
listen to the pronunciation of mixed
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Ona karşı duygularımız karışık. - Our feelings towards him are mixed.

Film karışık eleştiriler aldı. - The movie received mixed reviews.


Tom'un karmaşık duyguları vardı. - Tom had mixed feelings.

Sen karma şirkette söylediklerin konusunda daha dikkatli olmalısın. Ben sadece senin şaka yaptığını biliyorum, ama herkes anlamayacaktır. - You should be more careful about what you say in mixed company. I know you're just joking, but not everyone would understand.

{f} karıştır

Eski püskü bazı şeylerle karıştırdı. - He is mixed up with something shabby.

Onu başka biriyle karıştırdı. - She mixed him up with someone else.

{f} karıştır: adj.karışık
karma karışık
{s} melez

Tamamen Asyalı gibi görünmesine rağmen Takahaşi'nin melez olduğunu duydum. - Although Takahashi looks completely Asian, I've heard he's of mixed blood.

{s} katışık
mixed marriage değişik din ve milletten
{f} karıştır: adj.karma
mixed doubles tenis her iki tarafta birer kadınla birer erkek olarak oynanılan oyun
(Askeri) KARIŞIK: Topçuda; eşit miktarda hem havada hem satıhta paralanan bir grup atımın, yalnız paralanma yüksekliği için uygulanan atım kıymetlendirmesi
çiftler mixed fractiontam sayılı bayağı kesir mixed group karma grup
{s} karışmış

Film karışık eleştiriler aldı. - The film received mixed reviews.

(Muzik) karma koro
{f} karıştırmak

Cümle karıştırmak eğlencelidir. - Sentence mixing is funny.

Bu maddeleri karıştırmak tehlikelidir. - It's dangerous to mix these substances.


Hava, çeşitli gazların bir karışımıdır. - Air is a mixture of various gases.

Hava gazların karışımıdır. - Air is a mixture of gases.

mixed air
karışım havası
mixed air
(Askeri) havada-karışık
mixed bag
(Askeri) karışık çanta
mixed culture
karışık kültür
mixed farming
(Tarım) karışık tarım
mixed fruits
(Gıda) karışık meyve
mixed kebab
(Gıda) karışık kebap
mixed pickles
(Gıda) karışık turşu
mixed refreshments
(Gıda) karışık içecekler
mixed up
kafası karışmış
mixed up
arapsaçı gibi
mixed vegetables
(Gıda) karışık sebzeler
mixed vegetables
(Gıda) karışık sebze
mixed base notation
karışık taban yazımı
mixed blood

Tamamen Asyalı gibi görünmesine rağmen Takahaşi'nin melez olduğunu duydum. - Although Takahashi looks completely Asian, I've heard he's of mixed blood.

mixed blood
karışık kan
mixed chart
karma grafik
mixed committee
karma komite
mixed crystal
karışık kristal
mixed doubles
karışık çiftler
mixed economy
karma ekonomi
mixed fertilizer
karma gübre
mixed forest
karışık orman
mixed juice
karışık usare
mixed language
karma dil
mixed manure
karma gübre
mixed policy
karma sigorta poliçesi
mixed radix
karışık taban
mixed yarn
karışık iplik
mixed ability
karışık yetenek
mixed breed dog
melez köpek
mixed credit
karışık kredi
mixed fraction
karma kesir, karma üleske
mixed martial arts
(Spor) uzak doğu dövüş teknikleri ve güreşten oluşan dövüş teknikleri
mixed media
Teyp, film, fonograf, slayt gibi birçok medya unsurunu kullanan medya sunumu
mixed network
karışık ağ
mixed number
karma kesir
mixed numeral
Tam sayılı kesir
mixed race
Melez ırk
mixed salad
Karışık salata
mixed sync signals
bileşik senkronizasyon sinyalleri
mixed system of concepts
kavramların karma sistem
mixed train
Yolcu ve yük vagonlanndan müteşekkil tren
mixed up in
-e karışmak, -e bulaşmak
mixed use
karma kullanımlı
mixed-base crude oil
karışık baz ham petrol
çoklu tarım
Hem sol hem de sağ elini kullanabilme
karma kullanımlı
mixed agreement
(Kanun) karma anlaşma
mixed air
(Askeri) HAVADA-KARIŞIK: Hem havada, hem satıhta, ancak çoğunluğu havada paralanan atımın, bir belirleyici ya da gözlemci tarafından yapılan belirlemesi ya da gözlemi
mixed aircraft
(Havacılık) yolcu ve yük taşıyan uçak
mixed bag
mixed bag
(deyim) birbirine benzemeyen bir grup insan,esya
mixed bag
(Askeri) KARIŞIK ÇANTA: Deniz mayın harbinde; muhtelif tipte mayınlar, atış sistemleri, tapalar veya fünyeler, tapa ayarlayıcıları ve gemilere karşı kullanılan silahlardan oluşan bir alet topluluğu
mixed blessing
hem iyi hem kötü
mixed branding
(Ticaret) karma markalama sistemi
mixed bunch
(deyim) birbirine benzemeyen bir grup insan,esya
mixed capital
(Ticaret) karma sermaye
mixed capitalism
(Ticaret) karma ekonomi
mixed chart
Karma Çizge
mixed cipher alphabet
(Askeri) KARMA ŞİFRE ALFABESİ: Açık veya şifreli unsurun veya her ikisinin karışık bir sıra teşkil etmeleri suretiyle meydana gelen alfabe
mixed cloud
(Meteoroloji) karışık bulut
mixed cold meats
(Gıda) karışık soğuk etler
mixed colour
(Tekstil) karışım rengi
mixed content
(Bilgisayar) karışık içerik
mixed cost
(Ticaret) karışık masraflar
mixed cow feeds
(Tarım) inek karma yemleri
mixed credits
(Ticaret) bir finansman paketi
mixed crude oil
karma ham petrol
mixed crystal
(Madencilik) karma billur
mixed developing zone
karışık imarlı bölge
mixed document
(Bilgisayar) karışık belge
mixed dominance
çapraz baskınlık
mixed doubles
tenis karışık çiftler
mixed farci
(Gıda) karışık dolma
mixed feeds
(Tarım) karma yemler
mixed feelings
karışık duygular
mixed fertilizer
(Tarım) kompoze gübre
mixed flow fan
karışım havası fanı
mixed force
(Askeri) KARMA KUVVET: Birden çok değişik sınıf ve hizmetleri içine alan askeri kuvvet
mixed force
(Askeri) karma kuvvet
mixed friction
(Otomotiv) karışık sürtünme
mixed fruit juice
karışık meyve suyu
mixed gas
(Askeri) karışım gaz
mixed gas
karışım gazı
mixed gland
(Anatomi) karma bezi
mixed grained
karışık taneli
mixed graze
(Askeri) KARIŞIK-VURUŞ: Hem havada hem satıhta, ancak çoğunluğu satıhta paralanan atımın, bir belirleyici ya da gözlemci tarafından yapılan belirlemesi ya da gözlemi
mixed graze
(Askeri) karışık-vuruş
mixed group
karma grup
mixed in transit
yolda karıştırılmış
mixed insurance
(Ticaret) karma hayat sigortası
mixed inventory
(Ticaret) karışık stok
mixed law
karma hukuk
mixed layer
(Meteoroloji) karışım tabakası
mixed liquid
karışık sıvı
mixed lot
(deyim) birbirine benzemeyen bir grup insan,esya
mixed marriage
başka dinden biri ile evlilik
mixed marriage
değişik dinden/ırktan kişilerin evlenmesi
mixed marriage
yabancı ile evlilik
mixed media filter
karışık ortamlı filtre
mixed medical commission
(Askeri) KARMA SAĞLIK KURULU: Yaralı veya hasta esirleri muayene eden ve üç doktordan teşekkül eden grup. Doktorlardan birisi, esirleri elde tutan memleketten, ikisi tarafsız bir memleketten tayin edilir
mixed minefield
(Askeri) karışık mayın tarlası
mixed minefield
(Askeri) karma mayın alanı
mixed minefield
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) KARIŞIK MAYIN TARLASI (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Hem tank hem de anti personel mayınları bulunan mayın tarlası. Ayrıca bakınız: "minefield (land mine warfare) "
mixed mode
karma veri tipli
mixed mode domain
Karma Kipli Etki Alanı
mixed model
karma model
mixed model designs
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) karma modelli dizaynlar
mixed node
karma dugum
mixed number
(Matematik) karma üleşke
mixed on side
yapıyerinde karıştırma
mixed oxide
(Kimya) karmaoksit
mixed oxide fuel
(Çevre) karma oksit yakıt
mixed pallet
karma palet
mixed pita
(Gıda) karışık pide
mixed population
(Tarım) karma popülasyon
mixed precipitation
(Meteoroloji) karışık yağış
mixed price
(Ticaret) karma fiyat
mixed price
(Ticaret) paçal fiyat
mixed quota
(Ticaret) karma kota
mixed radiation
karma ışınım
mixed reflection
(Aydınlatma) yarı yayınık yansıma
mixed reflection
(Aydınlatma) karışık yansıma
mixed reserve
(Ticaret) çeşitli rezerv
mixed reserve
(Ticaret) muhtelif ihtiyat
mixed salvo
(Askeri) KARIŞIK SIRA ATEŞİ: Bir kısmı hedeften kısa, bir kısmı da hedefin arkasına düşen atım grubu. Karışık sıra ateşi; çatal grubu (bracketing salvo) 'ndan farklıdır. Çatal grubundan; hedefin arkasına düşen atımlar hedeften kısa düşen atımlara eşittir
mixed salvo
(Askeri) karışık sıra ateşi
mixed school
karma okul
mixed seafood
(Gıda) deniz mahsuben
mixed search
(Bilgisayar) karışık arama
mixed session
(Politika, Siyaset) karma oturum
mixed sessions
(Politika, Siyaset) karma oturumlar
mixed sheep feeds
(Çiftçilik,Tarım) koyun karma yemleri
mixed sludge
karışık çamur
mixed source
(Nükleer Bilimler) karışık kaynak
mixed strategy
karma gengüdüm
mixed stuff
karışık kamış
mixed surplus
(Ticaret) karma yedekler
mixed sync signals
bileşik eşleme sinyalleri
mixed team
karma takım
mixed tide
(Askeri) karışık gel-git
mixed train
(Askeri) KARMA TREN: Hem yolcu hem yük vagonlarından mürekkep olarak tertiplenen katar
mixed transmission
(Aydınlatma) yarı yayınık geçme
mixed transmission
(Aydınlatma) karışık geçme
mixed turkish pastry
(Gıda) karışık hamur tatlıları
mixed variance
(Ticaret) muhtelif değişme
mixed vegetables
mixed waste
(Nükleer Bilimler) karışık atık (artık)
mixed waste
(Çevre) karışık atık
mixed çiril
(Gıda) karışık et ızgarası
mixed-layer mineral
karışık-tabakalı mineral
be mixed up in
be mixed up in
(Bilgisayar) kar

Yağ ve suyu karıştıramazsın. - You can't mix oil and water.

Mary bir pasta yapmak için malzemeleri karıştırdı. - Mary mixed the ingredients to make a cake.

(Sinema) bileştirme
(Gıda) katmak karıştırmak
ready mixed concrete
(İnşaat) hazır beton
site mixed
(İnşaat) şantiyede hazırlanan
uyum sağlamak
{f} karıştır

Yağ ve suyu karıştıramazsın. - You can't mix oil and water.

Mary bir pasta yapmak için malzemeleri karıştırdı. - Mary mixed the ingredients to make a cake.

A mixed
bir karış
be mixed up
be mixed up in
-e karışmak, -e bulaşmak
can be mixed
compound, mixed
bileşik, karışık
in disarray, mixed up
dağınıklık kadar karışık
to get mixed up
karışmak için
advocacy of a mixed economy
(Ticaret) karmacılık
all mixed up
allak bullak
all mixed up
all mixed up
karman çorman
be mixed up
zihni karışmak
be mixed up
be mixed up
kafası karışmak
be mixed up with
ile ilişkisi olmak
composite mixed construction
(İnşaat) karma yapım
get mixed
get mixed in
içine karşımak
get mixed up
kafası karışmak
have mixed feelings
(deyim) have (got) mixed feelings about someone (doing) sth. karışık hisleri olmak,olumlu veya olumsuz yönleri görmek
key word mixed alphabet
(Askeri) ANAHTAR KELİME KARIŞTIRILMIŞ ALFABE: Kriptografide; önceden hazırlanmış anahtar kelime veya cümleleri yazmak (tekrar edilmiş harfler varsa bunlar, ilk defa rastlandıktan sonra çıkarılırlar) ; sonra alfabenin kullanılmış harflerini normal sıralarına veya belirli bir yer değiştirme planı ile tespit edilmiş sıraya göre kullanarak sırayı tamamlamak suretiyle meydana getirilen alfabe
{i} karışma

İş ve dostluk karışmaz. - Business and friendship don't mix.

İlaç ve alkol çoğu zaman karışmaz. - Medication and alcohol often don't mix.

{f} karıştırmak, birbirine karıştırmak; karışmak: Oil and water won't mix. Yağ, su ile karışmaz
{i} bileşim
kanşıklık veya şaşkınlık hali
be mixed up zihni karışmak
{f} into -e katmak
{f} katmak
{i} karışıklık

Bir karışıklık olmuş olabilir. - There might've been a mix-up.

{f} uyuşmak
birbirine karıştırmak
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Including both male(s) and female(s)

My son attends a mixed school, my daughter an all-girl grammar school.

Not completely pure, tainted or adulterated

My joy was somewhat mixed when my partner said she was pregnant: it's a lot of responsibility.

Stemming from two or more races or breeds

Mixed blood can surprisingly produce inherited properties which neither parent showed.

Simple past tense and past participle of mix
Having two or more separate aspects

I get a very mixed feeling from this puzzling painting.

{s} blended, combined; intermingled; varied
a mixed blessing: see blessing
Type of tidal current characterized by a conspicuous diunal inequality in the greater and lesser flood strengths and/or greater and lesser ebb strengths See flood current and ebb current
Mixed is used to describe something that involves people from two or more different races. a woman of mixed race She had attended a racially mixed school
involving or composed of different races; "interracial schools"; "a mixed neighborhood"
A mixture of various grades of recyclable waste paper not limited by fiber content and includes most types of clean and dry paper including glossy, white ledger and computer papers, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phone books, cards, laser-printed white ledger, windowed envelopes, sticky notes, and often contains corrugated and brown paper
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruity); "an arrangement of assorted spring flowers"; "assorted sizes"; "miscellaneous accessories"; "a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music"; "a motley crew"; "sundry sciences commonly known as social"- I A Richards
a combination of any of the other forms of muscle involvement
past of mix
A mixed group of people consists of people of many different types. I found a very mixed group of individuals some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common
See Mix, v
Formed by mixing; united; mingled; blended
Not completely pure
Mixed education or accommodation is intended for both males and females. Girls who have always been at a mixed school know how to stand up for themselves
If you have mixed feelings about something or someone, you feel uncertain about them because you can see both good and bad points about them. I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision
Mixed is used to describe something which includes or consists of different things of the same general kind. a small mixed salad a teaspoon of mixed herbs
Includes experimental, artistic or music-based productions Other productions that span multiple categories will be considered in this category
Two or more fertilizer materials blended or granulated together into individual mixes The term includes dry mix powders, granulated, clear liquid, suspension, and slurry mixtures
Including both men and women
caused to combine or unite
VARCHAR2(3) YES indicates part of the transaction committed and part rolled back
(1) (of a partnership) composed of one player of each sex
mixed bag
by extension, a group of entities with few characteristics in common; an assortment
mixed bag
any bag containing a mixture of something

a mixed bag of nuts.

mixed bag
something tending to have both good and bad results or characteristics; something having a mixture of advantages and disadvantages

Owning a car is a mixed bag. It is convenient, but also costly.

mixed blessing
Something that has both good and bad features
mixed declension
In German grammar, the declension pattern for attributive adjectives that follow the indefinite article ein, kein and possessive determiners such as mein and dein
mixed doubles
A game played between two teams, each consisting of a female and a male
mixed drink
An alcoholic drink made from one or more kinds of liquor mixed with other ingredients

I like gin and tonic as a mixed drink, but I really prefer beer.

mixed fruit
a mixture of sultanas, raisins, cherries, etc; used as a cooking ingredient or eaten as a snack
mixed grill
A meal consisting of a number of grilled meats
mixed inhibition
When components of different inhibition types (competitive, non-competitive, uncompetitive) occur at the same time
mixed initiative
A computer-human interaction in which either the computer or the human can take initiative and decide what to do next
mixed language
A language formed by combining two languages, keeping elements of the grammar of both
mixed languages
plural form of mixed language
mixed marriage
marriage between people having different race, culture or religion
mixed marriage
A king and a queen of different suits as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em (see marriage (poker slang))
mixed marriages
plural form of mixed marriage
mixed martial arts
A style of combat sport allowing a wide range of combat techniques such as striking and grappling
mixed message
Any communication that is contradictory, inconsistent, or unclear, especially in its motive or intent

Don't you think it's sending a mixed message for the magazine to put Lose Five Pounds in A Month right next to Ten Easy Desserts?.

mixed metaphor
An overreaching or even contradictory combination of two distinct metaphors, similes or idioms
mixed metaphors
plural form of mixed metaphor
mixed mutation
A type of pronunciation change required when speaking certain Celtic languages
mixed nuts
A mixture of shelled nuts of various types

US standard of identity A mixture of: shelled peanuts (optional); at least four types of shelled tree nuts (or at least three, if the container for sale contains less than two ounces and is transparent), each in a proportion of at least two percent; and, optionally, other functional ingredients. No one type of nuts may comprise more than eighty percent of the mixture.

mixed oxide
Any mixture of the oxides of more than one metal, but especially the blend of plutonium and uranium oxides that is used (as MOX fuel) in nuclear reactors
mixed reaction
The state of diverse reception, when there are many who praise something while there are also many who dislike it

My favorite computer game was met with mixed reactions.

mixed reactions
plural form of mixed reaction
mixed signal
An unclear message, often contradicting a situation
mixed up
Simple past tense and past participle of mix up
mixed-interval chord
A chord that does not have one consistent interval
Having genetic characteristics of two or more different races
Confused, muddled or bewildered
Mixed together in an uncertain manner
mixed martial arts
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport in which a wide variety of fighting techniques are used, including striking and grappling
mixed media
Mixed media, in visual art, refers to an artwork in the making of which more than one medium has been employed
Mixed-handedness, also known as cross-dominance is a motor skill manifestation where a person favors one hand for some tasks and the other hand for others, while not necessarily being ambidextrous (two-handed), such as someone that writes with a left hand and grabs with the right
mixed ability
A mixed ability class or teaching system is one in which pupils are taught together in the same class, even though their abilities are different. a mixed ability school or class teaches all children of the same age together, even if they have different levels of ability
mixed bag
If you describe a situation or a group of things or people as a mixed bag, you mean that it contains some good items, features, or people and some bad ones. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag. A collection of dissimilar things; an assortment
mixed bathing
showering or taking a bath together
mixed blessing
positive occurrence in which there are also negative elements
mixed bud
a bud yielding both leaves and flowers
mixed company
company in which a country has voting power in its general assembly or the right to appoint some of its directors
mixed doubles
In some sports, such as tennis and badminton, mixed doubles is a match in which a man and a woman play as partners against another man and woman. A game of doubles, as in tennis, that is played with each team composed of one man and one woman. a game in a sport such as tennis in which a man and a woman play against another man and woman
mixed drink
made of two or more ingredients
mixed drink
A drink made of one or more kinds of liquor combined with other ingredients, usually shaken or stirred before serving
mixed economy
the who, what, and how questions are answered through a mixture of traditional, command, and market economies
mixed economy
- an economy that combines elements of the traditional, market, and command economic models
mixed economy
one with both private and public sectors
mixed economy
economy which has government intervention, mixture of capitalism and socialism
mixed economy
an economic system that combines private and state enterprises
mixed economy
a mixed economy is one with some public influence over the workings of free markets There may also be some public ownership mixed in with private property
mixed economy
an economy that allocates resources through a mixture of public (governmental) and private decision making
mixed economy
an economy that allocates resources through a mixture of public (governmental)and private decision making
mixed economy
A capitalist economy in which private enterprise and competitive markets have been altered by government intervention and monopoly
mixed economy
Genus: Economy Differentia: Part free market and part socialist Link: Article
mixed economy
A mixed economy is an economic system in which some companies are owned by the state and some are not. An economic system that allows for the simultaneous operation of publicly and privately owned enterprises. an economic system in which some industries are owned by the government and some are owned by private companies
mixed economy
An economy that uses both market signals and government directives to allocate goods and resources
mixed economy
An economy in which ownership of some key elements in the financial and industrial sectors resides in the state and other key elements are in private hands
mixed economy
a market economy in which the government plays a very large role (chapter 1)
mixed economy
An economic system that combines elements of a market economy (capitalism) with elements of a command economy (socialism)
mixed education
educational system in which boys and girls study together
mixed farm
farm in which all types of agriculture are found
mixed farming
growing crops and feed and livestock all on the same farm
mixed farming
The use of a single farm for multiple purposes, as the growing of cash crops or the raising of livestock. a system of farming in which you grow crops and keep animals
mixed feelings
different conflicting feelings, lack of certainty
mixed grill
A dish consisting of a variety of broiled meats and vegetables. a dish consisting of meats such as sausage, bacon, liver etc which have all been grilled
mixed grill
food made from a mixture of different types of meat and vegetables
mixed marriage
marriage of two people from different races or different religions or different cultures; "the families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove
mixed marriage
marriage in which the husband and wife are of different religions or races
mixed marriage
A mixed marriage is a marriage between two people who are not of the same race or religion. Marriage between persons of different races or religions. a marriage between two people from different races or religions
mixed media
the art technique where the artist employs two or more media such as painting, charcoal, collage, etc and combines them in a single work
mixed media
Generally, when an artist has used more than one medium in creating the work As an example, a lithograph with etching would be considered a mixed media
mixed media
A work of art for which more than one type of art material is used to create the finished piece
mixed media
a combination of substances or materials that are used in a painting, sculpture etc
mixed media
The combination of two or more media in a single work
mixed media
A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media such as ink and pastel or painting and collage The various media are combined to create one composition
mixed media
An artwork combing two or more artistic media - for example, scratchboard and paint, pencil and watercolor - bronze and wood
mixed media
The use of different materials in the same work
mixed media
Any art work which uses more than one medium
mixed media
In printmaking, a non-specific term for the combination of two or more mediums in the production of a print top
mixed media
The combination of two or more different mediums in a single work of art
mixed media
(DoDD 5040 2) A combination of one or more VI media and one or more non-VI media, such as a film strip and accompanying printed material Top
mixed media
a A 20th century art form in which different types of physical materials are combined together b An art which represents a combination of various media into one production akin to modern day multimedia
mixed metaphor
a combination of two or more metaphors that together produce a ridiculous effect
mixed metaphor
A succession of incongruous metaphors, as in The negotiator played his cards to the hilt
mixed neighborhood
neighborhood inhabited by different races or religions
mixed nerve
A nerve that contains both sensory and motor fibers
mixed nuisance
a nuisance that is both a public nuisance and a private nuisance at the same time
mixed number
A number that is expressed as the sum of a whole number and a fraction For example
mixed number
A number, such as 7 , consisting of an integer and a fraction or decimal
mixed number
A mixed number is a number which consists of a whole number and a proper fraction Examples: 3 2 7 , 1 4 11 , 2 1 2 are mixed numbers (See also fraction )
mixed number
When an expression consists of a whole number and a proper fraction, we call it a mixed number Here are some examples of mixed numbers
mixed number
A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction Here are a few mixed numbers: 1 1/2 1 1/3 2 1/2 2 2/5 1 4/5 You can convert a mixed number to an improper fraction by finding the number of unit fractions in the whole number and then adding the fractional part of the whole number This sounds hard, but it really isn't For example, in the first example the 1 changes to 2/2 because there are 2 halves in a whole In the fourth example, the 2 becomes 10/5 because there are 5 fifths in a whole Get it? Once you have done this, then you just add the fraction to it So, each of our examples above becomes: 3/2 4/3 5/2 12/5 9/5 Now here's a problem for you: Convert 3 1/3 to an improper fraction For some practice with improper fractions and mixed numbers see the mixed number notes
mixed number
whole number and fraction written together -- " it is often easier to work with improper fractions than with mixed numbers " (142)
mixed number
a whole number and a fraction Example: 5 1/2
mixed number
number which contains both an integer and a fraction
mixed nuts
mixture of different types of nuts
mixed paper
Scrap paper of various grades, weights and colors To be recyclable, limits must usually be placed on the inclusion of some types of paper
mixed paper
Recovered paper not sorted into categories such as old magazines, old newspapers, old corrugated boxes, etc
mixed paper
A mixture of various grades of recyclable waste paper not limited by fiber content; includes most types of clean and dry paper including glossy, white ledger and computer papers, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, phonebooks, cards, laser-printed white ledger, windowed envelopes, sticky notes and often contains corrugated boxes
mixed paper
The commingling of various paper grades, such as old mail, paperboard packaging, magazines, copy and computer paper, egg cartons, etc for recycling
mixed paper
an extremely broad mixture of papers, with few unacceptable grades Includes virtually all types of paper generated in offices, and a large percentage of papers generated in homes Unacceptable paper types typically include plastic-coated papers such as frozen food packages and paper towels/tissue
mixed population
population composed of different religious or racial groups
mixed school
school in which boys and girls learn together
mixed settlement
settlement in which people of different religions or cultures live together
mixed things up
confused the order of events, caused disorganization, mixed unlike things together
mixed up
confused; involved in, connected with
mixed up
To be mixed up in something bad, or with someone you disapprove of, means to be involved in it or with them. Why did I ever get mixed up with you?
mixed up
If you are mixed up, you are confused, often because of emotional or social problems. I think he's a rather mixed up kid
mixed weave
fabric made from two or more types of fabric (eg. wool and cotton)
a person whose ancestors belonged to two or more races
mixed-mode manufacturing
(Ticaret) An environment that uses a combination of discrete, repetitive or process manufacturing instead of only one type. A company may produce major lower level subassemblies in high volumes using repetitive, schedule-based techniques while using a discrete production order-based method to conduct final assembly operations for specific customer orders
mixed-model production
(Ticaret) A scheduling technique that uses the goal of making every product every day and only when required by demand, as opposed to large runs of individual items that will stay in stock for a period of time. It normally requires operating flexibility, short lead times and small lot sizes
Space within a building or project providing for more than one use (i e , a loft or apartment project with retail, an apartment building with office space, an office building with retail space)
In land-use and transit planning, generally refers to different compatible land uses located within a single structure or in close proximity to each other
Space within a building or project provided for more than one use (e g , an apartment building with office space, a hotel with office space, or a retail establishment with apartments)
The result of mixing several tracks

The rhythm mix sounds muddy.

Use a mixer (machine) on

Mix the egg whites until they are stiff.

To produce a finished version of a recording

I'm almost done mixing this song.

northern mixed
An event format where teams must have at least one person of the opposite sex on the team
true mixed
An event format where the teams must have two men and two women, played in alternating positions
{v} to mingle, make, form, join, unite
being mixed
being blended together; open to both men and women; being racially integrated
get one's facts mixed up
get confused with the details
mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"
To combine two or more ingredients, using and method that brings about desired results
to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance"
The result of combining items normally kept separate
As a noun, a signal that contains one or more other signals -- typically a mix is a pair of stereo signals that contains numerous mono and stereo signals, along with effects, combined together As a verb, the act of creating such a combined signal, or of using a mixer in general
to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance
To cause a promiscuous interpenetration of the parts of, as of two or more substances with each other, or of one substance with others; to unite or blend into one mass or compound, as by stirring together; to mingle; to blend; as, to mix flour and salt; to mix wines
When a record producer mixes a piece of music, he or she puts together the various sounds that have been recorded in order to make the finished record. They've been mixing tracks for a new album due out later this year. + mixing mix·ing Final mixing should be completed by the end of this week
To combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate
The result of mixing two or more substances; a mixture
the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio" an event that combines things in a mixture; "a gradual mixture of cultures" a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink" as of electronic signals; "mixing sounds" to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and dance
add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink"
To combine the various sound tracks-dialogue, music, sound effects into a single track
If two substances mix or if you mix one substance with another, you stir or shake them together, or combine them in some other way, so that they become a single substance. Oil and water don't mix It mixes easily with cold or hot water to make a tasty, filling drink A quick stir will mix them thoroughly Mix the cinnamon with the rest of the sugar Mix the ingredients together slowly. + mixing mix·ing This final part of the mixing is done slowly and delicately
To stir two or more substances together
Combine ingredients evenly using any method
mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"
If you mix something, you prepare it by mixing other things together. He had spent several hours mixing cement Are you sure I can't mix you a drink?
The combination of many sound elements -- dialogue, music, and sound effects into one cohesive and balanced soundtrack Also called a "dub "
open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups; "This school is completely desegregated"
to have two or more different kinds -- " problems that mix the four operations " (44)
Each game with four participants that isn't a *ladies' doubles or a *men's doubles Is usually preceded by the invitation: 'Wanna mix?'
To become united into a compound; to be blended promiscuously together
The finished version of a recording
1) To blend audio signals together into a composite signal 2) The signal made by blending individual signals together 3) A control or function on a delay effects/reverberation device which controls the amount of direct signal that will be mixed into the processed signal
To combine ingredients together
When you mix together you are usually combining dry ingredients (sugar and flour), creamy ingredients (butter with sugar) or liquid ingredients (milk and extract) together The goal is too stir everything together so that the ingredients are evenly distributed and there are no clumps or lumps Use a wooden spoon for this
From any Line of 4 or other applicable formations Centers Cross Run; (new) Centers Trade A Line of 4 ends in a Line of 4
{i} mixture, blend; act of mixing; aggregate; mergence; pre-blended ingredients to which usually only a liquid must be added to acquire the desired result (bread, cake, etc.)
To thoroughly combine ingredients until evenly distributed
To perform Mixing and also the name for the end product i e "This mix I like, but the mix we did late last night was really kicking!" Back
as of electronic signals; "mixing sounds"
To form by mingling; to produce by the stirring together of ingredients; to compound of different parts
The combining of different sounds onto the final sound track
Often used to describe the amount of volume between one source and another Often used to describe mixing two oscillator volumes Also used to describe mixing two samples
The combined choice of media to be used in a campaign
to mix your metaphors: see metaphor see also mixed, cake mix
A mix of different things or people is two or more of them together. The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality We get a very representative mix of people
a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients add as an additional element or part; "mix water into the drink"
If you mix with other people, you meet them and talk to them. You can also say that people mix. I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people People are supposed to mix, do you understand? When you came away you made a definite effort to mix. = socialize
a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients
A mix is a powder containing all the substances that you need in order to make something such as a cake or a sauce. When you want to use it, you add liquid. For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix
Mixture of several materials resulting from hydrodynamic instabilities such as Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor, or Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities
To combine several tracks
combining of separately recorded sounds into a single sound track
To unite with in company; to join; to associate
To blend ingredients
If two things or activities do not mix or if one thing does not mix with another, it is not a good idea to have them or do them together, because the result would be unpleasant or dangerous. Politics and sport don't mix. some of these pills that don't mix with drink Ted managed to mix business with pleasure The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics
Butane propane mixture
an event that combines things in a mixture; "a gradual mixture of cultures"
a combination of two or more gases in % different than air, either Nitrox, Heliox, Trimix or other mixture
To associate; to mingle
In SFX Machine, mix modulation (or mixing) is simply a way of routing the output amplitude of one module into the input of another A module's source signal is mixed (averaged) together with any incoming mix signals, then modulated by any incoming amplitude or ring modulations, before entering the specified process
A cryptographic protocol for messaging, in which analysis of who is talking to whom (traffic analysis) by Eve is prevented by the Russian-doll encryption of the message by the sender with the public keys of each mix operator in the chain, and the mixing of messages by each operator, so that panoptic wiretapper Eve loses track of the messages Only 1 out of N of the operators needs to be trusted with the traffic information, although Eve can sometimes gather statistics over large numbers of messages to eventually guess who is talking to whom The communicating parties can also be mutually anonymous, and with normal encryption need trust no other parties with the content of messages Confidential messsaging is necessary for the some of the privity features of Chaumian credentials and bearer securities to be strongly implemented on an actual network Another confidential messaging system is the "Dining Cryptographers" net, also invented by Chaum
{f} blend substances together; combine elements or activities that are not usually combinable; intermingle; dilute; merge; be blended; associate, socialize; producing music by combining separate tracks of recorded music (Music)
with mixed emotions
with hesitation, without being sure, happiness that is blended with sadness