
listen to the pronunciation of limited
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{s} kısıtlı

Şehirlerde, hız saatte 50 km ile sınırlıdır. - In towns, speed is limited to 50 km/h.

Bu sınırlı ekspres Sendai'ye gider. - This limited express is bound for Sendai.

sınırlı sorumlu (şirket)
(Kanun) tahdit edilmiş
(şirket) limited
{f} sınırlandır
{f} sinirlandir
{i} ekspres tren
{i} ekspres otobüs
{s} kıt
{f} sınırlandır: adj.sınırlı
ekspres İng
{s} İng. limitet, sınırlı sorumlu (şirket)
sınırlı sorumlu
limited partnership komandit şirket
limited edition mahdut baskı

Özgürlüklerimiz sınırlanıyor. - Our freedoms are being limited.

Şu çocuklar sözlü becerilerini sınırladı. - Those children have limited verbal skills.

{s} ekspres (tren)
{s} çevrili
{s} sınırlanmış
{f} sınırla: adj.sınırlı
limited monarchy meşrutiyetle idare edilen krallık

Bu sınırlı ekspres Sendai'ye gider. - This limited express is bound for Sendai.

(Ticaret) limited (şirket)
sınırlı sayı
{f} kısıtlamak
{f} sınırlamak

Nefret söylemi olarak etiketleme konuşma sosyal baskı vasıtasıyla ifade özgürlüğünü sınırlamak için bir yoldur. - Labelling speech as hate speech is a way to limit free speech by means of social pressure.

Brian kullandığı parayı kesinlikle sınırlamak niyetinde. - Brian intends to strictly limit the money he uses.

{f} sınırlandırmak

Sınırlı kaynaklarımız var. - We have limited resources.

Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

limited company
(Ticaret) sınırlı sorumlu ortaklık
limited company
(Ticaret) sınırlı sorumlu şirket
limited in number
limited partnership
(Ticaret) sınırlı sorumlu ortaklık
limited partnership
(Ticaret) adi komandit şirket
limited resources
sınırlı kaynaklar
limited to
(Bilgisayar) sınırla
limited use
sınırlı kullanım
limited warranty
(Ticaret) sınırlı garanti
limited amount
sınırlı miktar
limited company
limitet şirket
limited edition
sayılı baskı
limited input output
sınırlı girdi çıktı
limited liability
sınırlı sorumluluk
limited liability company
limitet şirket
limited monarchy
meşruti krallık
limited partner
sınırlı sorumlu ortak
limited tape
sınırlı şerit
limited company
limited şirket
limited drive
Sınırlı sürücü
limited impact
kısıtlı etki
limited input, output
sınırlı girdi, çıktı
limited liability company
limited şirket
limited liability corporation
limited şirket
limited life asset
kısa ömürlü varlıklar
limited market
sınırlı piyasa
limited real rights
sınırlı aynı haklar
limited time
sınırlı bir süre
limited to

Sami ve Leyla'nın karşılaşmaları işyerleri ile sınırlıydı. - Sami and Layla's encounters were limited to their workplace.

Bu baskı yedi bin nüsha ile sınırlı. - This edition is limited to seven thousand copies.

sınırlı sayıda
limited access road
sınırlı erişimli yol
limited access route
(Askeri) sınırlı giriş yolu
limited access route
(Askeri) SINIRLI GİRİŞ YOLU: Her çeşit askeri trafik tarafından kullanılması bir veya daha fazla nedenle sınırlanan tek yönlü yol. Bak. "single flow route", "double flow route"
limited appeal
(Kanun) tahditli temyiz başvuru
limited area
kısıtlanmış bölge
limited asset
(Ticaret) nakde çevrilebilir aktif
limited assignment
(Askeri) mahdut görevli sınıf
limited assignment
(Askeri) MAHDUT GÖREVLİ SINIF: ABD Ordusunda; bedeni arızadan veya harp aleyhtarı inanç, yaş, aile reisliği, belirli mıntıkalarda hizmet için askere gidilmiş olması vesaire gibi idari sebeplerden dolayı, bazı mahallerde belirli görevlere atanmaları sınırlandırılmış olan askeri personelin genel sınıflandırılması
limited attack
(Askeri) MAHDUT HEDEFLİ TAARRUZ: Bak. "limited objective attack"
limited attack
(Askeri) mahdut hedefli taarruz
limited attack option
(Askeri) sınırlı taarruz seçeneği
limited audit
(Ticaret) kısıtlı denetim
limited audit
(Ticaret) kısmi teftiş
limited audit
(Ticaret) kısmi denetleme
limited audit
(Ticaret) kısmi denetim
limited auditing
(Ticaret) sınırlı denetleme
limited authority
sınırlandırılmış yetki
limited authority
kısıtlı yetki
limited authority
kısıtlanmış yetki
limited by law
(Kanun) kanunla sınırlanmış
limited by time
zamanla sınırlı
limited check
(Ticaret) sınırlı çek
limited combat ready
(Askeri) kısmen harbe hazır
limited denied war
(Askeri) SINIRLI ÖNLENEN SAVAŞ: Bu terim kullanılmamalıdır. Yerine kullanılabilecek başka bir terimde yoktur
limited denied war
(Askeri) sınırlı önlenen harp
limited depository account
(Askeri) limitli depo hesabı
limited depository bank
(Askeri) MAHDUT YETKİLİ HAZİNE BANKASI: Bir yabancı devlet, teritori veya ABD dış topraklarında (possessions) bulunan hazine bankası
limited distribution
(Askeri) sınırlı dağıtım
limited distribution messages
(Askeri) SINIRLI DAĞITIMA TABİ MESAJLAR, DAĞITIMI SINIRLI MESAJLAR: Mahdut miktarda dağıtıma ihtiyaç gösteren; fakat nizami haberleşme personelince, mesajların gerektirdiği gizlilik emniyeti normal işlem tedbirleri dahilinde işleme tabi tutulabilen mesajlar
limited divorce
(Kanun) tahditli boşanma
limited duration
sınırlı süre
limited english speaker
(Dilbilim) sınırlı ingilizce konuşuru
limited examination
(Ticaret) kısmi denetim
limited government
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırlı hükümet
limited heir
(Kanun) ön mirasçı
limited heir
(Kanun) sınırlı mirasçı
limited in stock
stoklarla sınırlı
limited input/output
sınırlı girdi-çıktı
limited input/output
(Bilgisayar) sınırlı girdi/çıktı
limited irrigation
kısıtlı sulama
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) sınırlı kaza hakkı
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) özel kaza hakkı
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) özel kaza yetkisi
limited jurisdiction
(Kanun) kısıtlı yargılama hakkı
limited liability
limitet şirket
limited liability companies
(Avrupa Birliği) limited şirket
limited life
(Ticaret) sınırlı ömür
limited means
(Kanun) sınırlı imkanlar
limited means
(Kanun) mahdut imkanlar
limited means
(Kanun) sınırlı sorumluluklar
limited objective attack
(Askeri) MAHDUT HEDEFLİ TAARRUZ: Genel olarak, düşman cephe hattı üzerinde veya yakınında bulunan belirli tek bir hedefe yapılacak kısa hedefli taarruz. Buna, kısaca, (limited attack) da denir
limited order
(Ticaret) sınırlı sipariş
limited order
(Ticaret) fiyat sınırlı emir
limited owner
(Kanun) kısıtlı malik
limited owner
(Kanun) kısıtlı hakkı sahibi
limited owner
(Kanun) sınırlı malik
limited participation
sınırlı katılım
limited participation
az sayıda katılım
limited partner
(Kanun) mahdut mesuliyetti ortak
limited partnership
komandit şirket
limited procurement
(Askeri) MAHDUT TEDARİKLİ MALZEME: Tecrübeye tabi tutularak hizmet için uygun görülen fakat, standart olarak sınıflandırılmamış olan eşya ve malzeme sınıfı. Bu terim yerine şimdi, daha çok (pilot-line operation) terimi kullanılmaktadır
limited procurement
(Askeri) mahdut tedarikli malzeme
limited production type
(Askeri) SINIRLI İSTİHSAL TİPİ MADDE: Acil bir ihtiyaç durumunda olan ve mevcutlar içinde yerini almaya elverişli bir madde bulunmayan, piyasadan veya diğer hükümet makamlarından tedariki mümkün, gelişme halindeki bir madde; gelişmenin veya deneme safhasının tamamlanmasından ya da standart bir madde olarak kabulünden önce, kadro dağıtım maddesi halinde tedarik veya istihsale girişilmesini temin edecek derecede, harekat bakımından ümit verici ve kabul edilmiş bir malzeme niteliğini veya Kara Ordusu'nun kabul edilmiş diğer şartname hükümlerini karşılayacak durumda görünen bir madde
limited production type item
(Askeri) MAHDUT MİKTARDA ÜRETİLEN MALZEME: Harekat açısından acil ihtiyaç duyulan ve diğer mevcut maddeler tarafından yeri doldurulamayan, onaylanmış malzeme ihtiyaçlarını veya Savunma Bakanlığınca onaylanmış diğer ihtiyaçları karşılayabilecek ve standart bir madde olarak geliştirme ve/veya deneme ya da uyarlamasının tamamlanmasından önce tedarik edilmesine ve/veya üretimine geçilmesine neden olacak kadar harekat bakımından ümit verici; ticari olarak veya diğer Hükümet kuruluşlarından temin edilebilecek geliştirme aşamasındaki madde
limited quantity
(Çevre) sınırlı miktar
limited real rights
(Ticaret) sınırlı ayni haklar
limited scope
dar kapsam
limited service
(Askeri) MUHAREBE KABİLİYETİ DÜŞÜK MALZEME: Muharebe sahalarında kullanılmaya elverişsiz malzeme. Derhal muharebe sahasına girmek üzere hazırlık yapan bir birliğin bu çeşit malzemesi, tam ve kullanılır haldeki malzeme ile değiştirilir
limited special inspection
(Askeri) SINIRLI ÖZEL DENETLEME: Yıllık genel denetlemeden ayrı ve belirli soruşturma konularına inhisar eden bir denetleme. Bak. "inspector general inspection"
limited standard article
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ STANDART MADDE: Standart bir tip kadar tatminkar olmamakla beraber, ikame maddesi olarak standart madde yerini alabilen veya ikmal taleplerini karşılamak üzere dağıtım durumunda ya da kullanılmakta olan bir madde
limited standard item
(Askeri) mahdut standart malzeme
limited standard item
(Askeri) MAHDUT STANDART MALZEME: Standardizasyon faaliyetleri tarafından yalnız kuvvet içi askeri malzeme ihtiyaçlarını desteklemek üzere tedarik edilmesine karar verilmiş bir ikmal maddesi
limited standard type
(Askeri) SINIRLI STANDART TİPTE MADDE: ABD Kara Ordusu harekat ihtiyaçları bakımından kabule elverişli olmayan, dolayısıyla, harekat ihtiyaçları karşılığı emtia olarak bir değer taşımayan maddeler. Bu kategoriye şu maddeler girer: a. Harekat ihtiyaçlarını karşılama bakımından kabul edilir durumda olmayan fakat, eğitim için faydalı olan maddeler; b. ABD Kara Ordusu harekat ihtiyaçlarını karşılama bakımından kabule elverişli olmamakla beraber, yukarıda a. fıkrasındakiler dışında ihtiyaçları karşılamak üzere elde tutulmakta olan maddeler
limited storage
(Askeri) ZAMANI SINIRLI DEPOLAMA: 90 gün içinde çekilmeleri düşünülen ikmal maddelerine ait ve bazı malzeme için tanınmış asgari koruma şartları dahilinde depolama imkanı veren depolama sınıflandırması. Bak. "storage"
limited storage
(Askeri) zamanı sınırlı depolama
limited system
sınırlı sistem
limited system
kısıtlı sistem
limited tax liability
(Ticaret) sınırlı vergi sorumluluğu
limited taxpayer
(Ticaret) dar mükellef
limited train
ekspres tren
limited traverse
(Askeri) SINIRLI YANA DÖNÜŞ İMKANI: Bir silahın sağa veya sola doğru mahdut hareketi. Bu tahditler, mekanik tertibat vasıtasıyla temin edilebilir veya tabii engellerden ileri gelebilir
limited traverse emplacement
(Askeri) YANA DÖNÜŞ İMKANI SINIRLI MEVZİ: Bir silahın sağa veya sola ancak mahdut miktarda dönmesine elverişli mevzi
limited vote
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırlı oy
limited war
(Askeri) mevzii harp
limited war
(Askeri) sınırlı harp
limited war
(Askeri) tahditli harp
limited war
(Politika, Siyaset) sınırlı savaş
limited war
(Askeri) SINIRLI/TAHDİTLİ SAVAŞ, MEVZİİ SAVAŞ: Geçici çatışmalar dışında genel bir harbe neden olmayan iki veya daha fazla ülkenin askeri kuvvetleri arasındaki açık şekilde çalışmasını kapsayan silahlı çatışma

Tom'un İngilizcesi zaman zaman oldukça iyi görünsede, o sınırlarını biliyor gibi görünmüyor ve o bir hata yaptığında onu hatalı olduğuna ikna etmek imkansızdır. - Though Tom's English seems quite good at times, he doesn't seem to know his limitations and it's impossible to convince him that he's wrong when he makes a mistake.

but not limited to
sınırlı olmaksızın
including but not limited to
sınırlı olmamak kaydıyla
(Kanun) tahdit
(Biyokimya) kısıtlama

Bazı kısıtlamalar var. - There are some limitations.

(Ticaret) azami fiyat

Hız limitinin otuz kilometre üzerinde gittiğim için bir polis tarafındn kenara çekildim. - I was pulled over by a policeman for going thirty kilometers over the speed limit.

Polis onu yolun kenarına çektiği zaman hız limitinin üzerinde 50 ile gidiyordu. - Tom was going 50 over the speed limit when the police pulled him over.

(Ticaret) tavan
limited edition
sınırlı baskı
not limited to
sınırlı olmaksızın
input limited
giriş sınırlı
input output limited
girdi çıktı sınırlamalı
(to ile) kısıtlamak
{f} sınırlandır

Yaşın neden seni sınırlandırması gerektiğini anlamıyorum. - I don't see why age should limit you.

Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

output limited
çıktı sınırlı
private limited company
özel limitet şirket
public limited company
kamu şirketi
public limited company
halka açık şirket
{f} sınırla

Tom sınırları zorlamayı sever. - Tom likes to push the limits.

O, kendi sınırlarını bilir. - She knows her limitations.

peripheral limited
çevresel birim sinirlamali
process limited
işlem sinirlamali
processor limited
işlemci sinirlamali
region of limited proportionality
sınırlı orantı bölgesi
restricted or limited by conditions
Kısıtlı veya koşullar ile sınırlı
self limited
Kendi sınırlı
kendini sınırlayan
temperature limited
sıcaklık sınırlı
(including) but not limited to
ile sınırlı olmaksızın
be limited
sınırlı kalmak
input limited
(Bilgisayar) girdi sınırlamak
input limited
girdi sınırlamalı
hudut tayin etmek
{f} belirlemek
{f} limit koymak
tahdit etmek
{f} limitlerini belirlemek
munhasır kılmak
{f} sınırlama getirmek
{f} sınır koymak
memory limited
(Bilgisayar) bellek sınırlı
peripheral limited
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel birim sınırlamalı
processor limited
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlemci sınırlamalı
region of limited proportionality
(Nükleer Bilimler) sınırlı orantılılık bölgesi
selective limited tendering
(Politika, Siyaset) istekliler arasında ihale
thermally limited condition
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıl olarak sınırlandırıcı koşul
to be limited
to be limited
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык

Определение limited в Турецкий язык Турецкий язык словарь

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Mes'uliyetleri, koydukları sermayeye göre hudutlu olan ortaklık
Bir şeyin nicelik bakımından inebileceği veya erişebileceği en alt ve en üst sınır, yer
Değişken bir büyüklüğün istenildiği kadar yaklaşabildiği durağan büyüklük
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
{i} Ltd., restricted as to amount of liability (Business)
{i} USA retail chain specializing in women's fashion sportswear
Service Hospital - A hospital, often located in a rural area, that provides a limited set of medical and surgical services
small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends"
a reserved word, used in declaring a type to have limited operations, in that it cannot be used in assignments or checks for equality or inequality 4 9, 5 2, A 1
including only a part not unlimited; "a limited list of choices"
Designated areas and trails where off-highway vehicles are subject to restrictions limiting the number or types of vehicles, date, and time of use; limited to existing or designated roads and trails
having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission"
Having a limit; being restricted When used in economics it often refers to a country's lack of resources to produce the products the country needs or wants to make
{s} confined within a boundary, restricted; having restricted governing powers; unoriginal, narrow, mediocre
(~ type) A type used to indicate objects that are instances of another type and have additional constraints There are several kinds of limited types (~ collection) A limited collection type (~ integer) A limited integer type See "Limited Types" on page 73 for a complete description of limited types
A limited company is one whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt. They had plans to turn the club into a limited company He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited
with certain (oft. specified) limits placed upon it
Confined within limits; narrow; circumscribed; restricted; as, our views of nature are very limited
not excessive
Something that is limited is not very great in amount, range, or degree. They may only have a limited amount of time to get their points across = small
in transportation, to have entry and exit limited to pre-determined points, as with rail rapid transit or freeways
not excessive mediocre
including only a part not unlimited; "a limited list of choices" having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission" small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends" not excessive mediocre
including only a part
ASSEMBLER: An assembler with built-in limits that constrain its use (for example, to make hazardous uses difficult or impossible, or to build just one thing)
not unlimited; "a limited list of choices"
Jurisdiction Refers to courts that are limited in the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear For example, federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction courts
past participle of limit
subject to limits or subjected to limits
(of a call) with specified lower and upper strength requirements, the latter below the maximum possible
limited liability
The liability of an owner or a partner of a company for no more capital than they have invested
limited liability companies
plural form of limited liability company
limited monarchies
plural form of limited monarchy
limited monarchy
A government in which a monarch agrees to share power with a parliament and abide by a constitution; also known as a constitutional monarchy
limited overs cricket
one-day cricket
limited partnership
A form of partnership similar to a general partnership, except that in addition to one or more general partners and one or more limited partners
limited partnerships
plural form of limited partnership
Of a business entity, having liability for legal claims that is limited to the assets of the entity itself, and which therefore does not reach the assets of the individual owners/investors of the company
limited-access road
A limited-access road or controlled-access road is a road to which access from adjacent properties is limited in some way. It can mean anything from a city street to which the maintaining authority limits driveway access to a freeway (or other equivalent terms). The precise definition of these terms varies by jurisdiction
Limited Liability Company
{i} business or company organized in such a manner that its owners and shareholders are not personally liable for debts or other business liabilities (such as damages from lawsuits)
limited accessibility
restricted accessibility
limited account
account whose checks a bank will not honor
limited audit
an audit of limited scope limited in time span or confined to particular accounts etc
limited check
check that has a limit on the amount it can be written for
limited client
client whose checks a bank will not honor because of the state of his account
limited company
commercial company whose assets are separate from those of its stockholders, company whose stockholders are liable only for the sum they invested
limited company
company that is incorporated
limited company
Companies are run by a board of directors who have responsibility to the Shareholders who invest or provide capital for the company A limited company is a separate legal entity It pays separate tax to the individual and the liability of any individual is limited to the investment that individual has in the company
limited company
A company registered under the Companies Acts The law regards it as a person just as a human being is a person It can own property, employ people make contracts, sue and be sued
limited company
A firm, usually associated with British registration, that is organized in such a way as to give its owners limited liability. a company in Britain whose owners only have to pay a limited amount if the company gets into debt public limited company
limited company
a company which is owned by shareholders and is identified by the letters 'Ltd' or 'PLC' after the name
limited company
a company that is organized to give its owners limited liability
limited company
a registered company in which the liability of each shareholder is limited to the uncalled capital liability on his/her shares
limited company
A company that is registered, has a memorandum of agreement and shareholders It trades as a separate legal entity and the liability of its shareholders is limited (compared to a sole trader or partnership)
limited company
A form of business commonly used in the U K comparable to incorporation in the U S
limited company
Not an international business company May be a resident of the tax haven and is set up under a special company act with a simpler body of administrative laws
limited edition
An edition that has a maximum number of prints determined prior to printing The prints are numbered in succession Example: 25/100 refers to the print number 25 out of an edition of 100
limited edition
an edition that is restricted to a specific number of copies
limited edition
A set of identical prints that are numbered in succession and signed by the artist The artist also sets the total number of prints (making them "limited") and supervises the printing process All additional prints are destroyed
limited edition
a lighthouse with production limited to a specific quantity and, in a few cases, to the number of orders received within a set time frame (such as Collectors Society Exclusives)
limited edition
A limited edition is a work of art, such as a book which is only produced in very small numbers, so that each one will be valuable in the future. An edition, as of a book or print, restricted to a specified number of copies. a small number of special copies of a book, picture etc which are produced at one time only
limited edition
A special printing of a book, sometimes in a special case and/or signed by the author, available in a limited quantity
limited edition
A limited edition print is one in which a limit is placed on the number of impressions pulled in order to create a scarcity of the print Limited editions are usually numbered and are often signed Limited editions are a relatively recent development, dating from the late nineteenth century Earlier prints were limited in the number of their impressions solely by market demand or by the maximum number that could be printed by the medium used The inherent physical limitations of the print media and the relatively small size of the pre-twentieth century print market meant that non-limited edition prints from before the late nineteenth century were in fact quite limited in number even though not intentionally so German printmaker Adam von Bartsch, in his 1821 Anleitung zur Kupferstichkunde, estimated the maximum number of quality impressions it was possible to pull using different print media
limited edition
Print or Reproduction A limited edition is one whose size is determined in advance by the artist or publisher hence limited The limited editions are a set of identical prints Each print in the edition is signed by the artist and then individually numbered (s/n) The number of the print is example 50/500 The 50 designates the print number over the entire edition size of 500
limited edition
A specified and limited quantity of books, often numbered and frequently signed by the author to top
limited edition
Often you will see a doll being touted as a Limited Edition What this means is that the original doll design has been used to create a mold and identical dolls are being created They are often set in a predetermined number and once that number of creation has been reached the molds are generally broken in order to guarantee that the limited edition has been met and will not be created again
limited edition
the size of the edition is limited to a set (usually small) number of copies
limited edition
an edition limited to a stated number of copies, usually numbered by hand, and sometimes also signed
limited edition
A limited edition is one whose size is determined in advance by the publisher Each print in the edition is signed by the artist and then individually numbered (s/n)
limited edition
Identical prints of the same edition, numbered in sequence (or other marks) to denote limited production A stated maximum number of printed copies or impressions
limited edition
Any reproduction whose run is limited to a fixed number of copies, often signed and numbered
limited edition
The size of a limited edition is determined in advance by the publisher Each print in the edition is signed by the artist and then individually numbered (s/n)
limited edition
a set of prints of a known number, usually not more than 200 that are signed by the artist and numbered
limited edition
An edition of an image with a set number of copies made; limit is usually enforced by destroying the materials used to create the copies
limited edition
An edition or set of prints of a known number of impressions, usually fewer than 200, numbered and signed
limited edition
an edition which is limited to a certain number of copies, that number given somewhere in the text Often signed by author
limited edition
the issue of something collectible, such as prints, limited to certain number quantity of numbered copies The first number indicates the number of the piece; the second number indicates the total quantity in the edition i e 123/200
limited edition
As applied to fine art photographs, the term "limited edition" is usually understood to mean a stated number of prints of an image in a particular size and in a particular format When no additional photographic prints in any size or format will be made from a particular negative, that concept is usually communicated by a phrase such as "the negative has been retired" because negatives are rarely destroyed
limited edition
A piece scheduled for a predetermined production quantity
limited edition
A printing which is limited to a stated number Often inscribed with the author's signature and a sequence number
limited edition
A book whose publication is restricted in number Limited editions are typically signed and numbered by the author and have a colophon indicating the total number of books printed Limited editions whose print runs are short (1,000 or less) are considered more desirable and lower numbered volumes of a limited run are generally more desirable than their higher numbered volumes
limited edition
An edition created from printing many images from one master from which a predetermined number of prints are produced Normally, the pieces are numbered in succession as a fraction: the top number identifying the print in the series and the bottom number indicating the size of the entire edition (how many images were printed) Thus, the inscription 102/300 reveals that there were 300 prints issued in the edition, and the current one is number 102
limited edition
n 1 A reproduction of an original work of art that is signed and sequentially numbered by the artist The total number of prints is fixed by the artist or publisher Limited editions can be offset reproductions, digital prints, serigraphs, original lithographs, etc
limited fitness
low military fitness ranking given to one who has limited physical capacity
limited guarantee
guarantee of a pre-determined amount
limited interpretation
interpretation which places restrictions on a law coming into effect
limited liability
A limit on the amount of money a company or individual can be made to pay in the event of legal action
limited liability
The legal protection given to stockholders of a corporation A stockholder's liability extends only to the total of his capital contribution
limited liability
When "limited" is at the end of a Canadian company's name, the company's shareholders' responsibility for the debts of the company is limited to the amount of money they paid to buy the shares In contrast, ownership of a company by a sole proprietor or partnership carries unlimited personal legal responsibility for debts incurred by the business
limited liability
(p 137) The responsibility of business's owners for losses only up to the amount they invest; limited partners and shareholders have limited liability
limited liability
An individual's exposure to legal liability is limited by creating a corporation for business transactions This is achieved by virtue of the corporation existing as an independent entity
limited liability
responsibility for debts up to the value of the company's share capital
limited liability
When limited is at the end of a Canadian company's name, the company's shareholders' responsibility for the debts of the company is limited to the amount of money they paid to buy the shares In contrast, ownership of a company by a sole proprietor or partnership carries unlimited personal legal responsibility for debts incurred by the business
limited liability
Where an entity can be sued, but enerally its owners cannot be held personally liable for debts or losses of the entity The classic limited liability entity is the corporation
limited liability
the liability of a firm's owners for no more than the capital they have invested in the firm
limited liability
Limitation of a shareholder's losses to the amount invested
limited liability
The liability of a firm's owners for no more capital than they have invested in the business. the legal position of being responsible for paying only a limited amount of debt if something bad happens to yourself or your company. Condition under which the loss that an owner (shareholder) of a business may incur is limited to the capital invested in the business and does not extend to personal assets. The forerunners of limited-liability companies were limited partnerships, which were common in Europe and the U.S. in the 18th and early 19th centuries. In limited partnerships, one partner is entirely liable for losses and the other partners are liable only for the amounts they invested in the business. After the Joint-Stock Companies Act (1844) in England made incorporation easier, joint-stock companies with limited liability for all members became widespread. The development of the limited-liability company was crucial to the rise of large-scale industry in the late 19th and 20th centuries, since it enabled businesses to mobilize capital from a variety of investors who were unwilling to risk their entire personal fortunes in their investments. See also risk
limited liability
The legal protection given stockholders whereby they are responsible for the debts and obligations of a corporation only to the extent of their capital contributions
limited liability
Limitation of possible loss to what has already been invested
limited liability
limited liability is a legal obligation of a firm's owners to pay back company debts only with the money they have already invested in the firm
limited liability
The nature of stocks restricts the amount of money an investor may lose to the amount they have invested in case of company bankruptcy Shareholders are not liable for the debts of the corporation
limited liability
Limitation of shareholders' losses to the amount invested Means that stockholders of a corporation are not personally liable for the debts of the company
limited liability
Responsibility or obligation which is restricted to the limits set out
limited liability
limited responsibility, partial legal responsibility
limited liability
Limitation by a company’s memorandum of a member’s (shareholder’s liability to the amount, if any, unpaid on shares held by him (Section 5 Companies Act) The principle of limited liability is essential to the formation of a joint stock company
limited liability
corporations have limited liability; with limited liability, the amount an investor in a corporation can lose is limited to the amount that he has invested in the firm
limited liability
Limitation of loss to what has already been invested
limited liability
Investor liability is limited to their personal investments in the corporation; courts cannot touch the personal assets of investors in the event that the corporation goes bankrupt
limited liability
The right of an investor to limit potential losses to no more than the amount invested Equity shareholders, such as corporate stockholders and limited partners, have limited liability
limited liability
Means that stockholders of a corporation are not personally liable for the debts of the company
limited liability
A feature of share ownership that restricts the liability of shareholders to the amount they have invested in the corporation
limited liability
Limitation of shareholders' losses to the amount invested
limited liability
the restriction of one's potential losses to the amount invested The absence of personal liability
limited liability
Normally applied to limited companies or limited liability partnerships The shareholders and partners who own such businesses have their liability limited to the value of any unpaid shares and the company or partnerships assets Beyond that they have no personal liability for its debts
limited monarchy
monarchy that is restricted by a legislature
limited number of seats
restricted amount of places, restricted number of places
limited partner
A partner in a partnership who can't participate in the management of the partnership's business A limited partner's liability is limited to loss of his investment in the partnership
limited partner
In a limited partnership the partner who does not control or manage partnership business but invests capital or other property in exchange for economic benefits, such as the right to participate in the profits of the venture
limited partner
a person who has been admitted to a limited partnership as a limited partner in accordance with the partnership agreement; a partner whose liability to third party creditors of the partnership is limited to the amount invested by such partner in the partnership
limited partner
A partner in an investment property or properties who makes an investment, expects a return, but cannot make management decisions
limited partner
Long-term capital gain
limited partner
Owner who invests money in the business, but does not have any management responsibility or liability for losses beyond the investment
limited partner
(p 137) An owner who invests money in the business but does not have any management responsibility or liability for losses beyond the investment
limited partner
A partner (owner) in a partnership who can't participate in the management of the partnership's business The advantage of being a limited partner is that lenders and others generally can't sue you personally if the partnership defaults on its mortgage payments, if someone is injured on the property, and so forth
limited partner
An investor in a limited partnership who has no voice in the management of the partnership LP's have limited liability and usually have priority over GP's upon liquidation of the partnership
limited partner
In a limited partnership, a partner whose liability is limited to the amount of his investment in the partnership (plus any assessments and his share of undistributed partnership earnings)
limited partner
A partner who has limited legal liability for the obligations of the partnership
limited partner
A partner who provides capital but whose losses are limited to the amount invested The limited partner normally exercises no influence in management decisions
limited partner
A unique colleague in a partnership relationship who has agreed to be liable only to the extent of his (or her) investment Limited partners, though, have no right to manage the partnership Limited partners are usually just investors or promoters who seek the tax benefits of a partnership
limited partner
A partner who generally does not participate actively in the business, and whose liability is limited to the amount invested in the partnership
limited partner
A partner whose participation in partnership activities is restricted, and whose personal liability for partnership debts is limited to the amount of money or other property that he or she contributed or may have to contribute
limited partner
passive partner who has limited responsibility for the partnership's debts
limited partnership
business association in which the financial responsibility of some partners is limited
limited partnership
A partnership in which some of the partners have a limited liability to the firm's creditors
limited physical fitness
low military fitness ranking given to one who has limited physical capacity
limited power of attorney
permission to execute a specific action in the same of someone else
limited quantity
When specified as such in a section applicable to a particular material, means the maximum amount of a hazardous material [see definition] for which there is a specific labeling or packaging exception (49CFR171 8) Back to Top
limited quantity
the maximum amount of a hazardous material for which there is a specific labeling or packaging exception
limited quantity
The maximum amount of a hazardous material for which there is a specific labeling or packaging exception (See 49 CFR Part 171 8 )
limited quantity
the maximum amount of hazardous materials for which there maybe specific labeling, or packaging exceptions
limited seating
limited number of spaces, specific number of seats, restricted amount of possible seats
limited war
A war whose objective is of smaller scope than total defeat of the enemy
limited war
war in which a nation does not use all available weapons and military power
limited war
a war whose objective is less than the unconditional defeat of the enemy
To restrict; not to allow to go beyond a certain bound

I'm limiting myself to two drinks tonight.

A value to which a sequence converges. Equivalently, the common value of the upper limit and the lower limit of a sequence: if the upper and lower limits are different, then the sequence has no limit (i.e., does not converge)

The sequence of reciprocals has zero as its limit.

The final, utmost, or furthest point
A restriction; a bound beyond which one may not go

Two drinks is my limit tonight.

private limited liability company
A limited liability company that is not a public corporation
public limited companies
plural form of public limited company
public limited company
A publicly traded limited liability company in the United Kingdom and some other jurisdictions
{n} a bound, border, extent, utmost reach
{v} to confine within boundaries, to restrain
Veilside Company Limited
Veilside Company Limited (officially stylized as VeilSide) is an aftermarket automotive company which initially sold suspension and engine tuning parts, and now sells interior as well as body parts for aerodynamic and aesthetic enhancement of the vehicle
including but not limited to
Resmî İngilizce yazılarda geçen,"... dahil olmak fakat bununla / bunlarla sınırlı olmamak / kalmamak üzere ..." diye tercüme edilebilecek ibare
public limited company
A company with statutory minimum capital requirements and shares offered to the public subject to conditions of limited liability
Fujitsu Limited
{i} Japanese company with headquarters in Tokyo (Japan), manufacturer of computers and information processing systems, producer of communications systems and electronic devices
Kirin Brewery Company, Limited
{i} Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo (Japan), brewer and beer maker which is one of the world's largest brewers, maker of other beverages (such as canned coffee and tea, fruit juices and soft drinks) and pharmaceuticals
Namco Limited
{i} Japanese company established in 1955, company that develops produces and sells coin operated game machines and software for home video game
Qantas Airways Limited
Australian airline, the oldest in the English-speaking world, founded in 1920 as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd. (later abbreviated as Qantas). By 2002 it had more than 140 destinations in over 30 countries
Rolls-Royce Limited
{i} British car manufacturing firm founded by Henry Royce and C.S. Rolls in 1906
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
{i} major Japanese pharmaceutical company
company limited
company restricted as to amount of liability
company limited by guarantee
company that in the event of its breakup its owners will be responsible for its debts in an amount that was determined in advance
company limited by shares
company limited in the quantity of shares of stock it may issue
company limited by stock
company that in the event of its breakup its owners will be responsible for its debts in an amount that is yet to be determined (for the stock shares in their possession)
the boundary of a specific area
The target value that terms in a sequence of numbers are getting closer to This limit is not necessarily ever reached; the numbers in the sequence eventually get arbitrarily close to the limit
A restriction; a check; a curb; a hindrance
(1) The maximum price fluctuation permitted by an exchange from the previous session's settlement price for a given contract (2) In international banking the limit a bank is willing to lend in a country (3) The amount that one bank is prepared to trade with another (4) The amount that a dealer is permitted to trade in a given currency
A limit is the greatest amount, extent, or degree of something that is possible. Her love for him was being tested to its limits There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day
The maximum price advance or decline permitted in one trading session versus the previous day's closing price
restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"
The maximum daily price change above or below the previous close in a specific futures market Trading limits may be changed during periods of unusually high market activity
That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines; the bound, border, or edge; the utmost extent; as, the limit of a walk, of a town, of a country; the limits of human knowledge or endeavor
The maximum payable under the policy for a type of property, or type of loss   Also known as the limit of liability
refers to the maximum number of fish you are allowed to keep or have in your possession (see Catch Limits in the General Regulations section)
restrictions applied to search sets that reduce the total number of citations retrieved Commonly used limits include language, human/animal, age groups, publication type, and journal subset
The maximum amount of benefits payable for a given situation, condition, or occurrence Limits may specify a paid dollar maximum or a number of days maximum The limit may be a yearly, lifetime, or per condition maximum
the greatest possible degree of something; "what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior"; "to the limit of his ability"
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
Short for fixed limit
To have a limit in a particular set
The space or thing defined by limits
If you limit something, you prevent it from becoming greater than a particular amount or degree. He limited payments on the country's foreign debt The view was that the economy would grow by 2.25 per cent. This would limit unemployment to around 2.5 million. = restrict
Being a fixed limit game
decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"
A value to which a sequence converges
A customer-fixed price declaring the lowest price for which they are willing to sell their security or the highest price at which they are willing to buy
Any of several abstractions of this concept of limit
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day
The maximum dollar amount of coverage an insurer will pay for a particular loss, or for losses incurred during the policy term
place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
The maximum daily price change of a futures contract above or below the previous day's settlement price
A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent
An order to buy at a specified price when the market moves down to that price, or to sell at a specified price when the market moves up to that price
{i} point at which something ends; edge, border, boundary; restriction, restraint
For positive values of x, as x is chosen closer and closer to 0, the value of 1/x begins to grow rapidly, approaching infinity as a limit. This interplay of action and reaction as the independent variable moves closer to a given value is the essence of the idea of a limit. Limits provide the means of defining the derivative and integral of a function. central limit theorem Roche limit limited liability Qantas Airways Limited limited obligation bond
If you limit yourself to something, or if someone or something limits you, the number of things that you have or do is reduced. It is now accepted that men should limit themselves to 20 units of alcohol a week Voters cut councillors' pay and limited them to one staff member each. + limiting lim·it·ing The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting
If someone is over the limit, they have drunk more alcohol than they are legally allowed to when driving a vehicle. If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban
If you add within limits to a statement, you mean that it is true or applies only when talking about reasonable or normal situations. In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence. = within reason. Mathematical concept based on the idea of closeness, used mainly in studying the behaviour of functions close to values at which they are undefined. For example, the function 1/x is not defined at x =
The maximum amount paid under the terms of a policy A professional liability insurance policy usually has two limits, a per-clam limit and an annual aggregate limit (See "Annual Aggregate Limit ") Loss Ratio: Losses incurred (indemnity and ALAE) divided by net earned premium Loss Reserves: Amount set aside to pay for reported and unreported claims For an individual claim, a case reserve or estimate of the expected loss is set aside
broad restrictions applicable to existing search sets; includes designations such as: Human, animal (and types of animal) English or other languages Publication types (e g , review, randomized controlled trial, clinical trial, meta-analysis, practice guideline, etc ) Age groups Gender Journal subsets (including AIM journals, Nursing Journals, and Dental Journals) Year of publication Latest update
The limit of an area is its boundary or edge. the city limits of Baghdad
A determining feature; a distinguishing characteristic; a differentia
If you say the sky is the limit, you mean that there is nothing to prevent someone or something from being very successful. They have found that, in terms of both salary and career success, the sky is the limit
The limits of a situation are the facts involved in it which make only some actions or results possible. She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget He outlined the limits of British power
The maximum amount a futures price may advance or decline in any one day s trading session
The maximum price fluctuation permitted by an exchange from the previous session’s settlement price for a given contract
A method of reducing the the number of items retrieved in a search Common limits are: date, location and whether article is available full-text in the database
In relation to dealing instructions, a restriction set on an order to buy or sell, specifying the minimum selling or maximum buying price
{f} create boundaries; restrict; reduce; function as a border
To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region; as, a limiting friar
The maximum amount a policy will pay for a covered loss For example, if you have a $5,000 loss and the limit on your policy is $3,000, the insurance company will only pay $3,000 If you have a $3,000 loss and the policy limit is $5,000, the company pays the entire $3,000
If something is limited to a particular place or group of people, it exists only in that place, or is had or done only by that group. The protests were not limited to New York Entry to this prize draw is limited to UK residents. see also age limit, limited
To alter a search in order to retrieve fewer hits The use of the Boolean operator "and" limits a search This is also known as "narrowing" and "refining" a search
The maximum price advance or decline from the previous day's settlement price permitted during one trading session, as fixed by the rules of an exchange See Daily Price Limits
The maximum permitted price move up or down for any given day, under exchange rules
as far as something can go
Maximum amount a policy will pay either overall or under a particular coverage
That which terminates a period of time; hence, the period itself; the full time or extent