These problems are endemic to the theory of thematic roles as currently conceived, because the classification it implies simply does not correspond to legitimate linguistic semantic definitions.
originating where it is found; "the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo"; "autochthonous rocks and people and folktales"; "endemic folkways"; "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan"
Native or confined naturally to a particular and usually very restricted geographic area or region (Little & Jones 1980)
a (Gr endemos, native, belonging to a people) a plant that is native to a particular country or region; not introduced or naturalized
A disease that is present in a human population, or in a animal population that is transmittable to humans, but has a very low morbidity rate
species restricted to a particular geographic area; for aquatic species, usually limited to one or a few small streams, a single drainage, or an ecological section
of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain partsof the world
If you say that a condition or problem is endemic, you mean that it is very common and strong, and cannot be dealt with easily. Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities. powerful radicals with an endemic hatred and fear of the West. an endemic disease or problem is always present in a particular place, or among a particular group of people epidemic, pandemic pandemic (endémique, from endemia )
a plant that is native to a certain limited area; "it is an endemic found only this island" a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species" of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain partsof the world
a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species"
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