The lesser world, man, which in the Middle Ages was believed to correspond in every respect with the greater world, called the macrocosm This correspondence was used to explain many magical effects Midsummer - The summer solstice, usually on or near June 21st, one of the Wiccan festivals and an excellent night for magick Midsummer marks the point of the year when the Sun is symbolically at the height of its powers, and so too the God The longest day of the year ~ Wicca : A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham Mighty Ones, The - Beings, deities or presences often invoked during Wiccan ceremony to witness or guard the rituals The Mighty Ones are thought to be either spiritually evolved beings, once human, or spiritual entities created by or charged by the Goddess and God to protect Earth and to watch over the four directions They are sometimes linked with the Elements ~ Wicca : A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham
A microcosm is a small society, place, or activity which has all the typical features of a much larger one and so seems like a smaller version of it. Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s. a small group, society, or place that has the same qualities as a much larger one macrocosm microcosm of (microcosmus, from mikros kosmos )
A laboratory model of a natural Ecosystem in which certain environmental variables can be manipulated to observe the response The model test results are not always applicable to an actual ecosystem because the microcosm is, of necessity, a simplified collection of selected physical, chemical, and biological ecosystem components ADVANCE \x 540