
listen to the pronunciation of level
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Şirket iflasları geçen ay yüksek bir düzeyde devam etti. - Corporate bankruptcies continued at a high level last month.

Son zamanlarda yağ düzeyini kontrol ettin mi? - Have you checked the oil level recently?

{i} seviye

Çoğumuz ebeveynlerimiz ve büyük ebeveynlerimizden önemli ölçüde daha varlıklı olmamıza karşın, onu yansıtan mutluluk seviyeleri değişmemiştir. - While most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven't changed to reflect that.

Çok fazla balık avı dolayısıyla, bazı balık stokları şimdi tehlikeli derecede düşük seviyelerde. - Due to overfishing, some fish stocks are now at perilously low levels.

{f} yıkmak
aynı seviyeye getir
aynı düzeyde
aynı düzlemde olma
bir seviyede olan
mükemmel bir şekilde yatay
iyi dengelenmiş
duvarcı terazisi
eşit düzeye getirmek

Dağ, deniz seviyesinden 2000 metre yüksekliktedir. - The mountain is 2000 meters above sea level.

Bu ağacın tepesi çitle aynı yükseklikte. - The top of this tree is level with the fence.

ufki bir yüzey sağlamak
egalize etmek
hedef olarak seçmek
amaç olarak seçmek
düzlük yer
hizaya getirmek
kabarcıklı düzeç
aynı yükseklikte olma
hedefe doğru yöneltmek

Tom bir kahkaha kulübüne katıldı ve onun stres seviyeleri önemli ölçüde düştü. - Tom has joined a laughter club and his stress levels have decreased significantly.

Çoğumuz ebeveynlerimiz ve büyük ebeveynlerimizden önemli ölçüde daha varlıklı olmamıza karşın, onu yansıtan mutluluk seviyeleri değişmemiştir. - While most of us are significantly better off financially than our parents and grandparents, happiness levels haven't changed to reflect that.

{i} düzeç

Su, deniz seviyesinde 100 santigrat derecede kaynar. - Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level.

Çok fazla balık avı dolayısıyla, bazı balık stokları şimdi tehlikeli derecede düşük seviyelerde. - Due to overfishing, some fish stocks are now at perilously low levels.

düz yer
bir seviyede

İyi bir seviyede olmadığımın farkındayım; bu yüzden, daha fazla pratik yapmam gerekiyor. - I'm aware I'm not at a good level; therefore, I need to practice more.

(of ile) miktar
yatay yüzey

Son zamanlarda yağ düzeyini kontrol ettin mi? - Have you checked the oil level recently?

Şirket iflasları geçen ay yüksek bir düzeyde devam etti. - Corporate bankruptcies continued at a high level last month.

düzgün bir biçimde
be.düz olarak
aynı hizada

Tom geçen yılın ders planlarını benimsedi böylece onları bu yılın daha düşük seviyeli öğrencileri için kullanabildi. - Tom adapted last year's lesson plans so he could use them with this year's lower level students.

düzey,v.aynı seviyeye getir: n.düzey
{i} zemin
{s} akılcı
{f} nişan almak
(Askeri) RUHLU DÜZEÇ: Bir hat veya yüzeyin yataylığını tayine yarayan herhangi bir cihaz. Gerekli ayarlamanın yapılması halinde, bir düzeç, dikey bir hat veya yüzeyi tayinde kullanılabilir. Düzeç, nişan veya ateş idare cihazlarının belli başlı bir parçasıdır
{f} dengelemek
{f} eşitlemek
{s} makul
{s} mantıklı
irtifa sathı
{s} yatay
level headed
level arm
kuvvet kolu
level at
level best
elden geleni yapmak
level land
düz arazi
level name
(Bilgisayar) düzey adı
level of detail
(Bilgisayar) ayrıntı düzeyi
level of intelligence
level of price
(Ticaret) fiyat düzeyi
level of service
(Ticaret) hizmet düzeyi
level of supply
(Askeri) ikmal seviyesi
level out
level tone
(Dilbilim) düz ton
level area
düz alan
level at
-e yöneltmek
level at
level bombing
yatay bombardıman
level compensator
seviye dengeleyici
level crossing
hemzemin geçit
level crossing
yer geçidi
level indicator
düzey göstergesi
level indicator
seviye göstergesi
level measuring set
seviye ölçü aygıtı
level of income
gelir düzeyi
level of significance
yanılgı düzeyi
level of welfare
refah düzeyi
level setting
level terrace
düz teras
level to the ground
yerle bir etmek
level with
le aynı hizada
level of access
erişim seviyesi
level of poverty
Yoksulluk sınırı
level of supply
İKMAL SEVİYESİ: İlerideki taleplere karşılık yedek olarak bulundurulması için yetki verilmiş veya elde bulundurulması emredilmiş ikmal maddeleri veya malzeme miktarı
level off
Make flat or level

1. The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and then the concrete was poured. 2. To move on an even level. The airplane leveled out at 2,000 feet. After going up for six months, the cost of living leveled off in September.

level off
level out
Dengeyi bulmak, istikrara kavuşmak

Total population will level out at between 10 and 15 billion.

level payment mortgage
(Emlak) Eşit taksitlerle geri ödemeli ipotek
level plate
seviye belirleme plakası
level playing field
level rotation time
seviye tur zamanı
level surface
level terrain
(Coğrafya) Düzlük arazi
level the playing field
(deyim) Hyerkese eşit imkân tanımak, fırsat eşitliği sağlamak, herkes için eşit koşullar yaratmak. Örnek: Government funding can level the playing field for political candidates without money
level with
-le aynı hizada
level with sb
samimi davranmak
level adjustment
duzey ayari
level at
(suçu) -e yüklemek
level at
(silahı) -e doğrultmak
level bombing
(Askeri) YATAY BOMBARDIMAN: Bombaları düz uçuşta bırakmak suretiyle yapılan bombardıman. Bak. "level flight bombing" ve "level flight bombardment"
level crossing
İng., d.y. hemzemin geçit
level crossing
demiryolu geçidi
level cut
(İnşaat) düz kesme
level density
(Nükleer Bilimler) seviye yoğunluğu
level down
düşürerek eşitlemek
level down
aynı seviyeye indirmek
level down
(Fiili Deyim ) aynı düzeye indirmek , eşit düzeye getirmek
level flight
(Askeri) YATAY UÇUŞ, DÜZ UÇUŞ: Bir tayyarenin dalış veya çıkış yapmadan, yatay bir düzey içinde uçması
level flight bombardment
(Askeri) YATAY UÇUŞLA BOMBARDIMAN: Yatay uçuş seyri takip eden bir tayyare tarafından yapılan bombardıman. Buna (horizantal bombing) veya (level bombing) de denir
level flight bombing
(Askeri) YATAY BOMBARDIMAN: Bak. "level bombing"
level gauge
(Nükleer Bilimler) seviye ölçüm cihazı
level headed
aklı başında
level headed
level headed
level headed
level indicator
(Nükleer Bilimler) seviye gösterge
level invoice
(Bilgisayar) düzey faturası
level limiter
level meter
(Nükleer Bilimler) düzey ölçer
level of activity
(Politika, Siyaset) faaliyet seviyesi
level of activity
(Avrupa Birliği) iş hacmi
level of alignment
(Politika, Siyaset) uyumlulaşma düzeyi
level of arousal
uyarılma düzeyi
level of aspiration
istek düzeyi
level of average earnings
(Ticaret) ortalama kazanç düzeyi
level of classification
(Askeri) sınıflandırma seviyesi
level of confidence
(Ticaret) güvenirlilik düzeyi
level of demand
(Ticaret) talep seviyesi
level of dept
(Ticaret) borç düzeyi
level of dept
(Ticaret) borçlanma derecesi
level of effort oriented items
(Askeri) GÜÇ SEVİYESİNE GÖRE AYARLANMIŞ MADDELER: İhtiyaç hesapları; personel ve teçhizat yoğunluğu ile kullanma süresi ve kullanma oranı gibi faktörlere dayanan maddeler. Bak. "combination mission /level of-effort oriented items", "mission oriented items"
level of employment
(Avrupa Birliği) istihdam düzeyi
level of exchange rates
(Ticaret) kur seviyesi
level of exploitation
(Denizbilim) sömürme düzeyi
level of free convection
(Meteoroloji) serbest konveksiyon seviyesi
level of ground
arazi kotu
level of heading
Başlık düzeyi
level of intrusion
(Askeri) sızma seviyesi
level of living
hayat seviyesi
level of living
yaşama düzeyi
level of performance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) performans seviyesi
level of performance
(Ticaret) beceri derecesi
level of prices
(Ticaret) fiyatlar düzeyi
level of prices
(Avrupa Birliği) fiyat düzeyi
level of return
(Politika, Siyaset) getiri seviyesi
level of standardisation
(Ticaret) standardizasyon seviyesi
level of strength
(Askeri) kuvve seviyesi
level of strength
(Askeri) KUVVE SEVİYESİ: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosuna göre kabul edilmiş imkan ve kabiliyetlere veya vazifeye uygun personel ve yetkiler. Bak. "cadre strength column" ve "type B strength column"
level of water
su düzeyi
level of water
su seviyesi
level off
yatay hale gelmek
level off
hedef almak
level off
yatay duruma getirmek
level off
level off
level off
(Askeri) UÇAĞI DÜZELTMEK, DÜZ VAZİYETE GETİRMEK: Bir tayyareyi bir tırmanma, süzülme ve dalıştan sonra yatay uçuşa geçirmek
level on points
sayıların eşitliği
level on points
sayısal eşitlik
level out
yatay hale gelmek
level out
level out
level out
yatay duruma getirmek
level out
hedef almak
level pegging
(deyim) ayni duzeyde,esit olmayan yarismacilar
level point
(Askeri) DÜŞÜŞ NOKTASI: Mermi yolu alçalış kısmında, çıkış noktası ile aynı yükseklikte olan nokta; mermi yolunun namlu ağzı yatay hattını ikinci defa kestiği nokta; buna bazen (point of fall) da denir
level premium
(Sigorta) değişmeyen prim
level swelling
(Nükleer Bilimler) düzey kabarması
level up
aynı seviyeye çıkarmak
level up
(Fiili Deyim ) aynı düzeye getirmek , eşitleştirmek
level up
yükselterek eşitlemek
level width
(Nükleer Bilimler) seviye genişliği
level with
aynı seviyede
level with
(Fiili Deyim ) -e karşı dürüst davranmak
level with
eşit yükseklikte
level with smb
dürüst davranmak
level with smb
samimi olmak
level with the ground
yer hizasında
Street level camera
Sokak seviyesinde çekim yapan araç kamerası
burnout level
Tükenmişlik düzeyi
(Havacılık) dengeleme
acceptable level of risk
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) onanır risk düzeyi
acceptable quality level
onanır nitelik düzeyi
acceptable quality level
(Askeri) asgari kalite seviyesi
access level
giriş seviyesi
advanced level of
ileri düzeyde
alert level
(Tıp) uyarı düzeyi
assign a level
(Bilgisayar) düzey ata
battery level
(Bilgisayar) pil düzeyi
battery level
(Bilgisayar) akü düzeyi
beginner level
başlangıç seviyesi
bottom level
taban düzeyi
child level
(Bilgisayar) alt düzey
clipping level
kırpma düzeyi
completed level
(Bilgisayar) tamamlanan düzey
custom level
(Bilgisayar) özel düzey
datum level
başlangıç düzeyi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
an area of almost perfectly flat land
Unvaried in frequency

His pulse has been level for 12 hours.

In an Internet post, an indication of the number of previous replies at which a portion of text was written
A floor of a multi-storey building

Take the elevator and get off at the promenade level.

A tool for finding whether a surface is level, or for creating a horizontal or vertical line of reference

Hand me the level so I can tell if this is correctly installed.

One of several discrete segments of a game generally increasing in difficulty. Often numbered. Often, each level occupies different physical space (levels don't require any direct physical relationship to each other, e.g. vertically stacked, horizontally chained, etc)

Watch out for the next level; the bad guys there are really overpowered.

To adjust so as to make as flat or perpendicular to the ground of possible

You can level the table by turning the pads that screw into the feet.

Degree or amount

We've reached a new level of success.

To aim or direct (a weapon, a stare, an accusation, etc)

He levelled an accusation of fraud.

A distance relative to a given reference elevation

By the end of the day, we'd dug down to the level of the old basement floor.


He kept a level head under stress.

The same height at all places; parallel to a flat ground

This table isn't quite level; see how this marble rolls off it?.

A periodic progression of integer values that quantify a character's experience and power

My half-orc barbarian reached fifth level before he was squashed by a troll.

To progress to the next level

I levelled after defeating the dragon.

To destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze

The hurricane leveled the forest.

To levy

Ultimately, Ms. Kroes could level a fine and order Intel to change its business practices.

At the same height as some reference; constructed as level with

We tried to hang the pictures so that the bottom of the frames were level with the dark line in the wallpaper.

{a} even, smooth, plain, flat, equal, adapted
{v} to make or lay flay, take aim, direct
{n} a plain, flat, equality, instrument
If you draw level with someone or something, you get closer to them until you are by their side. Just before we drew level with the gates, he slipped out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd Level is also an adjective. He waited until they were level with the door before he turned around sharply and punched Graham
Having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin
To be level; to be on a level with, or on an equality with, something; hence, to accord; to agree; to suit
If something is at a particular level, it is at that height. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level
A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine
an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"
If someone or something such as a violent storm levels a building or area of land, they destroy it completely or make it completely flat. The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes
Another term for concentration or the amount of a substance in a given volume of air, liquid, or solid
(Ticaret) The presentation of single or multiple part numbers in a bill of material that describes how an assembly is put together through level codes. The finished or end item is typically coded as level 0, which denotes the highest level in a bill of material, and its immediate components are coded as level 1. If a level 1 component is a subassembly, its immediate components are coded as level 2, and so on. An indented bill of material is normally used in representing levels
a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what stage are the social sciences?"
{i} degree; rank; height; plane, flat horizontal surface; plain, flat horizontal area of land; device used to determine if a surface is horizontal; floor, storey
height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level"
The presentation of single or multiple part numbers in a bill of material that describes how an assembly is put together through level codes The finished or end item is typically coded as level 0, which denotes the highest level in a bill of material, and its immediate components are coded as level 1 If a level 1 component is a subassembly, its immediate components are coded as level 2, and so on An indented bill of material is normally used in representing levels
A periodic progression of integer values that quantify a characters experience and power
If you level an object at someone or something, you lift it and point it in their direction. He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them
Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon; horizontal; as, the telescope is now level
The level of a river, lake, or ocean or the level of liquid in a container is the height of its surface. The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal The gauge relies upon a sensor in the tank to relay the fuel level. see also sea level
of the score in a contest; "the score is tied"
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
A colorless substance isomeric with chlorophyll, contained in parts of plants capable of becoming green
To adjust so as to make level
The total number of job openings, hires, total separations, quits, layoffs and discharges and/or other separations
Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc
The same height at all places; parallel to the ground
The logarithm of the ratio of a given quantity to a reference quantity of the same kind The base of the logarithm, the reference quantity, and the kind of level must be indicated
indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level"
aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody"
The hierarchical tier of an executive branch organization in the federal government Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, are respectively referred to in RaDiUS as Agency, Bureau, Program, Project, and Award/Task (RAND, 1996)
A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and soda with fluorine
When something is level, it is completely flat with no part higher than any other. The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. a plateau of fairly level ground
A level is a point on a scale, for example a scale of amount, quality, or difficulty. If you don't know your cholesterol level, it's a good idea to have it checked We do have the lowest level of inflation for some years The exercises are marked according to their level of difficulty
A term for the amount of audio that is present
a training step on the Grade Chart which one does for classification He is then eligible to deliver the auditing grade represented by that level See also Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart
Being sensible
to direct the eye, mind, or effort, directly to an object
not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a level voice"; "she gave him a level look"- Louis Auchincloss
a level playing field: see playing field. Device for establishing a horizontal plane. It consists of a small, sealed glass tube containing liquid and an air bubble; the tube is fixed horizontally in a block or frame with a smooth lower surface. When the bubble is in the middle of the glass tube, the device is on a level surface; adjustment to the horizontal is indicated by movement of the bubble. The glass tube is slightly bowed, and the level's sensitivity is proportional to the radius of curvature
{f} straighten, flatten, make even; equalize, adjust two or more things so they are level with each other; destroy, tear down; knock down; direct, aim (weapon, etc.); be open and honest, be frank; use a level
To adjust or adapt to a certain level; as, to level remarks to the capacity of children
Level is an expression of the relative signal strength at a point in a communications circuit compared to a standard
horizontally; hence, to aim or point a weapon in direct line with the mark; fig
To bring to a lower level; to overthrow; to topple down; to reduce to a flat surface; to lower
A dropsical habit of body, or the commencement of anasarca; paleness,with viscid juices and cold sweats
An instrument the surveyor uses to determine elevations Is used in conjunction with a level rod The level is used to read the measurement on the level rod
A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence parallel to the horizon at that point; this is the apparent level at the given point
To make level; to make horizontal; to bring to the condition of a level line or surface; hence, to make flat or even; as, to level a road, a walk, or a garden
In caves, the height relation of a point in a cave to the entrance or a datum eg sea level Survey & Mapping term Ref WM
To aim a gun, spear, etc
(also "level par, even, even par") anytime one's score is level with, or equivalent to, par during, or at the conclusion of, a round of golf Example: Jill was at level/level par/even par/even/par with two holes still to play
level best
The very best that one can do

And baby did his level best to say it for he was very intelligent for eleven months everyone said and big for his age and the picture of health.

level cap
The maximum attainable level of the player character, often in role-playing video games. Level caps may be raised in subsequent playthroughs or expansion packs
level caps
plural form of level cap
level crossing
An at-grade crossing between a railway line and an ordinary road, with rails and road at the same level
level junction
An at-grade junction between two crossing railroad tracks
level playing field
a situation which offers no advantage to any particular side or group or person
level set
The set of values x for which a real-valued function f(x) is equal to a given constant
level staff
A graduated rod used by surveyors to measure differences in level
level up
To progress to the next level of player character stats and abilities. Often used in role-playing games when the character has aquired enough experience points

I leveled up after defeating the dragon.

An old game in which seats are changed by the players
Sensible; rational; possessing sound judgment

I urge you to weigh calmly, deliberately, as cool, level-headed Canadians, the evidence produced by the prosecution.

level out
Make flat or level
level out
Move on an even level
level playing field
Fair competition, where no advantage is shown to either side
level a gun at
direct a gun at, aim a rifle at
level compensator
An automatic gain control device used in the receiving equipment of telegraphic circuits
level crossing
intersection of a railway and a road on the same level; barriers close road when trains pass
level crossing
A level crossing is a place where a railway line crosses a road. A grade crossing. a place where a railway crosses a road, usually protected by gates American Equivalent: railroad crossing
level crossing
(British) grade crossing, railroad crossing, place there railroad tracks intersect
level down
reduce, decrease
level inventory plan
(Ticaret) A plan that varies production levels in order to maintain a specific, even level of inventory over a given period of time, due to storage or other considerations
level of blood sugar
level of sugar in the blood
level of consciousness
position or standard of conscious awareness
level of contamination
level of pollution, degree to which something is polluted
level of difficulty
degree of difficulty, grade of difficulty, rate indicating the difficulty of something
level of effort
Support-type activity (e g , vendor or customer liaison) that does not readily lend itself to measurement of discrete accomplishment It is generally characterized by a uniform rate of activity over a specific period of time
level of effort
(LOE) - Support-type activity (e g , vendor or customer liaison) that does not readily lend itself to measurement of discrete accomplishment It is generally characterized by a uniform rate of activity over a period of time determined by the activities it supports
level of effort
Support­type activity (e g , vendor or customer liaison) that does not readily lend itself to measurement of discrete accomplishment It is generally characterized by a uniform rate of activity over a specific period of time
level of expectations
standard of anticipation
level of fats in the blood
amount of fat particles in the bloodstream
level of reliability
probability that the correct result will occur within a confidence interval, reliability rank (Statistics)
level of significance
probability that the correct result will occur outside of a confidence interval (Statistics)
level of significance
The probability of a false rejection of the null hypothesis in a statistical test. Also called significance level
level off
become level or even; "The ground levelled off"
level off
If an aircraft levels off or levels out, it travels horizontally after having been travelling in an upwards or downwards direction. The aircraft levelled out at about 30,000 feet
level off
If a changing number or amount levels off or levels out, it stops increasing or decreasing at such a fast speed. The figures show evidence that murders in the nation's capital are beginning to level off Inflation is finally levelling out at around 11% a month
level out
see level off
level out
{f} straighten, flatten, make even
level payment loan
loan which is paid off in a set number of equal payments including interest (first the interest is set and then the principal is set)
level payment mortgage
mortgage with payments of equal amounts
level pegging
If two opponents in a competition or contest are level pegging, they are equal with each other. An opinion poll published in May showed Mrs Yardley was level-pegging with Mr Simpson
level playing field
A balanced approach to federal funding proportions for highway projects and transit projects; may also refer to employee transportation benefits so that the monthly, tax-free value of a transit pass is equal to that of a parking space; generally, any situation in which transit and highways receive equal treatment in federal funding and other federal procedures
level playing field
a situation where neither side has an unfair advantage
level playing field
A competitive arena in which no player has an unfair advantage
level playing field
An electoral contest in which competing candidates have equal resources with which to conduct their campaigns
level production plan
(Ticaret) A production plan that varies the level of inventory in order to maintain an even production level for a given period. Level production plans may be a result of facility restraints, or to accommodate seasonal demand
level spoonful
amount that fills but does not rise above the rim of a spoon
level surface
defined as a surface having a constant RL On the Earth's surface it is in fact a curved surface
level surface
Surface which at every point is perpendicular to the plumbline or the direction in which gravity acts
level up
raise, lift, elevate
level with
say honestly, speak frankly
level with smb
{f} speak frankly with somebody, be honest with somebody
If you describe a person as level-headed, you mean that they are calm and sensible even in difficult situations. Simon is level-headed and practical His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary. = sensible. calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions
sober, thinking clearly, composed
be level-pegging if competitors in a race, election etc are level-pegging, they are equal and it is difficult to know who will win
A level
A non-compulsory examination taken in the final two years in British high schools

Applicants must have at least one A level.

Alternative spelling of A level
AS Level
An examination taken in college, equivalent to half of an A level
Advanced Subsidiary level, in the UK: the exam taken in the first year of the sixth form, as a first stage in getting to the A-levels (A2) at the end of the sixth form. The modular format makes the distinction less clear
A subject-based qualification superseded in England by GCSEs, but still available as an international examination
beat level
The beat of a piece
block level element
an HTML element that normally begins on a new line, and may or may not contain other block level elements or inline elements
bubble level
A tool employing a chamber with a colored liquid and an air bubble, used to determine if a surface is level horizontally, vertically, or at a 45-degree angle
The energy level of the electrons (core electrons) occupying the completely filled shells under the valence shell
critical tide level
A zone in which the duration of annual continuous exposure or submergence of intertidal areas changes sharply
dead level
Absolutely horizontal or zero slope
difficulty level
The relative difficulty of completing a task or objective
difficulty level
One of the difficulty settings in a video game
division level
A metric level faster than the beat level of a piece of music
draw level
to cause something to equalize
draw level
to equalize
energy level
any of the discrete stable energies that a quantum mechanical system (such as the electrons of an atom) can have
simple enough to be appropriate to an inexperienced person, or to someone who does not need advanced features
flight level
Any of several internationally agreed standard altitudes that are based on atmospheric pressure rather than on true height
freezing level
The altitude at which the temperature of the atmosphere is 0°C at a specific location
generic top-level domain
Any of the top-level domains assigned by the IANA based on type of organization

com, .gov and .edu are all generic top-level domains.

geostrophic wind level
The lowest level at which the wind becomes geostrophic. In practice, the geostrophic wind level is between 1.2 kilometers (3,928 feet) and 1.6 kilometers (5,238 feet). This wind level probably marks the upper limit of frictional influence of the earth's surface. The geostrophic wind level may be considered to be the top of the planetary boundary layer, that is, the base of the free atmosphere. Also known as gradient wind level
groundwater level
the level, below which the subsoil and rock masses of the earth are fully saturated with water
high level language
Common misspelling of high-level language
high level languages
Common misspelling of high-level languages
Of or pertaining to a person of a high social position or high rank within a hierarchy or organization
At a high level, altitude or elevation
Computer instructions in a high-level language, consisting of relatively English-like commands and mathematical notations which, after compilation or interpretation, become a set of machine language instructions
high-level language
A programming language, requiring a compiler to translate into a form a particular machine understands, focusing on user-friendly code development by automating core tasks such as accessing memory
high-level languages
plural form of high-level language
In a level or even manner

He spoke levelly, with no vocal variety to show his passion.

relatively unimportant

The low-level bureacrat couldn't help us and his boss could have but wouldn't.

of, or relating to a program, or to code in which each statement corresponds to a single machine instruction

The assembler generates low-level code.

not intense

The low-level radiation released won't kill you immediately, but avoid long term exposure.

low-level language
A computer language who's source code is a somewhat user-friendly version of a particular computer architecture's assembly language, containing no provisions for portability between architectures
low-level languages
plural form of low-level language
macro level orientation
that part of sociology that characterizes society as a whole
metric level
The pulses in a metric structure
micro-level orientation
that part of sociology that studies specific situations
multi-level marketing
A sales system under which the salesperson receives a commission on his or her own sales and a smaller commission on the sales from each person he or she convinces to become a salesperson
multiple level
A metric level with pulses slower than the beat level
on the level
Honest, sincere, straightforward

He looks like a used car salesman, but he's really on the level, so you can trust him.

price level
An index of the average market price of selected goods weighted according to certain criteria
sea level
The nominal height of the surface of the oceans above which heights of geographical features and aircraft flight levels are measured
second-level domain
a domain that is immediately below a top-level domain

Wiktionary.org is a second-level domain.

second-level domain
a domain name that contains a single period
second-level domains
plural form of second-level domain
service level agreement
A contract between the provider of a service and a user of that service, specifying the level of service that will be provided
service level agreements
plural form of service level agreement
significance level
A measure of how likely it is to draw a false conclusion in a statistical test, when the results are really just random variations

or the probalility of making a type 1 error). The probability is usually expressed as a percentage.

snow level
The depth of snow accumulated on the ground
snow level
The altitude, in a mountainous region, above which the ground is covered with snow

With the cold front, the snow line went down to 4000' last night.

spirit level
A tool employing a chamber with a colored liquid (usually alcohol, hence spirit) and an air bubble, used to determine a horizontal or vertical reference line
split level
Alternative spelling of split-level
split level
A single level of a split-level house

Confined to a wheelchair, she was effectively reduced to living in one split level, one-third of their split-level house.

A building built with rooms on levels separated by stairs of less than a full storey
Describing such a building
tertiary-level education
higher education
Primary; a web page that directly accessible by typing its name, not followed by any additional information
top-level domain
The last component of a domain name, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .net, .org, .mil or any of the newer generic top-level domains, or any of the ccTLDs. Abbreviated TLD
top-level domains
plural form of top-level domain
trophic level
A particular position occupied by a group of organisms in a food chain
water level
The level of the water table below ground
water level
The waterline of a ship
water level
The level of a body of water, especially when measured above a datum line
mensa level
See: Mensa
mensa level
The largest and oldest high IQ society in the world
{n} evenness, an equality of surface
A level
A levels are British educational qualifications which schoolchildren take when they are seventeen or eighteen years old. People usually need A levels if they want to go to university in Britain. He left school with four A levels. Advanced level an examination that students in England and Wales take, usually when they are 18 A/S level, GCSE GCSE, GNVQ GNVQ, O level O level do/take (your) A levels
A level
Advanced level
a level
the advanced level of a subject taken in school (usually two years after O level)
past of level
the act of making equal or uniform
When you get enough XP, you will reach a new level This gives you certain advantages, like more IP to spend on skills
Having a dropsical habit of body, with a white bloated skin
complete destruction of a building
Flattening rolled metal sheet or strip
A mineral of a greenish yellow color; it is a silicate of glucina, lime, and soda with fluorine
US, present participle of level
as in finding the descent of a river, or locating a line of railroad
= Electrodeposited materials tend to be concentrated at sharp corners, peaks, and ridges, due to the fact that current distributed on a surface will tend to concentrate at these irregularities more than in concave surfaces such as recesses Therefore, when a workpiece with a rough surface is electroplated, the rate ofdeposition will be faster on convex irregularities resulting in an accentuation of the item's original roughness To counteract this effect, additives are added to the electrolyte solution to produce a polarization effect concentrated at the peaks and ridges This polarization effect lowers the current density at the peaks and reduces deposition rates The net result is to smooth or "level" the surface of the workpiece
A process to flatten shape deficiencies (wavy edges and buckles) in the metal sheet prior to final shipment Most metal sheet initially has a crowned cross-section that is flattened by leveling
{i} total demolish or destruction of a building; changing the ground level to a flat or softly sloping surface; equalization, act of making uniform or equal
Called also leucophanite
The act or operation of making level
Elongation of paint film occurring from the time the paint particles form a wet film on the surface to the time the film hardens and dries Paint is said to have good leveling properties when orange peel or texture disappears as a result of elongation Also known as Flow
changing the ground level to a smooth horizontal or gently sloping surface
Ability of a film to flow out free from ripples, pockmarks and brush marks after application
One of certain very
The state of an albino, or of a white child of black parents
The ability of a freshly spread aqueous polish to dry to a uniform and streak-free appearance
Communication phenomenon in which messages are distorted by reduction of details, intensity, or complexity when they are repeated in a series