
listen to the pronunciation of law
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Hukuk) hukuk

O, üniversitede hukuk eğitimi alıyor. - He is studying law at the university.

Su yasası bir kaynak olarak suya sahip olma, kontrolü ve kullanımı ile ilgili hukuk alanıdır. - Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource.


Kanun herkes için aynıdır. - The law is equal for all.

Kanun herkes için aynıdır. - The law is the same for everyone.

(Hukuk) yasa

Su yasası bir kaynak olarak suya sahip olma, kontrolü ve kullanımı ile ilgili hukuk alanıdır. - Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource.

Ceza hukuku, ceza yasası olarak da bilinen, bir suç olarak sınıflandırılmış olan bir hareket için takibat gerektirir. - Criminal law, also known as penal law, involves prosecution for an act that has been classified as a crime.

{i} kural

Her şey doğanın kurallarına tabidir. - Everything is subject to the laws of nature.

Araba sürerken trafik kurallarına uymamız gerekiyor. - You should obey the traffic laws when you drive.

{i} dava

Dava karar verilmeden kalır. - The lawsuit remains undecided.

Avukat davaya başvurmaya karar verdi. - The lawyer decided to appeal the case.

sokaklarda emniyet
{i} ilke
polis law and order küçük suçlara karsı şiddet
the law hâkim veya avukatlar sınıfı
{i} yasal çözüm
(Kanun) hukuk kuralı
fen bilimlerinde kanun
(Kanun) objektif hukuk
(Ticaret) yöntem

Avukat müvekkilinin masumiyeti konusunda ısrar etti - The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence.

Avukat müvekkili adına ikna edici bir şekilde konuştu. - The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.


Avukat benim vasiyetimi düzenledi. - The lawyer drew up my will.

Vasiyetim hakkında avukatımla istişarem var. - I had a consultation with a lawyer about my will.

maritime law
deniz hukuku
law abiding
yasalara saygılı
law and order
kanun ve düzen

Polis, kanun ve düzenin korunmasından sorumludur. - The police are responsible for the maintenance of law and order.

law administrator
law firm
avukatlık ofisi
law of motion
hareket yasası
law of supply
(Ticaret) arz kanunu
law of torts
tazminat davası
law abiding
kanuna itaat eden
law breaking
kanuna itaat etmeme
law costs
mahkeme giderleri
law degree
kanun mertebesi
law enforcement
kanun yaptırımı
law firm
avukatlık bürosu
law for combating terrorism
terörle mücadele yasası
law maker
meclis üyesi
law of acceleration
ivme kanunu
law of conservation of energy
enerji korunumu kanunu
law of conservation of energy
enerjinin korunumu kanunu
law of conservation of mass
kütlenin korunumu kanunu
law of conservation of matter
maddenin sakınımı kanunu
law of conservation of momentum
momentumun korunumu kanunu
law of constant proportions
sabit oranlar kanunu
law of contracts and torts
borçlar hukuku
law of cosine
kosinüs kanunu
law of definite proportions
belirli oranlar yasası
law of demand
talep kanunu
law of diminishing returns
azalan verim kuralı
law of dominance
baskın karakter kanunu
law of dominance
başatlık yasası
law of electromagnetic induction
elektromanyetik indüksiyon yasası
law of electrostatic attraction
eletrostatik çekim yasası
law of equivalent proportions
eşit oranlar kanunu
law of exponents
üstler kuralı
law of exportation
ihracat yasası
law of floating
yüzme kanunu
law of heat exchange
ısının yer değiştirme kanunu
law of inertia
eylemsizlik kanunu
law of jungle
orman yasası
law of large numbers
büyük sayılar kuralı
law of mass action
kütle etkisi kanunu
law of motion
hareket kanunu
law of multiple proportions
kat oranlar yasası
law of nations
devletler kanunu
law of nations
uluslararası hukuk
law of refraction
kırılım yasası
law of signs
işaretler kuralı
law of simplification
basitleştirme kanunu
law of sine
sinüs kanunu
law of succession
miras hukuku
law office
hukuk bürosu

Cincinnati'de bir hukuk bürosu açtı. - He opened a law office in Cincinnati.

Hukuk sınavını geçti ve bir hukuk bürosu kurdu. - He passed the law examination and set up a law office.

law school
hukuk bilimyurdu
yasaya saygı gösteren
Law-Based country
hukukun üstün olduğu ülke, hukuk devleti
law abiding citizen
Yasalara uyan vatandaş
law abiding citizens
Yasalara uyan vatandaş
law agent
yasa maddesi
law and order
kanun ve düzen, asayiş
law based on customary behavior
geleneksel davranış dayanan hukuk
law breaker
hukuk kesici
law copyist
Hukuk kâtibi
law enforcement
(Kanun) Kanûnî yaptırım
law enforcement agencies
Kolluk kuvvetleri
law enforcement officer
law firms
hukuk firmaları
law giver
hukuk verici
law institute
hukuk enstitüsü
law maker
(Kanun) Kanun koyucu, kanun yapıcı
law makers
(Kanun) Kanun koyucular, kanun yapıcılar
law of
law of averages
ortalamalar kanunu
law of gravitation
yerçekimi kanunu
law of gravity
yer çekimi yasası
law of interia
iç hukuk
law of nature
Doğal yasa, tabiat kanunu
law of obligations
Borçlar Hukuku
law of physics
Fizik yasası, fizik kanunu
law of radiation
ışınım yasası
law of supply and demand
ekon. şunu ve istem kuralı, arz ve talep kanunu
law of two feet
Mecazen, bir ortamda bulunmak istenilmediği zaman, çıkıp gitme serbestliği
law officers
yasa memurları
law on service in administrative procedures
idari prosedürlerin hizmet kanunu
law on stock companies
anonim şirketler kanunu
law set
hukuki açıdan düzenleme
law unto itself
(deyim) Başına buyruk, kural tanımaz
Kanun hükmünde
Yasa koyucu, yaşama görevini yapan
(Kanun) Avukatlar tarafından kullanılan özel form ve kağıtları satan kişi
Polis karakolu
yasalara uygun
(Kanun) mevzuat
(Kanun) kanun ve tüzükler
law enforcement
(Askeri) yasa koruma
law enforcement
hukuki yaptırım
law enforcement
kanun hükmü
law enforcement
(Askeri) güvenlik polisi
law suit
(Kanun) hukuk davası
kanun tanımazlık
yasalara uyan
yasalara uygun
kanuni olma
kanuna uygunluk

Şirketin yasal sahibidir. - He is the lawful owner of the company.


Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, küçük sinekleri yakalayabilirler fakat yaban arısı ve eşek arılarının geçmesine izin verirler. - Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.

Yeni yasalar devrimin tohumlarını ekti. - The new laws sowed the seeds of revolution.

the law

Avukat yeni yasayı bize açıkladı. - The lawyer explained the new law to us.

Avukat müvekkilinin yasal yollara başvurmasını tavsiye etti. - The lawyer recommended his client to take legal action.

law abiding
kanuna uyan
lawfully kanuna uygun bir şekilde
kanun gereğince
kanuna göre
kanuna uygun
yasaya uygun
{s} meşru
{s} adil
yasaya uygun şekilde
z. yasalara uygun bir şekilde
(isim) yasallık
{i} yasallık
lawlessness kanunsuzluk
vahşi/yasası olmayan
{s} kanunların hükmü geçmeyen (yer)
kanunlara aykırı
{s} kanunları hiçe sayan
{s} yolsuz
{s} kanunsuz
{s} kanunsuz, yasalara aykırı
kanun tanımazlık
lawlessly kanun tanımayarak
{s} yasaya aykırı
vahşi/yasasız şekilde
yolsuz olarak
{i} yolsuzluk
vahşilik/yasası olmama
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Mühür mumu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a conical hill
A topographic surname, perhaps originally meaning someone who lives near a burial mound
A patronymic surname
A diminutive of Lawrence
the Torah
a generic term which can refer to the Divine commandments (primarily the Decalogue), the Old Testament in general or, most specifically, the Torah
A well-established, observed physical characteristic or behavior of nature

Newton and Einstein understood the law of gravitation in very different ways.

A category of English "common law" petitions that request monetary relief, as opposed to relief in forms other than a monetary judgment; compare to "equity"
a tumulus of stones
A statement that is true under specified conditions
One of the official rules of cricket as codified by the MCC
The police

Here comes the law — run!.

The body of rules and standards issued by a government, or to be applied by courts and similar authorities

By law, one is not allowed to own a wallaby in New York City.

a hill

You might climb the Law and behold the face of many counties. (Robert Louis Stevenson Across the Plains, 1892).

A particular such rule

A new law forbids driving on that road.

A one-sided contract
A written or understood rule that concerns behaviours and the appropriate consequences thereof. Laws are usually associated with mores

Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you is a good law to follow.

{n} a rule, order, judicial process, justice
(Silahlar) Light Antitank Weapon
portable light anti-tank weapon made in United States
an English surname
an English topographic surname, perhaps originally meaning someone who lives near a burial mound
The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. You can also use the law to refer to the people who work in this system. Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them
Collectively, the whole body of rules relating to one subject, or emanating from one source; including usually the writings pertaining to them, and judicial proceedings under them; as, divine law; English law; Roman law; the law of real property; insurance law
  All the official rules and codes that govern citizens' actions, including the Constitution, statutory laws enacted by the Legislature, case laws established by court decisions, and administrative law as set forth by executive branch agencies
Laws are rules that everyone in a country has to abide by
The combination of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by legislative authority, derived from court decisions and established by local custom
the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system; "he studied law at Yale"
The law of averages is the idea that something is sure to happen at some time, because of the number of times it generally happens or is expected to happen. On the law of averages we just can't go on losing
Body of recognized rules of conduct and order established and enforced by government
Any edict, decree, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, judicial, decision, usage, etc
If you have to do something by law or if you are not allowed to do something by law, the law states that you have to do it or that you are not allowed to do it. By law all restaurants must display their prices outside
an act or bill which has become part of the legal code through passage by Congress and approval by the President (or via Congressional override)
Law is used to refer to a particular branch of the law, such as criminal law or company (Hukuk) He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school Important questions of constitutional law were involved
The Jewish or Mosaic code, and that part of Scripture where it is written, in distinction from the gospel; hence, also, the Old Testament
Same as Lawe, v
A statement that describes a natural phenomenon; a principle
In general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts
Sod's law: see sod. Canadian-born British politician who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer (1916-1918) and prime minister (1922-1923). Scottish financier active in France, where he engaged in highly profitable speculation on the development of Louisiana. The investment scheme ultimately collapsed, and he fled the country in ruin (1720). Discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct that are recognized as binding by the community. Enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority, such as a group of elders, a regent, a court, or a judiciary. Comparative law is the study of the differences, similarities, and interrelationships of different systems of (Hukuk) Important areas in the study and practice of law include administrative law, antitrust law, business law, constitutional law, criminal law, environmental law, family law, health law, immigration law, intellectual property law, international law, labour law, maritime law, procedural law, property law, public interest law, tax law, trusts and estates, and torts. See also Anglo-Saxon law; canon law; civil law; common law; equity; Germanic law; Indian law; Islamic law (Sharah); Israeli law; Japanese law; jurisprudence; military law; Roman law; Scottish law; Soviet (Hukuk) administrative law Ampère's law Anglo Saxon law Anti Corn Law League antitrust law associative law Avogadro's law blue law Bode's law Bragg law business law mercantile law commercial law canon law Chinese law civil law common law common law marriage commutative law conservation law law of conservation Coulomb's law covering law model criminal law cuneiform law diminishing returns law of distributive law Egyptian law estate law fair trade law Falloux Law faunal succession law of Germanic law Greek law Gresham's law Hardy Weinberg law Hebraic law Indian law international law Israeli law Japanese law Jim Crow Law labour law law code law of cosines law of sines law report Law Andrew Bonar Law John maritime law admiralty law marriage law martial law mass action law of military law Montgomery of Alamein Bernard Law Montgomery 1st Viscount natural law Newton's law of gravitation Ohm's law Olmsted Frederick Law Pascal's law Poor Law procedural law Rhodian Sea Law right to work law Roman law Scottish law Sea Law of the Book of the Law Snell's law Soviet law transitive law Twelve Tables Law of the Weber's law Weber Fechner law Constitutional Laws of 1875 Corn Laws gas laws Indies Laws of the Kirchhoff's laws laws conflict of March Laws Newton's laws of motion Nürnberg Laws personal liberty laws thought laws of
A rule established by authority, society, or custom
In philosophy and physics: A rule of being, operation, or change, so certain and constant that it is conceived of as imposed by the will of God or by some controlling authority; as, the law of gravitation; the laws of motion; the law heredity; the laws of thought; the laws of cause and effect; law of self- preservation
A law is one of the rules in a system of law which deals with a particular type of agreement, relationship, or crime. the country's liberal political asylum law The law was passed on a second vote
or recognized, and enforced, by the controlling authority
disapproval If you accuse someone of thinking they are above the law, you criticize them for thinking that they are so clever or important that they do not need to obey the (Hukuk) One opposition member of parliament accuses the government of wanting to be above the law
the branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do
disapproval If you say that someone lays down the law, you are critical of them because they give other people orders and they think that they are always right. traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their offspring
{f} litigate; sue, prosecute
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature; "the laws of thermodynamics"
A statement that summarizes the results observed in an experiment that is repeated many times by many different scientists A scientific law is widely accepted as true or as a fact
In arts, works, games, etc
An act of Congress that has been signed by the President or passed over his veto by Congress Public bills, when signed, become public laws The digits before the number correspond to the Congress, and the one or more digits after the hyphen refer to the sequence in which the bills were signed by the president
the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order
The laws of an organization or activity are its rules, which are used to organize and control it. the laws of the Church of England Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game. = rule
The final product of the legislative process It is the end result of the introduction of a bill, its passage by both houses, and its approval by the Governor (or the overriding of his/her veto by the legislature), and its recording by the Secretary of State
A rule made and carried out by a government
A term normally used in technology for an extreme form of theory that claims absolute predictability of cause and effect, as presented in formal scientific statements such as Newton's Laws of Gravitation Practical experience indicates that the only true law is that there are no absolute laws, since all events are infinitely interlinked in the total field, and all cause/effect chains are subject to infinite regress In practice, 'laws' are best understood as useful guidelines, describing probable performance to a high, but never absolute, degree of certainty
In morals: The will of God as the rule for the disposition and conduct of all responsible beings toward him and toward each other; a rule of living, conformable to righteousness; the rule of action as obligatory on the conscience or moral nature
The rules of construction, or of procedure, conforming to the conditions of success; a principle, maxim; or usage; as, the laws of poetry, of architecture, of courtesy, or of whist
Law is the study of systems of law and how laws work. He came to Oxford and studied law He holds a law degree from Bristol University. see also court of law, rule of law
An organic rule, as a constitution or charter, establishing and defining the conditions of the existence of a state or other organized community
A law is a rule or set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people for moral, religious, or emotional reasons. inflexible moral laws. = code
A law is a scientific rule that someone has invented to explain a particular natural process. the law of gravity
In mathematics: The rule according to which anything, as the change of value of a variable, or the value of the terms of a series, proceeds; mode or order of sequence
Law or the law is all the professions which deal with advising people about the law, representing people in court, or giving decisions and punishments. A career in law is becoming increasingly attractive to young people Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal
legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity; "there is a law against kidnapping"
A bill that has been passed by the legislature and signed by the executive
a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society
{i} rule enacted by a community or country; body of rules by which order and justice is maintained; study of laws, jurisprudence; legal profession; custom, principle, convention
A law is a natural process in which a particular event or thing always leads to a particular result. The laws of nature are absolute
(uncountable) The police
Law French
The body of now archaic legal terms used in the United Kingdom descended from the Anglo-Norman dialect of Old French
law Latin
Barbarous Latin. (1811 Dictionary of Vulgar Tongue)
law and order
The principles under which the world and its components operate
law and order
The enforcement of law, statutes, and social conventions
law clerk
a clerk who assists a judge with legal proceedings. Depending on the court, such positions may be professional careers or may be temporary positions for graduating law students
law enforcement
The various government agencies involved in the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals
law of Hobson-Jobson
The rule that words or phrases borrowed between languages will be modified in their pronunciation as necessary to conform to the set of sounds used by the borrowing language

Tommy-axe. A corruption of tomahawk: an instance of the law of Hobson-Jobson (q.v.).

law of averages
An imaginary or perceived "law" of probabilities which is wrongly used to predict results in the short-term

This coin has landed on heads ten times, so by the law of averages it must land on tails next time.

law of averages
The statistical tendency toward a fixed proportion in the results when an experiment is repeated a large number of times; the law of large numbers

It is upon the ideas of 'repeated experimentation' and the law of averages that many of our notions of chance are founded.

law of conservation of energy
The law stating that the total amount of energy in any isolated system remains constant, and cannot be created or destroyed, although it may change forms
law of diminishing marginal utility
In economics, the theory there is a general decrease in the utility of a product, as more units of it are consumed
law of diminishing returns
A relationship between input and output, such that adding units of any one input (labour, capital etc.) to fixed amounts of the others will yield successively smaller increments of output
law of diminishing returns
The tendency for a continuing effort toward a particular goal to decline in effectiveness after a certain amount of success has been achieved
law of double negation
The statement that the negation of the negation of A implies A, for any proposition A. Stated symbolically: \neg \neg A \to A
law of excluded middle
An axiom of classical logic which states that, given a proposition P, either P is true or P is false, i.e. in symbols: P \vee \neg P . This law is rejected by intuitionistic logic
law of large numbers
The statistical tendency toward a fixed ratio in the results when an experiment is repeated a large number of times; law of averages
law of the excluded middle
Alternative form of law of excluded middle
law of the jungle
The survival of the fittest, strongest or most cunning
law of the tongue
An implicit agreement between whalers of Eden, Australia, and local orcas, in which the orcas would invite whalers on a whale hunt, in exchange for dibs on the catch, primarily the whale's tongue
law of the tongue
Appropriate control of one's words
law of unintended consequences
That every act has unintended consequences
law review
: A scholarly journal focusing on legal issues, normally published by an organization of students at a law school or through a bar association
law review
: The student organization responsible for publishing such a scholarly journal

Students compete in various ways to be able to join the law review.

law review
: An article published in such a journal

Joe has an excellent publication record - he has two books, a law review, and a regular magazine article under his belt.

law reviews
plural form of law review
law school
a post-graduate academic program in which students are prepared for the practice of law
law school
a building which houses such an academic program
law schools
plural form of law school
law student
a student who studies the law. Someone enrolled in a school for legal education
Describing one who obeys laws. Not a lawbreaker

The law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from government surveillance...unless the government begins to break the law.

law enforcement
(Kanun) Law enforcement broadly refers to any system by which some members of society act in an organized manner to promote adherence to the law by discovering and punishing persons who violate the rules and norms governing that society
law enforcement agency
An agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws
law makers
(Kanun) Persons who make or amend or repeal laws, legislature, legislative body, legislative assebly, general assebly
law of obligations
The Law of Obligations is one of the component private law elements of the civil law system of law (as well as of mixed legal systems, such as Scotland, South Africa, and Louisiana) and encompasses contractual obligations, quasi-contractual obligations such as enrichment without cause and extra-contractual obligations
law of radiation
A law that is the basis of quantum theory, which states that the energy of electromagnetic radiation is confined to indivisible packets (quanta), each of which has an energy equal to the product of the Planck constant and the frequency of the radiation
law station
Police station
A trader who stocks stationery etc. required by lawyers, formerly often also taking in documents for fair copying or engrossing
law of foundations of the law
law that deals with the general principles of the courts and in the use of its precedents
Not governed by any law
defiance of the law; outlawry
a lack of law and order; anarchy
{a} conformable to law, just, right, proper
{a} in a lawful manner, fitly, safely
{n} the allowance of law, law, justice
{a} contrary or not subject to law, disorderly
{a} in a lawless manner
{n} a state of being without restraint
A law
A law
Law Enforcement
law enforcement
maintenance of public order by implementing laws, administration of the laws of the land
law enforcement
the job of making sure that the law is obeyed
law enforcement
insuring obedience to the laws
law suit
court case filed by one person against another
Authorized; sanctioned; not contrary to nor forbidden by law; constitutional
Conforming to, permitted by, or recognised by law or rules
according to custom or rule or natural law
In accordance with the law of the land; according to the law; permitted, sanctioned, or justified by law "Lawful" properly implies a thing conformable to or enjoined by law; "Legal", a thing in the form or after the manner of law or binding by law A writ or warrant issuing from any court, under color of law, is a "legal" process however defective See legal
{s} legal, legally valid, permitted by law; legitimate, permissible; living according to the law
conformable to or allowed by law; "lawful methods of dissent"
Legal; warranted or authorized by the law; having the qualifications prescribed by law; not contrary to nor forbidden by the law (Page 1032) TOP
conformable to or allowed by law; "lawful methods of dissent" authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law; "a legitimate government" according to custom or rule or natural law
Conformable to law; allowed by law; legitimate; competent
If an activity, organization, or product is lawful, it is allowed by law. It was lawful for the doctors to treat her in whatever way they considered was in her best interests Hunting is a lawful activity. = legal unlawful, illegal + lawfully law·ful·ly Amnesty International is trying to establish whether the police acted lawfully in shooting him. unlawfully. allowed or recognized by law = legal
having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king"
Constituted or authorized by law; rightful; as, the lawful owner of lands
authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law; "a legitimate government"
in a manner acceptable to common custom; "you cannot do this legitimately!"
by law; conforming to the law; "we are lawfully wedded now"
conforming to the law; legally
legally, in a manner which is permitted by law; legitimately
Property of being lawful, of obeying the law
{i} quality of being lawful, legality, state of being permitted by law
the quality of conforming to law
Not restrained by the law or by discipline; unruly, disorderly
disobedient to or defiant of law; "lawless bands roaming the plains"
without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic"
Not subject to, or restrained by, the law of morality or of society; as, lawless men or behavior
Prohibited by law; unlawful, illegal
A lawless place or time is one where people do not respect the (Hukuk) lawless inner-city streets plagued by muggings, thefts, assaults and even murder. not obeying the law, or not controlled by the law   law-abiding
Not subject to the laws of nature; uncontrolled
Contrary to, or unauthorized by, law; illegal; as, a lawless claim
Lawless actions break the law, especially in a wild and violent way. The government recognised there were problems in urban areas but these could never be an excuse for lawless behaviour. + lawlessness law·less·ness Lawlessness is a major problem
{s} not conforming to the law, illegal; anarchical, not ruled by the law; unrestrained, unruly
lax in enforcing laws; "an open town"
disobedient to or defiant of law; "lawless bands roaming the plains
In a lawless manner. Without constraint by law or moral code
in a lawless manner; illegally, against the law; without restraint
a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)
illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the law
{i} lack of respect for the law; illegality; anarchy; wildness, unruliness, lack of restraint
Formal, standardized norms that have been enacted by legislatures and are enforced by formal sanctions
Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (EOS)
Natural Law - Laws that are fundamental to human nature and discoverable by human reason Common Law - System of law based on common custom and precedent Civil Law - Laws dealing with relationships between individuals Criminal Law - Law dealing with offenses against the state, their prosecution and punishment Canon Law - Law of the church courts in the Roman Catholic Church that deals with the rule and administration of the church Roman Law - A system of laws from the Romans which is the basis of modern Civil Law Martial Law - A period when civil authority is inadequate and military force is used to suppress insurrection, riot, or disorder, or to deal with public calamity It usually included the suspension of civil rights or liberties The 10 Commandments - The laws of God for right human conduct to God and to other people
The official rules of the game prepared by the Croquet Association
plural of law
The formal rules which are legally established by a society (in U S , laws are passed by legislatures)
Acts passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the President or passed over Presidential veto
The constitutional provisions, legislative statutes or judicial precedents that apply to a court case
The rules adopted by formal governmental action that govern our lives in various respects
the first of three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures comprising the first five books of the Hebrew Bible considered as a unit
are standards of conduct that are enforced by the coercive power of the state Laws tend to be more complex and formal than ethics or morals A society's laws will usually reflect its moral consensus, and the law will establish a ethically minimal standard of conduct Laws, however, are not ethics Some actions may be legal but unethical; some actions may be ethical but illegal
the law of the land is the binding law
rule in Judaic law which states that one should usually obey the laws of the area