
listen to the pronunciation of lieber
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
{'li: bır} daha çok, tercihan
daha çok, tercihan
daha hoş
lieber haben
tercih etmek
du lieber Gott!
aman Allahım!
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение lieber в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

-den ziyade
-mektense: I decided to visit a friend rather than go home. Eve gitmektense bir arkadaşı ziyaret etmeye karar verdim
prefer to
(Fiili Deyim ) tercih etmek , yeğlemek , daha çok sevmek
prefer to
tercih et

Kırmızı ruj sürmeyi tercih etmem. - I don't prefer to wear red lipstick.

Okumayı ve hayatta başarılı olmayı tercih ettiğim için eve geri dönmek istiyorum. - I want to return home, as I prefer to study and to succeed in life.

daha ziyade

O, kadınları anlamlı bir meşgale olmaktan daha ziyade tek kullanımlık zevk olarak görüyor. - He regards women as disposable pleasures rather than as meaningful pursuits.

Bu tür şeyler çoğunlukla kötülükten daha ziyade bir kaza sonucudur. - Such things are often a result of accident rather than malice.


Sözleşme oldukça gevşek. - The contract was rather loose.

Japonca bilgim oldukça zayıftır. - My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor.

prefer to

Ben sabah banyo yapmayı tercih ederim. - I prefer to bath in the morning.

Çoğu kişi yağla yemek pişirmek yerine tereyağıyla yemek pişirmeyi tercih eder. - Many people prefer to cook with butter instead of oil.


O benim oğlum değil, aksine, ben onun babasıyım. - He's not my son, rather, I'm his father.

Mutlu olmak her şeyin mükemmel olduğu anlamına gelmez fakat aksine eksikliklerin ötesine bakmaya karar vermenizdir. - Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, but rather that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

(zarf) tercihen, iyisimi, daha iyisi, daha doğrusu, oldukça, bayağı, az çok, aksine [brit.], bilâkis [brit.]

Eğer ikinci dilinden anadiline çeviri yaparsan, bu durumun tersine tercihen, hata yapma olasılığın daha az olur. - If you translate from your second language into your own native language, rather than the other way around, you're less likely to make mistakes.

den ziyade
bilâkis [brit.]

Eğer ikinci dilinden anadiline çeviri yaparsan, bu durumun tersine tercihen, hata yapma olasılığın daha az olur. - If you translate from your second language into your own native language, rather than the other way around, you're less likely to make mistakes.

daha iyisi
Yapmasam daha
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
just as soon
would rather

I would rather be killed than live in disgrace. - Ich möchte lieber umgebracht werden, als in Schande zu leben.

I would rather stay here. - Ich würde lieber hier bleiben.

had rather
prefer to

I prefer to do it on my own. - Ich mache es lieber alleine.

Instead, they prefer to stay in and watch television. - Stattdessen bleiben sie lieber drinnen und sehen fern.

Lieber Hammer als Amboss.
It is better to be the hammer than the anvil
Lieber den Spatz in der Hand als die Taube auf dem Dach.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Lieber dumm leben, als gescheit sterben.
Better a living dog than a dead lion
Lieber gesund als reich.
Health is better than wealth
Lieber tot als ehrlos.
Better death than dishonor
Dear …
lieber gehabt
lieber gewollt
lieber habend
lieber mögen
would rather
lieber wollen
would rather
lieber wollend
'Stört es Sie, wenn ich rauche?' - 'Also mir wär's eigentlich lieber wenn Sie's
'Do you mind if I smoke?' - 'Well, actually I'd rather you didn't.'
Ach du lieber Gott!
Oh my gosh! Oh my word!
Ach du lieber Gott!
Oh my god! /OMG/
Badest oder duschst du lieber?
Do you prefer baths or showers?
Bier hat er lieber.
He likes beer better
Das ist ein lieber Hund - wie lange hast du ihn schon?
He's a lovely dog - how long have you had him?
Das wäre mir lieber.
I'd rather have/do it that way
Die letzte Bemerkung wollen wir lieber übergehen.
I think we'd better pass over that last remark
Die meisten Haushaltshilfen wohnen lieber außer Haus.
Most home helps prefer to live out
Du lieber Gott!
Good land! (For the) land's sake!
Du lieber Gott!
Land sakes!
Du solltest lieber gehen!
You had better go!
Du solltest lieber gehen!
You better go!
Fall lieber gleich mit der Tür ins Haus.
Better come straight to the point
Gaff nicht, hilf mir lieber!
Don't just stand there gaping, help me!
Geh lieber nach Hause.
You better go home
Ich bin lieber in der frischen Luft.
I prefer to be in the fresh air
Ich möchte lieber nicht hingehen.
I'd rather not go
Ich möchte lieber
I would rather …
Ich stehe lieber.
I prefer standing
Ich stehe lieber.
I prefer to stand
Ich trinke lieber Tee als Kaffee.
I prefer drinking tea to coffee
Ich trinke lieber Tee als Kaffee.
I prefer tea over coffee
Ich trinke lieber Tee als Kaffee.
I prefer tea to coffee
Ich warte lieber bis zum Abend.
I should prefer to wait until evening
Ich warte lieber.
I should prefer to wait
Ich würde lieber warten.
I would rather wait
In einigen Fällen sollte statt B lieber A benutzt werden.
A should be used in preference to B in some cases
In welches Konzert möchtest du lieber (gehen)?
Which concert would you rather go to?
Je früher/eher, desto besser/lieber.
The sooner the better
Jugendliche sind lieber mit ihren Freunden unterwegs.
Teenagers would rather be out and about with their friends
Lass das lieber!
Better not do that!
Lassen wir das Ganze lieber sein.
Let's drop the whole thing
Mein lieber Freund und Kupferstecher!
Ye gods and little fishes! (surprise interjection)
Mein lieber Freund und Zwetschkenröster! (Ausruf des Erstaunens)
Ye gods and little fishes! (surprise interjection)
Mein lieber Herr Gesang(s)verein!
Ye gods and little fishes! (surprise interjection)
Mein lieber Scholli!
Good heavens!
Mein lieber Scholli!
My Goodness!
Mein lieber Schwan!
Mein lieber
My dear …
Mir wäre es lieber, du würdest nicht mit dem Auto fahren, während ich weg bin.
I'd just as soon you didn't drive the car while I'm gone
Mir wäre es lieber, wenn …
I would rather …
Mit Ron und seiner neurotischen Frau möchten wir lieber nichts zu tun haben.
We rather disown Ron and his neurotic wife
Nein danke. Lieber nicht.
No, thanks. I'd rather not
Sie hat gesagt, dass sie lieber zu Hause bleibt.
She said she would sooner/just as soon stay home
Sie sollten lieber gehen!
You better go!
Sie sollten lieber gehen!
You had better go!
So wäre es mir lieber.
I'd rather have/do it that way round
Viele junge Menschen spielen lieber Computerspiele als Funßball.
A lot of young people prefer computer games rather than football
Viele junge Menschen spielen lieber Computerspiele als Funßball.
A lot of young people prefer computer games to football
Was ist dir lieber?
What's your preference?
Wenn es dir lieber ist, gehen wir hinaus.
If you'd rather, we can go outside
Wenn ich nach Cardiff muss, fahre ich lieber die längere Strecke.
If I have to go to Cardiff, I prefer to travel on the longer route
ein lieber Kerl
a nice guy
es mehr/lieber mit etwas halten
to prefer something
etw. lieber haben
to prefer something
etw. lieber wollen
to prefer something
mein Lieber
kiddo (affectionate, slightly patronizing form of address)