(Askeri) ADYABATİK SICAKLIK DÜŞÜŞ ORANI: Bir standart atmosferdeki sıcaklığın yüksekliğine göre değişme oranı olup, nispi rutubeti %100 den az olan hava şartlarına uygulanır. Bu oran 100 metrede 1 derecedir
Определение lapse rate в Английский Язык Английский Язык словарь
The rate of change in atmospheric temperature with increase of height. The variable normally is temperature unless specified otherwise. This is a vertical direction of travel (up or down), and the temperature may rise or fall suddenly
The change of an atmospheric variable, usually temperature, with height A steep lapse rate implies a rapid decrease in temperature with height and is a sign of instability
The rate at which life insurance policies terminate because of failure to pay the premiums When policies are lapsed before enough premium payments are made to cover early policy expenses, the company must make up this loss from remaining policyholders Therefore, the lapse rate will affect the cost of the policy
The rate of change in atmospheric temperature with increase of height The variable normally is temperature unless specified otherwise This is a vertical direction of travel (up or down) and the temperature may rise or fall suddenly
The rapidity with which temperature decreases with altitude The normal lapse rate is defined to be 3 6° F per 1000 feet change in altitude The dry adiabatic lapse rate is about 5 5° F per 1000 feet, and the wet adiabatic lapse rate varies between 2 and 5° F per 1000 feet (Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 1990)
The decrease of an atmospheric variable with height, the variable being temperature, unless otherwise specified
For a specified group of insurance contracts, a measure of the percentage of contracts that are voluntarily surrendered in a specified period, such as a year Contrast with persistency rate
The rate of decrease of temperature with height This can be either an environmental or a process lapse rate An environmental lapse rate is a static measure of the state of the environment, e g finding the rate of temperature decrease by measuring the vertical temperature profile in some way A process lapse rate, on the other hand, gives the temperature associated with some action or process, e g a rising or sinking air parcel
The rate of change of an atmospheric variable, usually temperature, with height A steep lapse rate implies a rapid decrease in temperature with height (a sign of instability) and a steepening lapse rate implies that destabilization is occurring
The change of an atmospheric variable, usually temperature, with height A steep lapse rate implies a rapid decrease in temperature with height This is a sign of instability
The rate at which policies terminate through failure of insureds to continue paying either scheduled or minimum premiums, usually expressed as a ratio of lapses during a given period of time to the total number of policies of that type issued
The rate at which the temperature falls with altitude gain A healthy lapse rate indicates an unstable day with good potential for soaring flights [top]
The magnitude of the decrease of an atmospheric parameter (principally pressure, temperature or moisture) For example, the standard temperature lapse rate in the lower atmosphere is 2 0° C per 1000 ft
The decrease of an atmospheric variable, usually temperature, with height A steep lapse rate implies a rapid decrease in temperature with height and is a sign of instability See absolute instability
This provides some idea of the temperature difference between the valley and the summits above You may start a walk up Ben Nevis, for example, at a fairly comfortable temperature, and end up on the summit more than 10°C lower Roughly, an isotherm map for a hill based on annual mean temperatures, would have contours showing a 1 7°C to 2 8°C drop in temperature for every 300 metres gained So a Munro of height 950m might be some 6° or 7°C colder - and that does not take into account the effect of wind-chill