The student was threatened with a £2000 fine and banned from using the university's computing resources for two weeks due to gross misconduct on Wikipedia.
Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the academic community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research Instances of honest error and honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data are not considered misconduct
Improper conduct undertaken (1) with the knowledge the conduct violates a standard, or willful disregard for that possibility; (2) with the intention to harm another; or (3) for the purpose of personal profit, advantage, or gain
Misconduct is bad or unacceptable behaviour, especially by a professional person. Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct. bad or dishonest behaviour by someone in a position of authority or trust
negative reactions to combat stress which range from minor breaches of unit orders to serious violations of UCMJ and the Law of Land Warfare Most likely to occur in poorly trained, undisciplined soldiers
Offenses such as rough or dangerous play, intentional offenses, time-wasting or any bad behaviour In addition to any penalty, umpires may issue warnings (Green Card) or suspension (Yellow or Red Card) for misconduct
Ten minute penalty usually called against a player who becomes excessively abusive in language The team may use a substitute for the penalized player Referee Signal: Pulling hands in and out from hips
A discharge from employment where the individual has been released due to a disregard for the employer's reasonable policies or standards A finding of misconduct is disqualifying
Offenses that include intentional violations, time-wasting, rough or dangerous play, or any bad behavior Green, yellow, or red cards may be issued for misconduct