a publication which appears at regular, or periodic, intervals such as daily, monthly or annually The term periodical includes journals, magazines, and newspapers
The generic name for a publication issued on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly) like a magazine, journal or newspaper See Also: Magazine, Journal
The generic name for a publication issued on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly), like a magazine, journal or newspaper See Also: Magazine, Journal
An item which is published on a regular basis, such as journals, magazines, and newspapers
an item such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper, which is published daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, etc
Published at regular intervals of more than one day, especially weekly, monthly, or quarterly
Performed in a period, or regular revolution; proceeding in a series of successive circuits; as, the periodical motion of the planets round the sun
A magazine, journal, newspaper, or annual publication which is published at regular intervals
A publication with a distinctive title, which appears in successive numbers or parts at stated or regular intervals and which is intended to continue indefinitely Usually each issue contains articles written by different contributors Includes journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters sold by subscription or at bookstores and other vendors Example: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Maclean's, Vancouver Sun