manus (schriftliche fassung eines mündlichen vortrags)

listen to the pronunciation of manus (schriftliche fassung eines mündlichen vortrags)
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An abbreviation for a prescription
A system of writing adapted to a particular language or set of languages
writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form
Script is a programming term referring to a set of instructions or program that is executed by another program instead of the computer processor Examples of script languages include PERL and JavaScript
If you say that something which has happened is not in the script, or that someone has not followed the script, you mean that something has happened which was not expected or intended to happen. Losing was not in the script The game plan was right. We just didn't follow the script
a particular orthography or writing system
Written characters; style of writing
The person who scripts a film or a radio or television play writes it. James Cameron, who scripted and directed both films
A complete piece of programming, in whatever language, that will perform a specific task A programme or application is a complex construction of numerous scripts
write a script for; "The playwright scripted the movie"
A script, another name for a computer program, is usually written in Perl, a C-like language Scripts need to be written to incorporate functionality such as automatic indexing, automatic "what's new" features, and a variety of other specialized web applications
A collection of symbols used to represent textual information in one or more writing systems
(multiple related meanings) Something written Text produced by scribes A collection of symbols used to represent textual information in a writing system The visible part of a writing system A font that resembles handwriting, especially a running cursive style
A computer program that is written in an interpreted programming language, and therefore stays in human-readable text format; cf executable, binary
The written document containing the dialogue and action for a drama; the text of a stage play, movie, or other performance. Especially, the final form used for the performance itself
Type made in imitation of handwriting
to make or write a script
You can refer to a particular system of writing as a particular script. a text in the Malay language but written in Arabic script
192 The sum of characters used to write, independent of allographic variations; 193 A particular system of writing, e g cuneiform script; 194 in computer programming, a script is a program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer processor, e g JavaScript code can be imbedded in HTML pages and interpreted by the Web browser (or client)
manus (schriftliche fassung eines mündlichen vortrags)

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