and detector object structures provide code to create the navigation objects on demand The end user sees a uniform interface via these navigation objects and can select and sort without needing write access to the underlying structures
The term that is used for finding your way around the Web, both from one web site to another and within a web site There isn't any map of the World Wide Web (although many sites have local maps), so just like being on the roads it is fine if what you want is signposted but tough if it isn't
The process of traveling from one place to another and knowing where you are in relation to your desired course
On opening the program, you will notice two internal windows The one on the right is where the texts will appear, so it would be advisable to maximize it The one on the left is where you are to select a text to read You will notice that the full titles are not visible, and there is no horizontal scrollbar To see the full titles, click and drag on the right hand border of this window to expand it After you have selected a text, you will need to shrink this window again to view the text
The management of sails, rudder, etc
The act of navigating; the act of passing on water in ships or other vessels; the state of being navigable
A menu selection system that intuitively allows the user to move back and forth through information Hypermedia links are used with primary and secondary menu systems to access information in various media formats Net - "The world of cyberspace The abbreviation for the Internet ** Notebook - An extremely lightweight personal computer Generally smaller than a laptop
the mechanics of traveling by water; seamanship
The practice or art of directing the movement of a craft from one point to another
spatial framework for marine or airborne survey data Positional information is derived using one or more systems such as Syledis or GPS In addition to absolute positioning, relative positioning is essential for computing the Eötvös correction in gravity processing back
On a Web page, a variety of means by which you can get around that particular Web site On the Office Web site, the menu and submenu are on the left side of the page, and the toolbar is at the top of the page These navigational elements take you to the main sections of the site You can also use links on each page to navigate Some pages have a chain of links along the top of the page that show you where you are in the site's hierarchy
An action that causes the focus to move to another component
Finding the contents of a website and moving from page to page within it
Navigation is an informal term used to refer to moving between hypertext links in an HTML document, sometimes referred to as "surfing"
The technique and art of steering a vessel or aircraft along a prescribed course in order to reach a certain destination A number of systems have been developed to achieve this goal, they involve both navigation and locating, e g , Global Positioning (GPS), astronomical, Doppler, acoustic, hyperbolic, etc
The method by which people find their way around a piece of information For example a website may include a menu bar as a way of helping its audience to navigate the site
To help users move around your site it is important to have good navigation from page to page or from area to area within a page At DL Design we will construct powerful navigation features which will make it easy for visitors to your site to get around without confusion
Navigation is the act of moving from location to location within a web site, or between web sites Navigation is accomplished by clicking on links Links can consist of either colored and underlined text or icons representing the link's destination Go to top of page
The process of "moving" from one screen to another
The science and skill of sailing from one place to another The navigator of a ship is the person whose job it is to make sure the ship goes where it is supposed to go and can tell what the ship's position is
on the surface of the globe, by the principles of geometry and astronomy
Control system to determine actions to be taken to follow a planned route Currently 2D, 3D and 4D navigation are in use Using 2D-navigation, a 2D-route (set of geographical coordinates) can be flown 3D-Navigation makes it possible to assure a certain altitude for each geographical position Some modern aircraft already use 4D-navigation, where it is also possible to guarantee reaching a specific point and altitude at a specified time
the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
The means by which a user can navigate the content of a page or site Navigation usually consists of a collection of links to sections and subsections of a site Often a sitemap is provided as an overview Tables of contents usually list links to subsections of a site or sections of a specific document
the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place ship traffic; "the channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts
navigation channel
A deeper channel cut into the sea or river bed, to enable larger ships to pass through to a port
navigation channels
plural form of navigation channel
Navigation Acts
English laws in the 17th-18th centuries that required the use of English or colonial ships to carry English trade. The laws were designed to encourage English shipbuilding and restrict trade competition from England's commercial rivals, especially the Dutch. The acts of the 18th century gradually restricted trade by the American colonies and contributed to growing colonial resentment with the imposition of additional duties on sugar, tobacco, and molasses
navigation bar
A way of arranging a series of hypertext links on a single line of a Web page to provide a set of navigation controls for an HTML document or a set of HTML documents
navigation bar
Horizontal or vertical design element containing buttons or text links to various pages within a web site Go to top of page
navigation bar
In FrontPage, a collection of graphical or textual buttons containing hyperlinks to pages that are part of the same web structure
navigation bar
The bottom window of the call tracking systems which allows you to Report a Call, List Call by , Maintain Call Options, and Default Call list
navigation bar
A group of hyperlinks appearing as buttons or simply as text that guide a user through the navigation of your Web, by pro-viding hyperlinks, internally, to pages in the Web
navigation bar
A display of hyperlinks that allow the user to easily move from one place to another within a website
navigation bar
A graphical or textual page element that incorporates navigation hyperlinks to pages that are part of a FrontPage web’s structure You design the FrontPage web’s structure in the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view See also FrontPage web structure, Navigation View
navigation bar
Group of hyperlinks in a row or column
navigation bar
The area of the Cisco Unity Administrator and of the ActiveAssistant that contains links to categories of data pages
navigation bar
Block of text or graphics which contains links to the rest of the page and / or to the rest of the web site and / or to other websites
navigation bar
(Navbar) - A Navbar is just a kind of "Table of Contents" of a site that stays available so the reader can move easily from place to place
navigation bar
A horizontal or vertical bar containing links to the major sections of an Internet site
navigation bar
A strip on a web page, usually of a single colour, that contains linking elements (text or graphics) to enable navigation through the page or site Netiquette Network conventions expected by users of newsgroups, really just good manners and common sense, like real life Netscape Navigator / Communicator A web browser, although not as popular as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, some people do still use Netscape's browser Network Two or more computers connected together Newsgroup Discussion groups using Usenet nl Netherland's domain name extension no Norway's domain name extension Node A host, a single computer
navigation bar
[ Top of Page ]
navigation bar
(aka: nav-bar): A horizontal or vertical menu arrangements of multiple words, pictographs or buttons, each being a click-on link to some internal or external web page, part of a page or other web site feature Nav-bars typically occupy the left edge or near top or bottom of a page
navigation bar
tool bar of buttons that allows you to move around from page to page on the internet
navigation bar
A feature on a Web page that uses hyperlinks to access other Web pages in the site
navigation bar
The area of the Cisco Unity Administrator and of the Cisco Unity Assistant that contains links to categories of data pages
navigation bar
A graphical or textual page element that incorporates navigation hyperlinks to pages that are part of a FrontPage web's structure You design the FrontPage web's structure in the FrontPage Explorer's Navigation view See also FrontPage web structure, Navigation View
navigation bar
A collection of graphical or textual buttons containing hyperlinks to pages that are part of the same Web structure See also Web structure, Navigation view
navigation bar
In FrontPage, a collection of graphical or textual buttons containing hyperlinks to pages that are part of the same web structure See also web structure, Navigation view
navigation bar
a group of hyperlinks that assists users through a website
navigation bar
A graphical or textual page element that incorporates navigation hyperlinks to pages that are part of a FrontPage webs structure You design the FrontPage webs structure in the FrontPage Explorers Navigation view See also FrontPage web structure, Navigation View
navigation contest
competition in which contestants must navigate through a course as quickly as possible and be the first to reach the finish line
navigation light
light on an airplane that indicates the plane's position and orientation; red light on the left (port) wing tip and green light on the right (starboard) wing tip
navigation march
march between reference points which must be discovered
navigation missile
{i} missile that is guided from far away, remote controlled missile
air navigation
the science and technology of determining the position of an aircraft with respect to the surface of the earth and accurately maintaining a desired course
celestial navigation
Navigation by using the positions of the stars and other heavenly bodies
head of navigation
The farthest point above the mouth of a river that can be navigated by ships. This term can be somewhat subjective on many streams, as this point may vary greatly with the size of the ship being contemplated for navigation. On others it is quite objective, being caused by a waterfall, dam or lock
hyperbolic navigation system
a navigation system that produces hyperbolic lines of position by the measurement of the difference in the time of reception, or the phase, of radio signals from multiple synchronized transmitters at fixed locations
mystery meat navigation
A system of navigation on a website in which the user cannot immediately determine the target of any hyperlink but has to interact with it in some way (such as hovering with the mouse)
satellite navigation system
Any electronic navigation system which uses artificial satellites as radio signal sources and position references
space navigation
The determination of the three-dimensional position and velocity of a spacecraft (relative to a frame of reference)
European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
{i} Eurocontrol, international organization with its headquarters in Brussels (Belgium) that coordinates and plans the implementation of a pan-European Air Traffic Management system
aerial navigation
act of navigating or floating in the air
air navigation
science and technology of piloting an airplane and determining its position
celestial navigation
{i} astronavigation, navigation of a ship or aircraft according to the position of celestial objects; navigation in space between celestial bodies
celestial navigation
navigating according to the positions of the stars
celestial navigation
Navigation of a ship or aircraft based on the positions of celestial bodies. Also called astronavigation
freedom of navigation
liberty to choose one's course
{s} of or pertaining to navigation (planning and directing the course of a naval vessel or aircraft)
Pertaining to navigation
of or relating to navigation; "navigational aids
of or relating to navigation; "navigational aids"
Navigational means relating to the act of navigating a ship or an aircraft. The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids