nachfrage am markt

listen to the pronunciation of nachfrage am markt
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение nachfrage am markt в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

market demand
pazar talebi
market demand
piyasa talebi
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
market demand
Demand for a good by all buyers, including the private sector and the government (p 124)
The total quantities of a good or service people are willing and able to buy at alternative prices in a given time period; the sum of individual demands
The relationship between the total quantity of a good demanded and its price
the total amount of a particular good or service demanded in the economy
Total volume purchased in a specific geographic area by a specific customer group in a specified time period under a specified marketing program
nachfrage am markt