
listen to the pronunciation of master's
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
master's degree
bilim uzmanlığı
master's degree
(Eğitim) Lisans üstü derecesi
master's degree
Yüksek lisans derecesi
master's degree
master derecesi
{i} sahip

Köpeklerin efendileri var. Kediler kadroya sahip. - Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.

Kötü bir öğretmene sahip olmak sizi rahatsız ediyor olmalı. Ben de aptalım. Öyleyse, tamam. - It must bother you to have taken a bad master. I'm stupid too. So, it's all right.

{i} öğretmen

Öğretmen konuyu öğrenmen gerektiğini söyledi. - The teacher said that you need to master the subject.

1696'da Newton darphane müdürü oldu. 1699'da darphane öğretmeni oldu. - Newton became Warden of the Royal Mint in 1696. He became Master of the Royal Mint in 1699.

{f} hakim olmak

İngilizceye hakim olmak zordur. - Mastering English is difficult.

İngilizceye hakim olmak zordur. - To master English is hard.

(Askeri) gemi süvarisi
(Denizbilim) süvari
{i} hoca
{i} üstat

Üstat, Atinalıları hatırla. - Master, remember the Athenians.

{i} üstâd

O, hukuk alanında üstad derecesi aldı. - He got a master's degree in law.

Birkaç Zen üstadıyla birlikte yaşadım, hepsi de kediydi. - I have lived with several Zen masters, all of them cats.

master sergeant
denetimi altına almak
başa çıkmak
baş eğdirmek
(Ticaret) becerisini ilerletmiş kimse
tam öğrenmek

İsveççeyi tam öğrenmek istiyorum. - I want to master Swedish.


Yabancı bir dilde uzmanlaşmak yıllar alır. - It takes years to master a foreign language.

2 ya da 3 yılda Fransızcada uzmanlaşmak oldukça zordur. - It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.

(Ticaret) gemi kaptanı
(Ticaret) yüksek lisans sahibi
iyi bilmek
master budget
(Askeri) ana plan
master copy
master copy
master depot
(Askeri) ana depo
master layout
(Bilgisayar) asıl düzeni
master menu
(Bilgisayar) ana menü
master of his domain
işinin ehli
master page
(Bilgisayar) ana sayfa
master shot
geniş plan
master slave
(Bilgisayar) ağa köle
master volume
(Bilgisayar) ana ses
master çopy
(Ticaret) asıl kopya
Master of Arts
lisansüstü öğrenim görmüş bilimyurdu mezunu
denetim altına almak

Onlar Avrupa sanatının başyapıtlarıdırlar. - They are masterpieces of European art.

Onun başyapıtı henüz görünmedi. - His masterpiece has not appeared yet.

master derecesi

Üç yıl önce bir master derecesi aldı. - She got a master's degree three years ago.

Master derecesini üç yıl önce aldı. - She got her master's degree three years ago.


Düşünce alanında, saçmalık ve sapkınlık dünyanın ustaları olarak kalır, ve onların hakimiyeti ancak kısa süreler için askıya alınır. - In the sphere of thought, absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world, and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.

Para iyi bir hizmetkar, ancak kötü bir ustadır. - Money is a good servant, but a bad master.

(erkek) öğretmen

O, efendisine iyi hizmet etti. - He served his master well.

Her insan kendi evinin efendisidir. - Every man is master in his own house.


1696'da Newton darphane müdürü oldu. 1699'da darphane öğretmeni oldu. - Newton became Warden of the Royal Mint in 1696. He became Master of the Royal Mint in 1699.

kodak reisi
yüksek lisans

Makine mühendisliğinde yüksek lisans derecem var. - I have a master's degree in mechanical engineering.

Matematikte yüksek lisans derecem var. - I have a master's degree in mathematics.

en önemli
egemen olmak
master borer
lağımcı ustası
master builder
yapı ustası
master builder
master clock
ana saat
master computer
ana bilgisayar
master connecting rod
ana bağlantı çubuğu
master console
ana konsol
master control desk
ana kumanda masası
master control program
ana denetim bağdarlaması
master control program
ana denetim programı
master control room
ana kumanda odası
master control routine
ana denetim programı
master controller
ana denetici
master copy
orijinal kopya
master copy
ana kuşak
master copy
esas kopya
master cylinder
ana silindir
master data
ana veri
master file
ana dosya
master file
ana kütük
master gain control
ana kazanç kontrolü
master instruction tape
ana komut bandı
master key
master library tape
ana kitaplık bandı
master mariner
gemi kaptanı
master monitor
ana monitör
master of ceremonies
protokol şefi
master of science
master derecesi
master operating station
ana işletim istasyonu
master oscillator
ana osilatör
master picture monitor
ana resim monitörü
master plan
ana plan

Bizim bir ana planımız vardı. - We had a master plan.

master processor
ana işlemci
master program file
ana program dosyası
master record
ana kayıt
master register
ana kütük
master relay
ana röle
master routine
ana yordam
master shot
büyük plan
master slave system
uydu bilgisayar sistemi
master station
ana istasyon
master stream
ana ırmak
master stroke
ustalıklı iş
master switch
ana şalter
master tape
ana bant
master tempering curve
temel menevişleme eğrisi
master unit
ana birim
master/slave system
efendi/köle sistemi
Master of Research
Araştırma bazlı yüksek lisans programı
iyice öğren(mek)
master bedroom
Birden çok yatak odası olan evlerde ana yatak odası
master craftsman
İşinin erbabı usta
master mind
master zihin
master negative film
master negatif film
master of business administration
işletme master
master of ceremonies
karşılayan görevli
master of education
Eğitimin ana
master of martial arts
dövüş ustası
master of science
Fen bilimlerinde master derecesi, yüksek lisans
master password
efendi parola
master pick set
Maymuncuk seti
master production schedule
Ana üretim çizelgesi
master production scheduling
ana üretim çizelgeleme
master program
master programı
master race
üstün ırk
master sergeant
ASTSUBAY BAŞÇAVUŞ: ABD Kara Ordusunda; yedinci derece bir astsubay. Bu astsubay; rütbece astsubay üstçavuşun üstüdür. Bu terimi; yapılan vazifeye göre geçici bir unvan olarak kullanılan (first sergeant) ve (sergeant major) terimleri ile karıştırmamak lazımdır
master sergeant
ASTSUBAY BAŞÇAVUŞ: ABD Kara Ordusunda; yedinci derece bir astsubay. Bu astsubay; rütbece astsubay üstçavuşun üstüdür. Bu terimi; yapılan vazifeye göre geçici bir unvan olarak kullanılan (first sergeant) ve (sergeant major) terimleri ile karıştırmamak lazımdır
master shot
geniş plan, büyük plan, uzak çekim, genel çekim
master thesis
Yüksek lisans tezi
(Göstergebilim) Başat gösteren

The master signifier is a part of Lacan's symbolic order: the order of Law and language.

Marine component commander; maritime component commander; master control center;
(Askeri) Deniz unsur komutanı; deniz unsur komutanı; ana kontrol merkezi; askeri işbirliği komitesi; askeri koordinasyon komitesi; görev kontrol merkezi; seferberlik kontrol merkezi; intikal kontrol merkezi
Master of Arts
hümaniter bilimlerde master derecesi/yüksek lisans
Master of Science
fen bilimlerinde master derecesi/yüksek lisans
ana metin
{s} esas
{f} yenmek, üstesinden gelmek
{i} kalıp
master stroke çok ustalıklı
ana,v.iyice öğren: n.hakim
{i} kopya edilecek şey
master key aynı cinsten bir takım kilitleri açan anahtar
{f} öğrenmek

İngilizceyi öğrenmek zordur. - It's hard to master English.

Benim deneyimlerime göre, Fransızca dil bilgisini öğrenmek bir yıl alır. - According to my experience, it takes one year to master French grammar.

(Askeri) GEMİ SÜVARİSİ, KAPTAN: Bir ticaret, ordu nakliye ve mayın gemisinin kaptanı. Gemi süvarisi; geminin seyrinden, mürettebatın idaresinden ve yolcu, mürettebat ve yükün selametinden sorumludur. Ayrıca bakınız: "first officer"
(sıfat) baş, ana, esas, asıl
Ana Kayıt
master air attack plan
(Askeri) ana hava taarruz planı
master at arms
(Askeri) GEMİ POLİS ASTSUBAYI: Gemilerde düzen ve disiplini muhafaza eden ve mahpuslara nezaret etmekle görevli olan deniz astsubayı
master bass
(Bilgisayar) ana bas
master budget
master builder
master builder
master bushing
(İnşaat) ana burç
master caution signal
(Askeri) DİKKAT İKAZ İŞARETİ: Çeşitli ikaz işaretlerinin herhangi birinin verilmekte olduğunu göstermek için kullanılan işaret. Ayrıca bakınız: "caution signal"
master class
(Askeri) usta bombardımancı sınıfı
master class
(Askeri) USTA BOMBARDIMANCI SINIFI: Bir bombardımancının ustalık derecesi. Ayrıca bak. "bombardier" ve "distinguished class bombardier"
master class diver badge
(Askeri) USTA DALGIÇ BRÖVESİ: Bak. "diver badge"
master curve
ana eğri
master depot
(Askeri) ANA DEPO: Bütün bir harekat alanı veya bunun büyük bir bölgesi için kendisine tahsis edilmiş her sınıf ve tipten ikmal maddelerinin hesabını tutmak ve dağıtımını kontrol etmek sorumluluğu verilmiş bir üs deposu. Ana depo, belirli maddeler için harekat alanı stok kontrol noktası durumundadır
master directory tree
Ana Dizin Ağacı
master diver
master document
asıl belge
master film
(Askeri) esas film
master group multiplexer
(Askeri) ana grup çoklayıcısı
master gunner
(Askeri) harekat astsubayı
master input
(Bilgisayar) asıl giriş
master key
{i} bütün kilitleri açan anahtar
master key
{i} ana anahtar

Lütfen ana anahtarı getir. - Please bring the master key.

master mason
(İnşaat) duvarcı ustabaşı
master menu
(Askeri) ESAS YEMEK LİSTESİ: Garnizon yemek listesi heyetinin (station menu board) çalışmasına esas teşkil eden ve kıtalara "A" sahra rasyonu verildiği zaman, aylık olarak, her gün her öğün yemekte bulunacak gıda maddelerini gösteren yemek listesi. Bu liste; 10-260 sayılı Kara Kuvvetleri ikmal bülteni halinde, aylık olarak planlanır ve yayınlanır
master mute
(Bilgisayar) ana sessiz
master navigation plan
(Askeri) ana seyrüsefer planı
master of ceremonies
protokol görevlisi, teşrifatçı
master of ceremonies
sunucu, takdimci
master of his own destiny
kendi gemisinin kaptanı
master out
(Bilgisayar) ana çıkış
master policy
(Ticaret) grup poliçesi
master scenario events list
(Askeri) ana senaryo faaliyetler listesi
master service sight
(Askeri) AYAR NİŞANGAHI: Diğer nişangahlardaki hataları tespit için kullanılan nişangah
master sets
(Bilgisayar) ana gruplar
master station log; mean sea level
(Askeri) ana merkez kayıt defteri; deniz seviyesine göre yükseklik
master switch
elek. ana anahtar
master tap
ana vida kılavuzu
master timing generator
(Askeri) ana zamanlama üreteci
master touch
yerinde söz
master view
(Bilgisayar) ana görünüm
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) efendi-köle (hegel)
master: body
(Bilgisayar) asıl: gövde
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение master's в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

bakınız yüksek lisans
(Hukuk) Usta; doktora öncesi yüksek lisans düzeyini bitirenlere verilen titr
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A master's degree
master's degree
A postgraduate degree which aims to assist students in developing a mastery for a particular academic field or profession
master's degrees
plural form of master's degree
master's theses
plural form of master's thesis
master's thesis
A thesis submitted for a master's degree
master's degree
A master's degree is a postgraduate academic degree awarded after the completion of a program of one to four years in duration
master's class
class taught by a famous master
master's degree
A master's degree is a university degree such as an MA or an MSc which is of a higher level than a first degree and usually takes one or two years to complete. An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree. a university degree such as an MA, M.Sc., or M.S., that you can get by studying for one or two years after your first degree
master's degree
an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's
master's degree
second degree, graduate degree, qualified university degree, M.A
A person holding a master's degree, as a title
A religious teacher, often as an honorific title
The owner of a slave, in some literature
Prefix to a boy's name

I'm terribly sorry, Master Luke, apologized the droid.

A master's degree
Master Cube
Rubik's Revenge
Master Cubes
plural form of Master Cube
Master of Arts
A person holding such a degree
Master of Arts
A postgraduate degree usually in a non-science subject
Master of Science
A degree that usually requires 2-3 years beyond a Bachelor of Science and emphasizes science and scientific applications. The degree is less advanced than a Doctorate degree
Master of the Universe
a media franchise created by the American toy manufacturer Mattel in 1982

Most major companies have stampeded to produce a line of so-called male action figures like Mattel's Masters of the Universe.

Master of the Universe
highly successful business person

The man who once boasted he was master of the universe for making Vivendi a global media giant arrived in less triumphant fashion on Wednesday – through the back door of a Paris court.

Master of the Universe

To God, the Supreme Master of the universe, our Creator, the All Holy, All Good, we owe honour, service, obedience, and love.

Master of the Universe
a powerful person

They felt themselves lords and masters of the universe, with power over life and death.

Someone who has control over something or someone
A parajudicial officer (such as a referee, an auditor, an examiner, or an assessor) specially appointed to help a court with its proceedings

The case was tried by a master, who concluded that the plaintiffs were the equitable owners of the property.

The captain of a merchant ship; a master mariner
The original of a document or of a recording

The band couldn't find the master, so they re-recorded their tracks.

The primary wide shot of a scene, into which the closeups will be edited later
to control

Then Elzevir cried out angrily, 'Silence. Are you mad, or has the liquor mastered you? Are you Revenue-men that you dare shout and roister? or contrabandiers with the lugger in the offing, and your life in your hand. You make noise enough to wake folk in Moonfleet from their beds.'.

A courtesy title of a man or a boy; mister. See Master
highly skilled
A skilled artist
A master's degree; a type of postgraduate degree, usually undertaken after a bachelor degree

She has a master in psychology.

A person holding such a degree

He is a master of marine biology.

A tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices
Someone who employs others
main, principal or predominant
Owner of an animal or slave

A good master should take good care of his pets.

to be a master
to learn to a high degree of proficiency
An expert at something

Mark Twain was a master of fiction.

master bedroom
A room in a house, in which the head of the house sleeps
master bedrooms
plural form of master bedroom
master chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above senior chief petty officer
master chief petty officers
plural form of master chief petty officer
master class
A class, typically in a performing art such as music or drama, in which a teacher listens to and critiques the performance of individual students, one at a time, while the other students look on
master data
Reference data
master data management
A set of processes and tools which centrally and persistently define the non-transactional entities of an organization, with the objective to collect from, and supply to various processes, unique instances of each entity
master gland
The pituitary gland
master glands
plural form of master gland
master key
A key designed to open a set of several locks; a passkey
master keys
plural form of master key
master mariner
A seaman who has qualified to be a captain of a merchant ship

Certificate of Competency for Master Mariner, Class 1.

master mariners
plural form of master mariner
master of ceremonies
someone who acts as a host at a formal event
master of ceremonies
A rapper
master of ceremonies
who conducts a programme of varied entertainment by introducing performers to the audience
master plan
A small-scale graphic outline that shows all the major elements of a project
master plan
A comprehensive document that sets out an overall strategy
master race
Any race of people who consider themselves to be superior to others; especially when applied to Nazi ideology
master seaman
A non-commissioned officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above leading seaman and below petty officer second class
master seamen
plural form of master seaman
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Air Force, ranking above technical sergeant and below senior master sergeant
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, ranking above gunnery sergeant and below master gunnery sergeant or sergeant major
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major; equal in grade and pay to a first sergeant
master sergeants
plural form of master sergeant
master spirit
The leading entity; the most important person, the controlling figure

The editor could have been William Davis, a man with the same Teutonic origins as Werner von Braun, although not as funny. Either way, Coren was the master spirit.

master status
A social status that is the primary socially identifying characteristic of an individual, such as being the queen
master tradesman
A skilled and experienced tradesman, especially one who has submitted a masterpiece to his guild
A petty officer responsible for law enforcement, antiterrorism, force protection, and expeditionary warfare
A warrant officer or chief petty officer responsible for discipline aboard a naval ship

Then he was telling us the master at arms comes along with a long cane and he draws out and he flogs the bloody backside off of the poor lad till he yells meila murder.

A commissioned officer responsible for overseeing all fitness training in subordinate units
{v} to conquer, tame, rule, perform
{n} the chief in any place or thing
Master of Public Health
(Tıp, İlaç) The Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) and the Doctor of Public Health (Dr.PH.) are multi-disciplinary professional degrees awarded for studies in areas related to public health
Master of Research
In the UK, the Master of Research degree is a postgraduate degree available in a range of academic disciplines. The MRes (Masters in Research) is designed to prepare students for doctoral research MRes can also stand for Masters by Research
master craftsman
Skilled artisan, one who is a master in his craft
master production schedule
A master production schedule (MPS) is a plan for individual commodities to produce in each time period such as production, staffing, inventory, etc
master science
The dominant scientific discipline of a historical epoch
master sergeant
(Askeri) A senior noncommissioned officer in the army or air force or marines
Master of
having earned an advanced academic degree (Master of Arts, Master of Science, etc.)
Master of Arts
master's degree in the humanities or social sciences; one who has completed a Master of Arts degree at a college or university
Master of Business Administration
graduate who has received a Master's degree in Business Administration
Master of Education
someone who has completed a graduate course of study in education
Master of the Universe
name for God
(n ) An SBus device capable of initiating an SBus transaction The CPU master is a host CPU distinguished from a more generic SBus master The DVMA master explicitly excludes CPU masters Any SBus master can communicate with any other slave on the same bus, regardless of system configuration
hears cases like a judge A master's decision is reviewed by a judge before becoming final
An elder brother of the Human Race who has reached an advanced point of evolution (perfect - relative to average humanity) One who is able to demonstate without hinderance the glory of God within His consciousness has undergone such an expansion, that it now includes the fifth or spiritual kingdom He has worked his way through the four lower kingdoms: mineral, the vegetable, the animal and the human - and has, through meditation and service, expanded his centre of consciousness till it now includes the plane of the spirit
To own; to posses
A famous male painter of the past is often called a master. a portrait by the Dutch master, Vincent Van Gogh. see also old master
Usually refers to the final recording to be used as a source for the mastering process This master is usually a DAT or 1/4" tape With regards to a CD-ROM, the master refers to the disk image that has been written to a Pre Master CD, Exabyte tape of 4mm DAT tape [BACK]
{i} lord, ruler; captain of a ship; principal of a school; owner of a slave or animal; expert practitioner; skilled artist, virtuoso; one who has victory over another; one whose teachings inspire and guide others; title of respect for a young male
1) A control to set the level going out of the console, especially the stereo output to the two track machine in mixdown 2) A term with the same meaning as Sub Master (a control that adjusts the level of a signal mixed together and being sent out to one track of a multitrack recorder) 3) A term with the same meaning as VCA Master (one slide that controls the control voltage sent to several VCA faders) 4) The machine that will be used as a speed reference when synchronizing two or more machines to run together; if the master tape transport changes speed, the other machines synced to it will change speed 5) The original recording, used for making copies 6) To make an original recording which will be used to make commercial copies, especially making a master lacquer (for record manufacturing) or a master compact disc
Institutions offering Masters Degrees typically offer a wide range of baccalaureate programs, and they are committed to graduate education through the Masters Degree A master is a person holding an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctors An intensive masters degree may be completed in one year, though the average duration is between two and three years
If you master something, you learn how to do it properly or you succeed in understanding it completely. Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production Students are expected to master a second language
The director of a number of persons performing a ceremony or sharing a feast
an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
If you are master of a situation, you have complete control over it. Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions
have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
have dominance or the power to defeat over; "Her pain completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the problems"
an SPI participant that controls data flow to other SPI systems
Physical entity containing an image for duplication or replication (also see Glass Master )
the presiding officer; also, a person holding a similar office in other civic societies
One who uses, or controls at will, anything inanimate; as, to be master of one's time
To be skillful; to excel
If you master a difficult situation, you succeed in controlling it. When you have mastered one situation you have to go on to the next
A sovereign, prince, or feudal noble; a chief, or one exercising similar authority
The Personal Account may have several services registered, which are associated with corresponding records (logins) One of these login is chosen to be the Master for the Account (most often this is the login of the service which was registered first or ssNNNN@statserv login, where NNNN is your PIN number) Only Master login is authorized to view the whole set of registered services, to add services, to view financial statistics (current balance, incomes and charges, credit threshold), to print receipt form or invoice for bank payment, view drawn up invoices, request agreement text by post, set client (person or organization) details and contacts, etc Please note that you can use your PIN number instead of login name in login prompt If you want to change the Master for the Account, you will need to specify the password for the login being set as Master This is to prevent problems in case of typo
an audio recording from which copies can be made an authority qualified to teach apprentices directs the work of other someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution an officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
a courtesy title of a man; mister
A servant's master is the man that he or she works for. My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private
presiding officer of a school
The process, and the result, of creating a final version of a track or collection of tracks ready for duplication and release As in, "We're going to master this track tonight " "What have you done with the master?" Back
master agreement
agreement made between large organizations that affect many smaller groups within these organizations
master bedroom
largest bedroom in the house that usually includes a large bathroom and closet as well, parent's suite
master boot record
The first sector of a hard drive, which by convention contains a loader program for starting an operating system
master boot record
The first sector of your hard disk that contains important stuff used when you boot your computer, including a partition table and a small program to read the table The program sees which partition to boot the operating system from and then transfers program control to the boot sector of that partition
master chief petty officer
MCPO, highest noncommissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard; officer who holds the highest noncommissioned rank in the United States Navy or Coast Guard
master class
An advanced music class taught by an eminent musician
master file
primary file of a computer program which contains the parameters and settings necessary for operation (Computers)
master file
A file that is of a permanent nature, or one that contains all sub- files
master file
A database file, often created manually as needed, that contains static records used to identify items, customers, vendors, bills of material, work centers, etc as opposed to files used to track the dynamic status of orders and inventory balances
master file
The active working file of an insurance company that contains all the billing and current status information for each policy
master in business
a master's degree in business
master level
The amount of signal that is on the master output of a mixer
master mechanic
head mechanic, chief machinery worker
master of architecture
a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture
master of arts in teaching
a master's degree in teaching
master of ceremonies
At events such as formal dinners, award ceremonies, and variety shows, the master of ceremonies is the person who introduces the speakers or performers, and who announces what is going to happen next. someone who introduces guests or performers at a social or public occasion = emcee
master of ceremonies
emcee, person who leads a ceremony, announcer
master of education
a master's degree in education
master of library science
a master's degree in library science
master of science in engineering
a master's degree in engineering
master of the house
man of the house, head of the household
master of the situation
one who is in control of a situation
master of the stable
person who is charge of managing a horse barn
master of theology
a master's degree in theology
master plan
Document that describes, in narrative and with maps, an overall development concept including both present property uses as well as future land development plans
master plan
A document setting forth the concepts and guiding principles for future development of campus facilities and infrastructure
master plan
General plan for the future development of a community
master plan
a long-term outline of a project or government function; "the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development"
master plan
A comprehensive plan to guide the long-term physical development of a particular area
master plan
(1) A zoning plan for an entire governmental subdivision, (e g , a city) A comprehensive plan to allow a city to grow in an orderly manner, both economically and ecologically (2) A developer’s plan for a multi-phase office park or mixed use development that takes into account all proposed or projected uses, improvements and amenities
master plan
Hanscom Airport Master Plan and Environmental Impact Statement adopted by Massport in 1978 "as its official policy statement regarding the future development and management of Hanscom Field "
master plan
{f} put together a master plan; improve a community or land by way of a long term plan that harmonizes all the main components
master plan
- A comprehensive long range plan intended to guide growth and development of a community or region  
master plan
a long-term outline of a project or government function; "the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development
master plan
Plan showing the main project structure
master plan
means the Commissioners duly adopted policies, statements, goals, and interrelated plans for private and public land use, transportation and community facilities documented in text, and maps which are the guide for the County's future development
master production schedule
a document that defines the goods that specific shops will produce in definite quantities at definite times over a short term planning horizon
master production schedule
Abbreviation: MPS A realistic, detailed, manufacturing plan for which all possible demands upon the manufacturing facilities (such as available personnel, working hours, (management) policy and goals) have been considered and are visualized The MPS is a statement of what the company expects to produce and purchase expressed in selected items, specific quantities and dates
master production schedule
shows the quantity and timing of planned production
master production schedule
(Ticaret) (MPS) The schedule of manufactured items usually created to fill 'outside' demand from forecasts, customer orders and interplant orders that specifies the exact item numbers, dates and quantities for production but is not in itself a production order to be released to the floor. It considers the high-level production plan and rough cut capacity availability, and aligns with management targets for linearity and permissible level of changes. Once accepted, the MPS specifies the date and quantity requirements used by MRP to explode demand through the bill of materials. While most often for end items, variations of MPS allow planning critical lower levels such as major subassemblies based on a forecast that is then consumed by customer orders for finished goods that require those subassemblies. The MPS is the main driver for the rest of the planning and scheduling system, and the level of success in attaining a realistic MPS often indicates how well the other detailed parts of the system function
master scheduling
(Ticaret) The process of reviewing a proposed MPS, comparing to stated higher-level production plan, resource availability and management parameters, and firming it and releasing to the rest of the system. The frequency of regenerating and reviewing the MPS, typically weekly, depends on the industry, process flexibility, forecast accuracy and many other factors
master switch
main switch that controls an entire structure's electrical power grid
master switch
the switch that controls the supply of electricity to the whole of a building or area
the senior petty officer; responsible for discipline aboard ship
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение master's в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

master kart
(Ticaret) master card
master plan
master plan
master öğrencisi
master programı
graduate school
master yapmak
(Eğitim) do master’s degree
master yapmak
(Eğitim) get a master's degree

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    /ˈmastərz/ /ˈmæstɜrz/

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    master's degree