
listen to the pronunciation of location
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bana bu haritada kampınızın yerini gösterin. - Show me the location of your camp on this map.

Bir sonraki buluşmamız için daha sessiz, hatta sıkıcı bir yeri tercih ederim. - I prefer a quieter, even boring, location for our next meeting.


Mevcut konumunuz nedir? - What is your present location?

Haritamda kasabanın konumuna bakacağım. - I'll look up the location of the town on my map.

(Askeri) mahalli
(Sinema) dışarıda
(Sinema) lokasyon
bir şeyin bulunduğu yer
(Dilbilim) uzam
bulunduğu yer
{i} yer, mahal, konum, mevki
(Mukavele) yer, mahal
{i} yerleştirme
{i} mevki

O mevkideki bir kitapçı hayatta kalmak için yeterli para para kazanmaz. - A bookstore in that location wouldn't make enough money to survive.

{i} stüdyo dışı
{i} yer belirleme
{i} sin., TV lokasyon, stüdyo dışındaki çekim yeri
kiraya verme
sakin olma
on location stüdyo dışında yapılan filim veya televizyon çalışması

Bana mekanı e-postayla gönderir misin? - Can you email me the location?

yerini saptama
(Bilgisayar) yeri

O, evin yerini sordu. - She asked about the location of the house.

Bir sonraki buluşmamız için daha sessiz, hatta sıkıcı bir yeri tercih ederim. - I prefer a quieter, even boring, location for our next meeting.

çekek yeri
location name
(Bilgisayar) aygıt adı
location of
parçaların yerleri
location counter
yer sayacı
location plan
konum planı
location area
yer alan
location area code
yer alan kodunu
location cost
location maliyet
location of
location of interest
İlgi gösterilen yer
location parameter
(İstatistik) Konum parametresi
location points
location puan
location shooting
açık havada çevirme, stüdyo dışında çevirme, yerinde filme alma,dışarıda çevirim
location accuracy
(Askeri) mevki doğruluğu
location audit
(Askeri) yer bulma kartı kontrolü
location audit
(Askeri) YER BULMA KARTI KONTROLU (ORD.): Malzeme yerleştirme kartında gösterilen bilgiler üzerinde yapılan bir kontrol
location clause
(Sigorta) mahal klozu
location counter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yer sayıcısı
location diagram
(Askeri) pafta şeması
location diagram
(Askeri) PAFTA ŞEMASI: Eldeki paftanın çevre ülkelere veya bu paftayı aynı ya da komşu harita dizilerine bağlayan diğer paftalara göre durumunu gösteren haritanın kenarında verilmiş şema. Bak. "map index"
location diagrams
yerleşim planları
location name
sistem adı, aygıt adı
location of command
(Askeri) komuta yeri
location of compare
(Bilgisayar) karşılaştırma konumu
location of enemy outposts
(Askeri) Düşman emniyet kuvvetlerinin yeri
location of job site
şantiyenin yeri
location of the business
şirket mahalli
location of the business
işyerinin bulunduğu yer
location point
(Sinema) dışarda çevirim yeri
location portability
(Telekom) coğrafi taşınabilirlik
location shooting
(Sinema) açık havada çevirme
location shooting
(Sinema) dışarıda filme alma
location shooting
(Sinema) stüdyo dışında çevirme
location shooting
(Sinema) yerinde füme alma
location shots
stüdyo dışı çekimler
location survey
güzergah etüdü
location survey
yol boyu etüdü
location survey
(Askeri) DEPOLANMA KONTROLU: İkmal maddelerinin malzeme yerleştirme kartlarında gösterilen yerlerde bulunup bulunmadıklarını anlamak üzere, kararlaştırılmış fasılalarla yapılan inceleme
location survey
(Askeri) depolanma kontrolü
location theory
(Ticaret) kuruluş yeri teorisi
choose location
(Bilgisayar) konumu seç
edit location
(Bilgisayar) konumu düzenle
host location
ana bilgisayar mahalli
location of
(Bilgisayar) konumu

William Maya kentlerinin konumu ve takımyıldızlarındaki yıldızların konumu arasında bir ilişki keşfetti. - William has discovered a correlation between the location of Mayan cities and the position of stars in constellations.

Haritamda kasabanın konumuna bakacağım. - I'll look up the location of the town on my map.

location of
(Bilgisayar) konum

Haritamda kasabanın konumuna bakacağım. - I'll look up the location of the town on my map.

William Maya kentlerinin konumu ve takımyıldızlarındaki yıldızların konumu arasında bir ilişki keşfetti. - William has discovered a correlation between the location of Mayan cities and the position of stars in constellations.

other location
(Bilgisayar) başka konum
recipient's office location
(Bilgisayar) alıcının işyeri konumu
remote location
uzak yer
sense of location
(Arılık) yer duyusu
this location
(Bilgisayar) bu konum
your location
(Bilgisayar) konumunuz
change location
yerini değiştir
change of location
yer değiştirme
dam location
baraj yeri
directory location
dizin yeri
isolated location
yalıtılmış yer
memory location
bellek yeri
protected location
korunmalı yer
protected location
korunan yer
central location
Merkezî konum
change of location
yer değişikliği
convenient location
Elverişli bir konuma
excellent location
mükemmel bir konuma
facility location
(Endüstri) Tesis yerleşimi
facility planning and location
(Endüstri) Tesis planlaması ve yerleşimi
fixed location
sabit yer
geographical location
Coğrafi konum
geographical location
coğrafi yerleşim

O egzotik yerlere seyahat etme fikrine saplantılıydı. - He was obsessed with the idea of travelling to exotic locations.

Seçkin askerler gizli yerlerde eğitilebilir. - Elite soldiers might be trained in secret locations.

on location
stüdyo dışında, açıkta, dışarda, yerinde
relative location
göreli konumu
storage location
bellek yeri
systematic location
sistematik yeri
application location
Uygulama Konumu
approved location
onaylanmış mahal
assign variable location
(Askeri) değişken yer tahsisi
axial location
eksenel hareket şartı
beach name and location
(Askeri) kıyının adı ve bölgesi
c0mmand apo location list
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK ORDU POSTANESİ LİSTESİ: Bir komutanlık dahilindeki her ordu postanesini, yeri ve hizmetinde bulunduğu tesislerle birlikte, gösteren liste
chart location of the battery
(Askeri) BATARYA YERLEŞKESİ ŞEMASI: Bak. "battery center"
cursor location
imlecin konumu
database location
(Bilgisayar) veritabanı konumu
directory location
dizinin yeri
factory location
(Askeri) fabrika yeri
fiber optic link; forward operating location
(Askeri) fiber optik bağlantı; ileri çalışma konumu
flash ranging location
(Askeri) IŞIK ÖLÇMESİYLE KESTİRİLEN MEVKİ: Bir düşman silahının ışık ölçmesi ile tespit edilen mevzii
geographic location; geographic location code
(Askeri) coğrafi konum; coğrafi konum kodu
geolocation code file; standard specified geographic location file
(Askeri) yer
global precision location
(Askeri) küresel kesin konum
in a different location
başka bir yerde
install location
(Bilgisayar) yükleme konumu
intermediate location
(Askeri) ara konum
isolated location
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bellekteki korunmalı alan
media location
(Bilgisayar) ortam konumu
modify location
(Bilgisayar) konum değiştir
operating location
(Askeri) çalıştırma mahalli
original location
(Bilgisayar) özgün konum
personnel geographic location
(Askeri) personel coğrafi mevkisi
photo location
(Bilgisayar) fotoğraf konumu
physical location
fiziki konum
physical location
fiziksel konum
position location reporting system
(Askeri) konum mevki raporlama sistemi
primary zone/switch location
(Askeri) esas bölge/değişim mevkisi
prime location cooperating
(Ticaret) önemli yer işbirliği
proxy location
(Bilgisayar) proxy konumu
purchasing location
(Ticaret) satın alan birim
satellite printer location
uydu yazıcı mahalli
sender office location
(Bilgisayar) gönderenin işyeri konumu
sender's office location
(Bilgisayar) gönderenin işyeri konumu
shoot on location
sin., TV stüdyo dışında çekim yapmak
size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
(Askeri) boyut, faaliyet, konum, birlik, zaman ve teçhizat
sound location
(Askeri) SESLE KESTİRME: Dinleme cihazı vasıtasıyla sesin geldiği ciheti tespit etmek. Bu kestirme usulü geceleyin düşman uçaklarının mevcudiyetini tespit etmek ve mevkilerini kestirmek için kullanılır
store location
mağaza yerleşimi
tactical location identifiers
(Askeri) taktik mevki tanımlayıcısı
target location error
(Askeri) hedef tespit hatası
troop location group
(Askeri) posta danışma grubu
troop location group
(Askeri) POSTA DANIŞMA GRUBU: Merkez Dairesi tarafından bir posta toplama merkezi (postal concentration center) 'nde çalışmak üzere tayin edilen erler grubu. Bu grup, postanın dağıtılabilmesi için, birliklerin intikalleri hakkında lüzumlu bilgiyi, posta işleriyle ilgili makamlara verir
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
An act of locating

The Ontario tunnel was not located in pursuance of the law relating to tunnel-sites. Lewis failed to follow up his discovery of mineral therein with any effort whatever towards completing the statutory location of a mining claim.

A particular point or place in physical space
{n} the act of placing, a situation, the act of designating or surveying and bounding land, the tract so designated
where the symptom is experienced Location is one of the parts of a complete symptom
Any named geographical place, recognized by a competent national body, with permanent facilities used for goods movements associated with international trade, and used frequently for these purposes Geographical place such as a port, an airport, an inland freight terminal, a container freight station, a container yard, a container depot, a terminal or any other place where customs clearance and/or regular receipt or delivery of goods can take place An area (e g in a warehouse) marked off or designated for a specific purpose
The location of someone or something is their exact position. She knew the exact location of The Eagle's headquarters. = position
An Internet address While you are in your browser, you will see a section at the top of the page that is titled "location" or "address" If you type in the address of someone's web page and hit enter, your browser will take you to that page However the address you type in the location bar must be an exact match
a point or extent in space
Situation; place; locality
This is an Internet address While you are in your browser (which you are probably in now) you will see a section at the top of the page that is titled "location " If you look right now you will see that the location of this web page is www nmac org If you type in the address of someone's web page and hit enter, your browser will take you to that page The address you type in the location bar must be an exact match
Identifies the area or collection in the library where the item is housed
The latitude and longitude of the earthquake are given in decimal degrees The latitude is the number of degrees north (N) or south (S) of the equator The longitude is the number of degrees east (E) or west (W) of the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England
Regular meetings of the Monterey City Council are held the first and third Tuesdays of the month in the Council Chamber at Few Memorial Hall of Records on the corner of Pacific and Madison streets, Monterey, CA
-the place where the inventory is physically stored or staged Also used to describe the identification number assigned to the specific storage slot
A leasing on rent
The act or process of locating
In the database the term is used to describe where a program is run It applies only therefore to 'attendance' program The location is often the home base for the Business School-but not always as some Schools have put in place arrangements to be able to run their programs in other locations, eg by working in partnership with other bodies, or be setting up remote campuses
In the database the term is used to describe where a course is run It applies only therefore to 'attendance' courses The location is often the home base for the Provider -but not always as some Providers have put in place arrangements to be able to run their courses in other locations - e g by working in partnership with other bodies - or be setting up remote campuses
An Internet address While you are in your browser you will see a section at the top of the page that may be titled "location" If you look now you will see the location of this Web page If you type in the address of a Web page and hit enter, your browser will take you to that page The address you type in the location bar must be an exact match Also known as an Internet address or URL
"Where" a machine or server is located on the Internet Each machine connected to the Internet has a unique identifier or locator assigned to it This designates its location on the internet The locator is the IP address
A contract for the use of a thing, or service of a person, for hire
Also called Footprint Each information bearing object (IBO) in the ADL collections has a representation of the area(s) it is about This "location" is represented by latitude and longitude coordinates in the following order: north latitude west longitude sourth latitude east longitude Currently (11/97), the locations are either points or bounding boxes [LH]
The marking out of the boundaries, or identifying the place or site of, a piece of land, according to the description given in an entry, plan, map, etc
An Internet address While you are in your browser you will see a section at the top of the page that is titled "location" If you type in the address of someone's web page and hit enter, your browser will take you to that page However the address you type in the location bar must be an exact match
Each separately-addressable unit of memory(2) in which data can be stored is called a memory location Usually, these hold a byte(2), but the term can refer to words
A location is the place where something happens or is situated. The first thing he looked at was his office's location Macau's newest small luxury hotel has a beautiful location. = setting
The numbering of the pages, or equivalent units, of an item In non-print media, the location could be, for example, frame number, screen number, reel number, etc
The place on the Internet where an Internet resource, such as a Web page, is stored A location is identified by a Universal Resource Locator (URL) The URL box in Netscape is called Location
A status in NuCat that tells which NU library houses the material and where Magazine - A type of serial publication that is intended for a general reading audience and contains articles of popular interest
Any area may be considered IMPROVE Protocol, however, the IMPROVE aerosol sampler was designed to provide maximum sensitivity in comparatively pristine environments IMPROVE is a non-urban network and monitors only in Class I areas The appropriate network for urban sites is the EPA Speciation Network
A particular place in physical space
{i} place; position; situation; site; spot; locality; site where movie is filmed; dwelling place
An Internet address While you are in your browser (which you are probably in now) you will see a section at the top of the page that is titled "location" If you look right now you will see that the location of this web page is http: //www ifull com/WWW101 htm If you type in the address of someone's web page and hit enter, your browser will take you to that page However the address you type in the location bar must be an exact match
the act of putting something in a certain place or location
Where the item is housed In WebPals, the location is given on the second line of the item record
That which is located; a tract of land designated in place
Physical place where an item is housed in the Library In ILLINET Online, the location is described by the call number To determine where in the library items are located at Lovejoy Library, consult the Material Location Guide
One of the properties of a printer listed in the Global Printer Directory This property refers to the physical address of the printer (for example, 12 Main St , Kitchener, ON), as opposed to the vicinity property that refers to the area the printer is located (for example, "Reception", "Near Photocopier", or "Engineering")
for the purpose of the Location and Service Specific Term Plan, a location is defined as each billing account at a Customer's premises for AT&T READYLINE Toll-Free For AT&T MEGACOM Toll-Free Service, location is defined as a billing account
A location is a place away from a studio where a film or part of a film is made. an art movie with dozens of exotic locations We're shooting on location
A fundamental spatial entity with information identifying its position in space The location of a point in space may be described numerically by "x", "y", and "z" coordinates Other methods of identifying the location of a point may be used, as long as the information is precise enough to find it Also called position
a determination of the location of something; "he got a good fix on the target"
(Ticaret) A separate, named space that may contain multiple items but is considered as a single entity by locator and warehouse management systems in specifying height, depth, weight allowed, and other factors
location arithmetic
A technique described in Napier's treatise Rabdologiæ for performing multiplication, division and extraction of square roots by using counters to representing numbers in binary
location parameter
(İstatistik) In statistics, when you graph a function, the location parameter determines where the origin will be located. If μ is positive, the origin will be shifted to the right, and if μ is negative, it will be shifted to the left
location area
(See 640) The place in a browser window where URLs are entered and displayed The place in a browser window where URLs are entered and displayed
location area
A group of cells uniquely identified by its Location Area Identity (LAI) number
Automatic Location Identifications
plural form of Automatic Location Identification

Do you know the 10-20 of that smokey?.

central location test
The testing of a product by consumers in an artifical setting; contrast laboratory test and home-use test
measure of location
A single number used to characterize a batch, sample, or distribution or the position of an element of it
measures of location
plural form of measure of location
brick-and-mortar location
Buildings and property for the conduct of business, particularly in the sale of retail goods to the general public. Used to contrast an internet-based sales operation that lacks customer-oriented store fronts and a "traditional" one for which most capital investment might be in the building infrastructure
Relative location
(Coğrafya) A location of a place in relation to another place
Age Sex Location
request from one user to another to reveal his personal details (where he/she lives, age, and gender), ASL
Home Location Register
database containing information about customers who subscribe to a particular service (including address, purchase history, etc.)
central location
place in the center, place located about the same distance from all points
change of location
a movement through space that changes the location of something
Basically this is just owning a server but having it a another location This is great for people who want to own their own server, but do not want the hassle of maintaining that server in their environment
A hosting service that houses customer's servers and maintains their connection to the internet
Som network operation centers offer the ability for customers to place their machine in an access center which are connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer in Europe can configure and control a dedicated server located in San Diego
Network Operations Centers offer the ability for customers to place their webservers and other network equipment in thier NOC which are connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer far away can configure and control their network equipment
Most often used to refer to having a server that belongs to one person or group physically located on an Internet-connected network easynet offers co-location web server hosting providing a secure high-speed internet connection for mission-critical hosting applications See Also: Internet, Server, Network Go to top
Most often used to refer to having a server that belongs to one person or group physically located on an Internet-connected network that belongs to another person or group Usually this is done because the server owner wants their machine to be on a high-speed Internet connection and/or they do not want the security risks of having the server on thier own network See also: Internet (Upper case I), Network, Server
In France Télécom's standard interconnection offer, physical interconnection is possible using three different techniques: - co-location: the operator installs its equipment on France Télécom's premises - interconnection link: France Télécom installs its equipment on the operator's premises - in-span interconnection: a solution half-way between these two systems, where the point of interconnection is located on the public domain, for example - Co-location of equipment is also necessary in the case of local loop unbundling, to enable operators to connect their equipment to France Télécom's, at the main distribution frame Co-location therefore, need not necessarily take place on France Télécom's premises
Network Operations Centers offer the ability for customers to place their webservers and other network equipment in their NOC which are connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer far away can configure and control their network equipment
A server, usually a Web server, that is located at a dedicated facility designed with resources that include a secured cage or cabinet, regulated power, dedicated Internet connection, security, and support These co-location facilities offer the customer a secure place to physically house their hardware and equipment as opposed to locating it in their offices or warehouse, where the potential for fire, theft or vandalism is much greater Most co-location facilities offer high-security, including cameras, fire detection and extinguishing devices, multiple connection feeds, filtered power, backup power generators, and other items to ensure high-availability, which is mandatory for all Web-based, virtual businesses Co-location sites are being erected at various points around the world to provide services to the rapidly expanding Web hosting and e-commerce marketplace The term co-location is also known as colo
Network Operations Centers offer the ability for customers to place their web servers and other network equipment in their center which is connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer far away can configure and control their equipment
A basic service offered by web hosts for customers who own their own web servers Co-location includes the rental of space in the data centre as well as the connection of the web server to the Internet
Network Operations Centers such as CommuniTech Net offer the ability for customers to place their webservers and other network equipment in thier NOC which are connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer far away can configure and control their network equipment
Network Operations Centers such as communitech Net offer the ability for customers to place their web servers and other network equipment in tier NOC which are connected via high speed fiber data lines to the backbone of the Internet Administration is done remotely so that a customer far away can configure and control their network equipment
Most often used to refer to having a server physically located on an Internet-connected network that belongs to another person or group Usually this is done because the server owner wants their machine to be on a high-speed Internet connection and/or they do not want the security risks of having the server on their own network
A server that belongs to one person or group located on an Internet-connected network that belongs to another group or person This helps lower security risk instead of having the server on their own network
convenient location
location which is easy to get to
excellent location
very good place or spot, good situation
fixed location
(Ticaret) A storage system that assigns a permanent inventory location for a given item, usually based on its physical size and usage volume. Seasonal stock level variations may mean the dedicated location sometimes takes up more space than needed, or that temporary random locations will also be required
forward location
place that lies ahead
Having to do with location; "in", "inside", "above", "below"
A feature that regulates voic
plural of location
A feature that regulates voice quality by limiting bandwidth availability over shared links For example, Cisco CallManager uses locations in conjunction with a single, primary Cisco CallManager in a centralized (non-distributed) call processing system that includes multiple remote devices, such as phones or gateways Under this scheme, locations are created with a geographical correspondence, such as a branch office A maximum bandwidth to be used by inter-location voice calls is then specified for the location and devices within that location are designated as belonging to that location See also distributed call processing, CAC and regions
overflow location
(Ticaret) An inventory stock location, often assigned on a random basis, used when the primary or dedicated location is not able to handle seasonal or other temporary requirements
primary location
(Ticaret) The default stock location used for receipts and picks of a given item, which may be supplemented by other locations if full or overstocked
random location
(Ticaret) A stocking location chosen on an as-needed basis and not preassigned to a specific product. Random locations may be used in addition to the primary location when required by seasonal fluctuations
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение location в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

satellite printer location
stp location