
listen to the pronunciation of launch
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{f} piyasaya sürmek
(Askeri) Ateşlemek, atmak
{f} fırlatmak

Bir zeytin dalı uzatmak bir füze fırlatmaktan daha iyi. - Better to extend an olive branch than launch a missile.

Torpidoları fırlatmak için hazırlanın. - Prepare to launch torpedoes.

{f} başlamak
{f} suya indir

Tanker törenin ardından suya indirildi. - The tanker was launched after the ceremony.

(Bilgisayar) başlat

Düşman bize bir saldırı başlattı. - The enemy launched an attack on us.

Büyük bir saldırı başlatmaya karar verdiler. - They decided to launch a major attack.

lanse etmek
(Bilgisayar) çalıştırmak
(Askeri) gemiyi denize indirmek
(Askeri) işkampavya
suya indirmek
(Askeri) gemiyi denize indirme
fırlatmak (füze)
faaliyete geçirmek
piyasaya sürme
(gemiyi) denize indirme

General düşman kampına karşı bir saldırı başlatmaya karar verdi. - The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.

Büyük bir saldırı başlatmaya karar verdiler. - They decided to launch a major attack.

(Askeri) denize çıkmak
(Askeri) kik
(gemi) denize indirmek
büyük motorlu sandal
(gemiyi) suya indirme
{i} fırlatma

Uydu fırlatma canlı olarak yayınlandı. - The satellite launch was broadcast live.

Roketler bir fırlatma rampasından ateşlendi. - The rockets were fired from a launching pad.

(roket) fırlatmak
(plan/hareket/yeni bir yaşam/vb.) başlatmak
{f} fırlat

Onlar bir roket fırlattı. - They launched a rocket.

Yapay uydu yörüngesine fırlatıldı. - The artificial satellite was launched into the orbit.

hızla atmak
(at ile) fırlatmak
başlatmak(yeni iş)
{f} çıkmak
başlatmak mızrak gibi atmak
roketi fezaya fırlatma
(to) çalıştırmak, başlatmak
(to) başlatmak
{f} denize indirmek
(Askeri) İSKAMPAVYE: Gemiden karaya personel ve yük taşımak için kullanılan, motorlu veya kürekle çekilir, büyük sandal
gemiyi kızaktan suya indirme
{f} (yeni işi) başlatmak
{i} 1. (gemiyi) kızaktan suya
{f} girişmek
harp gemisinin en büyük sandalı
{i} savaş gemisi filikası
(isim) savaş gemisi filikası
launch out işe başlamak
kızaktan suya indirmek roket fırlatmak
{f} atmak
{f} (gemiyi) kızaktan suya indirmek
{i} yolcu gemisi
(Reklam) lansman
fırlatmak (roket)
(Hukuk) atılmak
launch control
hedefleme kontrolü
launch into
launch out
işe başlamak
launch pad
atış rampası
launch type motion
launch vehicle
(Askeri,Telekom) fırlatma aracı
launch an investigation
soruşturma başlatmak
launch area
hedef alanı
launch control
hedefleme kontrolu
launch a campaign
kampanya başlatmak
launch a product
Bir ürünü piyasaya sürmek
launch a search
Bir arama başlatmak
launch an investigation
tahkikat başlatmak example: poliçe aunched an ınvestigation
launch facility
başlatmak tesis
launch lug
lug başlatmak
launch out on a journey
yolculuğa çıkmak, seyahate çıkmak
launch pad
fırlatma rampası
launch window
(Teknoloji) Uzay araçlarının fırlatılışı için en uygun zaman aralığı
launch a counter attack
(Askeri) karşı taarruz başlatmak
launch a negotiation
(Politika, Siyaset) bir müzakereyi başlatmak
launch a project
proje başlatmak
launch an investigation
inceleme başlatmak
launch and recovery site
(Askeri) fırlatma ve kurtarma bölgesi
launch and service facility
(Askeri) fırlatma ve bakım tesisi
launch and service facility
(Askeri) FIRLATMA VE BAKIM TESİSİ: Zeminde veya yer altında inşa edilmiş bir tesis. Bu tesis, füze sığınağından, rampadan ve füzeyi atışa hazırlamak, kontrol etmek ve fırlatmak için gerekli teçhizattan ibarettir
launch base area
(Askeri) FIRLATMA ÜS BÖLGESİ: Çeşitli komuta yerlerini, fırlatma ve güdüm istasyonlarını, bir kontrol kulesi ile bir destek üssünü içine alan coğrafi bir bölge
launch base area
(Askeri) fırlatma üs bölgesi
launch campaign
(Telekom) fırlatma kampanyası
launch control center
(Askeri) FIRLATMA VE KONTROL MERKEZİ: Bir veya daha çok füzeye mahsus ve füze durumunu kontrol edip fırlatma emri verecek kabiliyete sahip bir kontrol merkezi
launch control centre
(Askeri) fırlatma ve kontrol merkezi
launch control facility
(Askeri) fırlatma kontrol tesisi
launch crew
(Askeri) fırlatma mürettebatı
launch crew
(Askeri) FIRLATMA MÜRETTEBATI: Görevinin ifası için füze kullanma yetkisi verilmiş bir askeri birliğe ait füzeleri hazırlamak ve fırlatmak üzere, görev ve mevzi icaplarına göre teşkil edilmiş belirli sayıda mürettebat
launch enable system
(Askeri) FIRLATMA EMNİYETİ DÜZENİ: Dikkatsizlik sonucu ve izinsiz fırlatmaya engel olmak üzere normal fırlatma düzenine konmuş mekanik, elektriki veya elektromekanik bir düzen
launch enable system
(Askeri) fırlatma emniyeti düzeni
launch equipment building
(Askeri) fırlatıcı donanım binası
launch experts
(Bilgisayar) uzmanları başlat
launch facility
(Askeri) fırlatma tesisi
launch fort
işe veya söze başlamak
launch forth
yola koyulmak
launch forth
konuşmaya başlamak
launch helo
(Askeri) helikopter kaldırmak
launch into
-e başlamak
launch mail
(Bilgisayar) postayı başlat
launch mars
(Bilgisayar) mars'ı başlat
launch out
launch out
launch out
har vurup harman savurmak
launch out
launch out
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- başlamak 2- işini büyütmek 3- hesapsız para harcamak
launch out
launch out
launch out
etraflıca anlatmak
launch out into
launch out into
launch pad
(Askeri) FIRLATMA, ATIŞ PLATFORMU: Üzerinde füze rampasının bulunduğu beton veya diğer sert yüzeyli platform
launch position
(Askeri) FIRLATMA MEVZİİ: Bir veya daha çok füzenin fırlatılabileceği, yüksek bir jeodezik atış sıhhatine sahip belirli bir mevki. Bir fırlatma mevziinde, bir veya daha çok fırlatma yastığı bulunur. Her fırlatma yastığında bir rampa, sevk yakıtı muhafaza yeri ve icabında lüzumlu olacak diğer temel unsurlar vardır
launch position
(Askeri) fırlatma mevzii
launch site
(Askeri) FIRLATMA TESİSİ, MEVZİİ: Bir veya daha çok fırlatma ve bakım tesisi ile bir fırlatma kontrol merkezinin meydana getirdiği topluluk
launch site
(Askeri) fırlatma tesisi
launch site
(Askeri) fırlatma mevzii
launch somebody into eternity
sonsuzluğa uğurlamak
launch stand
(Askeri) FIRLATMA DESTEĞİ: Bir roket füzesi veya araç fırlatılan ve normal olarak, bir fırlatma yastığı ile rampası bulunan bir tesis veya istasyon
launch stand
(Askeri) fırlatma desteği
launch station
(Askeri) fırlatma istasyonu
launch station
(Askeri) FIRLATMA İSTASYONU: Lüzumlu yakıt muhafaza yerleri montaj ve bakım tesisleriyle birlikte bir veya daha çok rampa
launch the project
projeyi başlatmak
launch time
(Askeri) fırlatma zamanı
launch time
(Askeri) FIRLATMA/ATIŞ ZAMANI: Bir füzenin veya uçağın havada olması programlanan zaman. Bak. "airborne order"
launch time
(Askeri) atış zamanı
launch training
(Bilgisayar) fırlatma eğitimi
launch tube
(Askeri) Fırlatma bölümü
launch under attack
(Askeri) TAARRUZ ALTINDA FIRLATMA: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne yönelik bir stratejik nükleer taarruzun taktik uyarısından hemen sonra ve ilk etki ortaya çıkmazdan önce Ulusal Komuta Yetkililerinin tek birleşik harekat planını uygulaması
launch under attack
(Askeri) taarruz altında fırlatma
launch vehicle
(Askeri) FIRLATMA ARACI: Standart fırlatma aracı yapımında uygulanan tadilat esaslarından ayrı olarak, özel görev icaplarını karşılayacak şekilde tadil ve özel olarak mahdut kullanma maksadı için veya standart bir fırlatma aracı olarak geliştirilip imal edilmiş bir fırlatma aracı. Bak. "Standard Launch Vehicle"
launch vehicle compatibility
(Telekom) fırlatma aracı uyumluluğu
launch/launching pad
fırlatma rampası, atış rampası
landing craft air cushion launch area
(Askeri) hava yastıklı çıkarma aracı fırlatma bölgesi
landing craft, utility; launch correlation unit
(Askeri) genel hizmet çıkarma aracı; fırlatma korrelasyon birliği
piyasaya sürme
deny launch
(Bilgisayar) başlatmayı reddet
(Askeri) roket fırlatma
(Havacılık) lansman
quick launch
(Bilgisayar) hızlı başlatma
survey launch
(Askeri) araştırma sandalı
suya indirme
denize indirme
{f} fırlat

Roketler bir fırlatma rampasından ateşlendi. - The rockets were fired from a launching pad.

Yapay dünya uydularının fırlatılmasına yaygın olarak uzayın bir keşfi gözüyle bakılmaktadır. - The launching of artificial earth satellites is commonly looked upon as an exploration of space.

fırlatma (roket)
book launch
kitap başlatmak
checking version and preparing to launch game
sürüm kontrol ediliyor ve oyun başlatılmaya hazırlanıyor
{i} fırlatma

Roketler bir fırlatma rampasından ateşlendi. - The rockets were fired from a launching pad.

product launch
ürün lansmanı
Multiple Launch Rocket System
(Askeri) çok namlulu roketatar sistemi
alert launch order
(Askeri) alarm fırlatma emri
allow launch
(Bilgisayar) başlatmaya izin ver
amphibious command ship; land component commander; launch control center; lighte
(Askeri) amfibi komuta gemisi; kara unsur komutanı; fırlatma kontrol merkezi; yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol merkezi; bağlantı muhabere devresi; lojistik unsur komutanlığı
attack and launch early reporting to theater
(Askeri) harekat alanına fırlatma ve taarruz erken uyarısı
augmented launch station
(Askeri) TAKVİYELİ FÜZE FIRLATMA İSTASYONU: İki veya daha çok fırlatma tesisleri bulunan füze fırlatma istasyonu
earliest anticipated launch time
(Askeri) tahmin edilen en erken fırlatılış tarihi
evolved expendable launch vehicle
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş uzatılabilir fırlatma aracı
expendable launch vehicle
(Askeri) genişletilebilir fırlatma araçları
joint launch report
(Askeri) müşterek fırlatma raporu
{i} koyulma
{i} yayınlama
{i} girişme
yeni bir teşebbüse atılmak için seçilen yer veya vesile
launching pad roketin hareket sahası
hareket ettirme
{i} başlama
{i} ateşleme
(Askeri) FIRLATMA, FIRLATMA SAFHASI: Füze uçuşunun, ilk ateşleme ile füzenin normal kontrola cevap verdiği an arasındaki kısmı
(Hukuk) havaya fırlatma
motor launch
motorlu sandal, motorbot, motor
positive control launch
(Askeri) pozitif fırlatma kontrolü
precautionary launch
(Askeri) İHTİYAT KABİLİNDEN FIRLATMA: Karada/uçak gemisinde bulunan dost uçakların tahrip edilmesini ve silahların kullanılmaz hale gelmesini önlemek üzere, yakında vaki olmasından korkulan nükleer taarruz tehlikesi altındaki nükleer silahla yüklü uçakların fırlatılması
seaward launch point
(Askeri) deniz indirme noktası
standard launch vehicle
(Askeri) STANDART FIRLATMA ARACI: Milli Savunma Bakanlığı uzay programlarında kullanılan ve azami araç güveni ve müşterek kullanma imkanları temin edecek şekilde tespit edilmiş belirli şartlar dahilinde imal edilen bir birinci kademe aracı. Bu araç üzerinde ancak güven derecesini arttırmak maksadıyla değişiklik yapılabilir ve seri imalat blok parçalar halinde dahil edilir. Yalnız bu şekildeki araçlara standart fırlatma aracı ismi verilir. Bak. "launch vehicle"
vertical launch
(Askeri) dikine atış
vertical launch
(Askeri) DİKİNE FIRLATMA, DİKİNE ATIŞ: Bir füze veya diğer aracın dikey vaziyetten uçuşa başladığı atış (fırlatma) şekli
vertical launch
(Askeri) dikine fırlatma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The act of launching
The movement of a vessel from land into the water; especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which it is built. (Compare: to splash a ship.)
To strike with, or as with, a lance; to pierce

Can we this quote? Launch your hearts with lamentable wounds. - Edmund Spenser.

An open boat of any size powered by steam, naphtha, electricity, or the like. (Compare Spanish lancha.)
A boat used to convey guests to and from a yaucht
To throw, as a lance or dart; to hurl; to let fly; to take off, propel with force

launch the space shuttle, launch a ship.

To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the stocks into the water; to plunge; to make a beginning; as, to launch into the current of a stream; to launch into an argument or discussion; to launch into lavish expenditures

My class was wearing butter-yellow pique dresses, and Momma launched out on mine. She smocked the yoke into tiny crisscrossing puckers, then shirred the rest of the bodice.

The boat of the largest size and/or of most importance belonging to a ship of war, and often called the "captain's boat" or "captain's launch"
To send out; to start (one) on a career; to set going; to give a start to (something); to put in operation

Can we this quote? All art is used to sink episcopacy, and launch presbytery in England. - Eikon Basilike.

To cause to move or slide from the land into the water; to set afloat; as, to launch a ship

Can we this quote? With stays and cordage last he rigged the ship, And rolled on levers, launched her in the deep. - Alexander Pope.

(Reklam) The initial marketing of a new product in a particular market. The way in which the launch is carried out greatly affects the product's profitability throughout its lifecycle
To start a Windows application
to throw, hurl, or send off with some kind of force
Running or executing a software program or a document that is associated with an application
The process by which a new product is introduced into the market for initial sale (See Chapters 25 and 26 of The PDMA HandBook)
To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the stocks into the water; to plunge; to make a beginning; as, to launch into the current of a stream; to launch into an argument or discussion; to launch into lavish expenditures; often with out
smoothen the surface of; "float plaster"
launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage; "launch a ship
(Nautical) To put (a boat) into the water in readiness for use
The process by which a new product is introduced into the market for initial sale
The lift off of a model rocket following ignition of the engine
To throw, as a lance or dart; to hurl; to let fly
To start up an application, often by double-clicking an icon
the act of propelling with force
To launch a ship or a boat means to put it into water, often for the first time after it has been built. There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed. Launch is also a noun. The launch of a ship was a big occasion
(a) To place a vessel into the water; (b) A small motor-tender
n A small boat that ferries cruise passengers to and from the shore
The boat of the largest size belonging to a ship of war; also, an open boat of any size driven by steam, naphtha, electricity, or the like
A launch is a large motorboat that is used for carrying people on rivers and lakes and in harbours. The captain was on the deck of the launch, steadying the boat for the pilot
get going; give impetus to; "launch a career"; "Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process"
Commencement of an advertising or a marketing campaign
Launch is often used as a synonym for running a program (Launching an application)
If a company launches a new product, it makes it available to the public. Crabtree & Evelyn has just launched a new jam, Worcesterberry Preserve Marks & Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range. Launch is also a noun. The company's spending has also risen following the launch of a new Sunday magazine
to deploy an application to its production environment so that it can be used
{i} act of launching; act of setting afloat; act of sending out; act of starting or initiating; commencement, inauguration; large motorboat; large boat carried by a warship
The initial distribution of a new chain letter variation or type
1 The action taken in launching a rocket from the surface
To start a program
begin with vigor; "He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
A boat that carries passengers to and from a ship if the ship cannot dock
set up or found; "She set up a literacy program"
To start a program or application In pcAnywhere, the host computer is launched so that a remote computer can call it and begin a remote control session
- The introduction of a new product or service
The movement of a vessel from land into the water; especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which it is built
a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck
launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage; "launch a ship"
The boat of the largest size belonging to a ship of war; also, an open boat of any size driven by steam, naphtha, electricity, or the like. (Compare Spanish lancha.)
This is another way of saying that you are starting a program You can launch a program by double-clicking on its icon within Windows or by typing in the program name at the DOS prompt
a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck smoothen the surface of; "float plaster" propel with force; "launch the space shuttle"; "Launch a ship" get going; give impetus to; "launch a career"; "Her actions set in motion a complicated judicial process" launch for the first time; launch on a maiden voyage; "launch a ship
To launch a large and important activity, for example a military attack, means to start it. Heavy fighting has been going on after the guerrillas had launched their offensive The police have launched an investigation into the incident Launch is also a noun. the launch of a campaign to restore law and order
To launch a rocket, missile, or satellite means to send it into the air or into space. NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays A Delta II rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral early this morning. Launch is also a noun. This morning's launch of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed
propel with force; "launch the space shuttle"; "Launch a ship"
Outboard motor powered craft used by the coach to instruct practices from
a motorboat with an open deck or a half deck smoothen the surface of; "float plaster"
Window Time allowed to get your aircraft into the air prior to race of start Turn Caller Judges who activate lights on the pylons when aircraft reaches them to signify time to turn
To send out; to start (one) on a career; to set going; to give a start to (something); to put in operation; as, to launch a son in the world; to launch a business project or enterprise
{f} put a boat in the water; send forth; start; run, activate (Computers); inaugurate; throw; break into, burst into
1 to start up a software program 2 the premiere of a new Website High profile Websites with generous start-up budgets can turn a launch into a major media event to attract attention to the company
Open (start) an application - that is, load it into memory from a disk
Start an application
launch complex
The facilities and support equipment needed to assemble, test and launch a rocket-powered vehicle
launch game
A video game that has been made available to consumers simultaneously with its respective video game console
launch games
plural form of launch game
launch pad
The surface or structure from which a launch is made
launch pads
plural form of launch pad
launch vehicle
A vehicle for transporting objects into space, usually a rocket
launch window
The period between the earliest and latest times during which a rocket or spacecraft may be launched in order to achieve its mission
launch windows
plural form of launch window
launch lug
Launch lugs are small cylinders attached to the sides of most model rockets, into which the launch rod is placed prior to a launch. They are generally made of either plastic or thin cardboard to minimize additional mass
launch a search
begin a general search, start looking for
launch a strike
begin a strike, start a work stoppage in order to protest
launch an attack
begin an attack
launch into
put into the water, put into the air; begin, start, commence
launch into
If you launch into something such as a speech, task, or fight, you enthusiastically start it. Horrigan launched into a speech about the importance of new projects Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm
launch out
begin, start, commence
launch pad
A launch pad or launching pad is a situation, for example a job, which you can use in order to go forward to something better or more important. Wimbledon has been a launch pad for so many players = stepping stone
launch pad
A launch pad or launching pad is a platform from which rockets, missiles, or satellites are launched
launch pad
platform from which a rocket is sent into the air
launch pad
a platform from which rockets or space craft are launched
launch period
How many days a rocket can be launched into the proper orbit
launch period
The time period, designated by the Director, during which pilots are allowed to launch their balloons to compete in a given task or tasks No take-off may be made before the launch period, and any take-off made after the launch period, except under rule 9 7 3, will be subject to penalty of 200 task points per minute or part minute late The yellow warning flag will be raised 5 or more minutes before the end of the launch period 9 7 1
launch vehicle
A rocket used to launch a spacecraft or satellite into an orbit or a trajectory. Rocket system that boosts a spacecraft into Earth orbit or beyond Earth's gravitational pull. A wide variety of launch vehicles have been used to lift payloads ranging from satellites weighing a few pounds (or kilograms) to large modular components of space stations. Most launch vehicles are expendable (one-use) systems; many early ones were derived from intercontinental ballistic missiles (see ICBM). The Saturn V, which launched the spacecraft that carried humans to the Moon (see Apollo), had three stages (see staged rocket). The U.S. space shuttle system (from 1981) represents a significant departure from expendable launch vehicles in that it is partially reusable its manned orbiting component is designed for numerous flights, and its solid rocket boosters can be recovered and refurbished
launch window
A brief, specific period of time during which a spacecraft or projectile must be launched so that a desired mission or effect can be achieved
Multiple Launch Rocket System
{i} MLRS, type of high mobility rocket artillery system (produced by Lockheed Martin) furnished with missile launchers
past tense and past participle of "to launch"
plural of launch
the act of propelling with force
the act of moving a newly-built vessel into the water for the first time
the act of beginning something new; "they looked forward to the debut of their new product line"
the act of propelling with force the act of moving a newly-built vessel into the water for the first time
{i} setting afloat; sending off, sending out; starting or initiating; commencement
product launch
Product launch is the official hand-off point between product design and manufacturing At this point, a product is ready to begin production for full volume or general product availability
product launch
the promotional plan for the introduction of a new product
product launch
the first time that a new product is made available to the public