
listen to the pronunciation of leasing
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
finansal kiralama
{i} kiraya verme
{i} leasıng
{f} kirala: prep.kiralayarak
{f} kiralamak
leasing payables
(Ticaret) finansal kiralama borçları
leasing receivables
(Ticaret) finansal kiralama alacakları
leasing revenues
(Ticaret) finansal kiralama gelirleri
{f} kiraya vermek
{i} kiralama
employee leasing services
işçi kiralama hizmetleri
(Ticaret) uzun vadeli finansal kiralama
(Ticaret) kontratla kiralamak
(Ticaret) hasılat kirası
(Ticaret) uzun süreli kira
(Kanun) isticar
(Kanun) kiraya verme

Bugün kira kontratı imzaladım. - I signed the lease today.

Bir kira sözleşmesi imzaladın mı? - Didn't you sign a lease?

(out ile) kontratla kiralamak
{f} kirala

Tom bir ofis kiraladı. - Tom leased an office.

Sanırım kırmızı arabayı alacağım, yoksa mavi olanını kiralayacağım. - I think I will buy the red car, or I will lease the blue one.

{i} kira kontratı

Bugün kira kontratı imzaladım. - I signed the lease today.

equipment leasing
(Ticaret) makine kiralama
lease holder kiracı
(fiil) kiralamak
leasehold kontratla kiralanmış mal
{i} kira sözleşmesi

Bir kira sözleşmesi imzaladınız mı? - Didn't you sign a lease?

Kira sözleşmesi bittiği zaman onu yenileyecek misin? - Are you going to renew your lease when it expires?

kira süresi/k
{i} kira bedeli
kirala,v.kirala: n.kira kontratı
a new lease on life hastalık veya üzüntüden sonra yeniden hayata başlama
(Hukuk) yönetim devri
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
bakınız kiralama
Finansal kiralama
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A lie; the act of lying, falsehood

Shewes, visions, sooth-sayes, and prophesies; / And all that fained is, as leasings, tales, and lies.

Present participle of lease
{n} lies, falsehood deceit
Financing under which the customer (or lessee) pays for the use of assets (capital goods and equipment) in regular installments as the asset produces revenues Under a finance lease, a lessee can acquire use of an asset for most, if not all, of its useful life Under an operating lease, a lessee acquires use of an asset for a fraction of its useful life Sometimes the lessee has the option to purchase the asset at residual value upon termination of the lease term
Payment of a sum each month in return for the use of a vehicle instead of buying it outright The two basic types of leases are open-end leases, under which you pay an additional amount at the end of the term and acquire ownership of the vehicle; and closed-end leases, under which ownership reverts to the leasing agency at the end of the term
Contract granting use of real estate, equipment, or other fixed assets for a specified time in exchange for payment, usually in the form of rent The owner of the leased property is called the lessor, the user the lessee See Also: Capital Lease Operating Lease Sale and Leaseback
an alternative to traditional equipment financing, whereby the lessee pays rent on the equipment and makes monthly payments; see TRAC lease
Hiring and letting of movable or immovable products through a financing institution - known as a leasing company - or through the manufacturer of the products Leasing is a special form of financing Purchase using one' own resources, outside resources or mixed financing is replaced by rent or lease Possible variations of leasing may include: the period and redeemability of the leasing contract (financial and operating leasing), the position of the lessor (direct and indirect leasing) and the type of leased object (property leasing, product leasing and personal leasing), etc
(Otomotiv) Payment of a sum each month in return for the use of a vehicle instead of buying it outright. The two basic types of leases are open-end leases, under which you pay an additional amount at the end of the term and acquire ownership of the vehicle; and closed-end leases, under which ownership reverts to the leasing agency at the end of the term
An agreement under which the owner of an asset, against payment, guarantees the user the user right to the said asset for a given period
{i} act of renting out property for a specified period of time; possessing or occupying under the terms of a lease
The practice of contracting for the services of an asset rather than acquiring its ownership
A contract granting use of equipment or fixed asset for a specific time in exchange for a fixed payment The owner of the leased property is called the lessor and the user is the lessee
The practice by banks and bullion dealers of lending silver at an annual rate of interest, to jewelry manufacturers and other professional users of the metal to provide part of their working stock
The act of lying; falsehood; a lie or lies
the granting, under contract, of use of a product for an agreed upon period of time in return for a rental payment
Hiring equipment, such as a car or a piece of machinery, to avoid the capital cost involved in owning it In some companies it is advantageous to use capital for other purposes and to lease some equipment, paying for the hire out of income The equipment is then an asset of the leasing company rather than the lessor Sometimes a case can be made for leasing rather than purchasing, on the grounds that some equipment quickly becomes obsolete
Long time hire of equipment with a maintenance and replacement agreement for a fixed period of time
A method of financing the acquisition of assets, notably equipment, vehicles, plant, etc There are two forms of lease
An arrangement whereby one party obtains the right to use an asset for a fee paid to another party for a predetermined length of time 557
The financial plan like renting where you pay a sum of money each month in return for the use of a vehicle instead of buying it outright Open-end leases allow you to pay an additional amount at the end of the term so that you can own the vehicle Sometimes this is called the buy-back option Closed-end leases state that at the end of the term the ownership and possession of the vehicle must revert back to the leasing agency Leasing used to be the domain of businesses; but because of the high cost of vehicles, leasing is now an option for the average consumer
a lie; the act of lying
falsehood; a lie
false; lying; deceptive
The period of such a contract
A leasehold
To grant a lease; to let or rent
to glean
to pick, select, pick out; to pick up
To take or hold by lease
to gather
an open pasture or common
to glean, gather up leavings
{v} to let by lease, glean, pick up corn
{n} a temporary contract for land or houses
land leasing fees
payments which give the right to lease real estate for a long period of time
plural of lea
To gather what harvesters have left behind; to glean
An agreement for the right to use property for a specified period at a specified cost Title remains with the lessor At no time does the lessee build equity in the property
A written agreement between a property owner and a tenant that stipulates the payment and conditions under which the tenant may possess the real estate for a specified period of time
property that is leased or rented out or let
A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent
A contract between the owner (lessor) and the tenant (lessee) stating the conditions under which the tenant may occupy or use the property
To operate or live in some property or land through purchasing a long-term contract (or leasehold) from the owner (or freeholder)
A contract between a lessor and a lessee for the use of a vehicle or other property, subject to stated terms and limitations, for a specified period and at a specified payment
An agreement by which one conveys property to another for a specified term and for a specified rent
A contract between the owner of real property, called the lessor, and another person, called the lessee, covering conditions under which the lessee may occupy and use the property
grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners
To hold under a lease; to take lease of; as, a tenant leases his land from the owner
{f} rent out property for a specified period of time, let; possess or occupy under the terms of a lease
a contract renting land, homes, buildings, etc for a specified period of time
a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment property that is leased or rented out or let the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
An agreement for renting real property A lease is usually written and for a specific amount of time, such as 1 year A rental agreement for a place where you live (apartment or house) can be oral and is usually on a month-to-month basis
A demise or letting of lands, tenements, or hereditaments to another for life, for a term of years, or at will, or for any less interest than that which the lessor has in the property, usually for a specified rent or compensation
{i} contract which gives another the right to use or inhabit a property for a period of time in exchange for rent; period of time during which a lease is valid; property which is contracted to another
A written contract between a property owner and a tenant that expresses the conditions under which the tenant may possess the real estate for a specified period of time and rent
A contract by which one party gives to another the use and possession of land, buildings, or personal property for a specified time and for fixed payments
Any tenure by grant or permission; the time for which such a tenure holds good; allotted time
engage for service under a term of contract; "We took an apartment on a quiet street"; "Let's rent a car"; "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"
A contract entered into between a Landlord and a Tenant for the rental of a property for a specific period of time
hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
grant use or occupation of under a term of contract; "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"
Contract whereby the owner or user of property (the lessor) agrees to let another party (the lessee) use the property for a consideration (money or rent) (LE)
A short-term (usually 5-10 year) agreement for full or specified use in return for a rental payment (usually annual) and generally includes occupancy rights The rights revert back to the owner at the termination of the lease This device is useful when the objectives are short term or the owners are unable to provide other forms of land transfer The property remains on the tax rolls during the term of the lease
the period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect
The legal contract that specifies the terms and conditions of the business relationship between an oil company and the landowner or mineral rights holder on a particular tract
An agreement whereby the owner of real property (i e , landlord/lessor) gives the right to possession to another (i e , tenant/lessee) for a specified period of time (i e, term) and for a specified consideration (i e , rent)
A contract between the owner (lessor) and the tenant/user (lessee> stating the conditions under which the tenant/user may occupy or use a property, a vehicle, equipment, etc
let for money; "We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad"
Agreement between the owner of land and another for the use and occupation of the land
A legal contract permitting one party to use property owned by another, usually for the payment of periodic rent A common use of partnerships, LLCs, and other arrangements, is to segregate valuable business assets (patent, trademark, real estate, equipment) in a separate entity, gift the interests in that entity to your heirs and have them lease (or license) the right to use the property back to the business
A written agreement to rent a property or part of a property from the owner Sets out premises rented ("demised premises"), amount to be paid, payment period, and other rights and obligations of the landlord and tenant
A contract that specifies the terms under which the owner of an asset (the lessor) agrees to transfer the right to use the asset to another party (the lessee)
The contract for such letting
A written agreement stating the conditions for the possession and use of real estate (and/or personal property) given by the owner to another person (the tenant) for a specified period of time and rent
If you say that someone or something has been given a new lease of life, you are emphasizing that they are much more lively or successful than they have been in the past. The operation has given me a new lease of life
A special kind of contract between a property owner and a person wanting temporary enjoyment and use of the property, in exchange for rent paid to the property owner Where the property is land, a building, or parts of either, the property owner is called a landlord and the person that contracts to receive the temporary enjoyment and use is called a tenant
a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment
If you lease property or something such as a car from someone or if they lease it to you, they allow you to use it in return for regular payments of money. He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment She hopes to lease the building to students He will need more grazing land and perhaps La Prade could lease him a few acres
An interest in public trust tidelands designated by a contract creating a landlord-tenant relationship between the State of Mississippi as landlord or lessor and the applicant as tenant or lessee whereby the Secretary of State, with the approval of the Governor, grants and transfers to the applicant the use, possession and control of specified public trust tidelands, for a determinate number of years, with conditions attached, at a specified rental
A written agreement between the property owner and a tenant that stipulates the conditions under which the tenant may possess the real estate for a specified period of time and rent
To grant to another by lease the possession of, as of lands, tenements, and hereditaments; to let; to demise; as, a landowner leases a farm to a tenant; sometimes with out
A lease is a legal agreement by which the owner of a building, a piece of land, or something such as a car allows someone else to use it for a period of time in return for money. He took up a 10 year lease on the house at Rossie Priory
A contract or agreement for the occupancy or use of one party's property by another for a specified period of time and in exchange for monetary or other compensation; a rental agreement
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
finansal kiralama-leasing-
(Ticaret) financial leasing

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    /ˈlēsəɴɢ/ /ˈliːsɪŋ/


    () From Middle English lesing, leasung, from Old English lēasung (“leasing, lying, false witness, deceit, hypocrisy, artifice, lie, empty talk, frivolity, laxity”), from lēasian (“to lie”), from lēas (“false, faithless, untruthful, deceitful, lax, vain, worthless”). Cognate with Scots lesing (“lying”). More at lease.