
listen to the pronunciation of lane
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(yol) şerit
{i} şerit

Yolun iki şerite ayrıldığı bir yere geldik. - We came to a place where the road branched into two lanes.

Sinyal vermeden şerit değiştirmeyin. - Don't change lanes without signaling.

şerit (yol)
(Spor) üç saniye koridoru

Yolun iki şerite ayrıldığı bir yere geldik. - We came to a place where the road branched into two lanes.

Japonya'da neredeyse tüm yollar tek şerittir. - In Japan almost all roads are single lane.

dar geçit
dar sokak
dar yol
(Spor) ampül
{i} oto. şerit
(Askeri) Geçit, şerit
(Askeri) DİLİM, YOL DİLİMİ, ŞERİT, YOL ŞERİDİ: Tek araç sırasının ileri hareketine imkan vermek üzere, genel olarak 2,5: 4,00 metre genişlikte, işaretlenmiş yol şeridi
{i} keçi yolu
{i} kulvar

Çit bahçeyi kulvardan ayırır. - A fence separates the garden from the lane.

deniz ve hava trafiği düzeni için tayin olunmuş yollardan biri
{i} yol şeridi
{i} den., hav. rota
geniş caddelerde otomobiller için bazen bir çizgi ile ayrılmış ve yanyana olan yollardan biri
{i} spor kulvar
{i} patika
{i} rota
lane line
şerit çizgisi
lane of approach
yaklaşım şerit
lane capacity
şerit kapasitesi
lane loading
şerit yükü
lane marker
(Askeri) geçit işareti
lane marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) GEÇİT İŞARETİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayın savaşında bir mayın tarlası geçidini belirlemek için kullanılan işaret. Geçide giriş ve çıkış noktalarındaki geçit işaretleri belirli bir arazi işaretine veya bir ara işarete göre konur. Bak. "marker (land mine warfare) " ve "mine field lane (Land mine warfare) "
lane pirate
(Argo) çılgın sürücü
lane separator
şerit ayırıcı (yol)
lane three
üçüncü kuşak
lane three
üçüncü şerit
lane two
ikinci şerit
fast lane
otoyolda sürat şeridi
right lane
sağ şerit
single lane
tek şerit
single lane
tek şerit (yol)
air lane
hava geçidi
air lane
tenek geçidi
central lane
orta şerit
centre lane
orta şerit
left lane
sol şerit
left turn lane
sola dönüş şeridi
left-turn lane
sola dönüş şeridi
passing lane
sollama şeridi
single-lane traffic
tek şeritli trafik
traffic lane
trafik şeridi
two lane
iki şeritli
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) (HOV Lane) Otoyolda belirtilen sayıda yolcusu bulunan araçlar için belli saatlerde sadece onlara açık olan, daha az yolcusu olanların girmesinin yasak olduğu yol şeridi
Swimming Lane Marker
(Spor) Kulvar seperatörü, kulvar şamandırası
bicycle lane
Bisiklet yolu
breakdown lane
arıza şeridi
cycle lane
Bisiklet yolu
eight lane
sekiz şeritli
free throw lane
(Spor) Basketbol sahasında pota altındaki "ampul" olarak da tabir edilen serbest atış bölgesi
hov lane
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) (High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane) Otoyolda belirtilen sayıda yolcusu bulunan araçlar için belli saatlerde sadece onlara açık olan, daha az yolcusu olanların girmesinin yasak olduğu yol şeridi
kari's lane
(Oyunlar) Batak: Batak, bir çeşit kağıt oyunudur. İskambil oyunları arasında "Kozlu Oyun" olarak bilinir. İki veya daha üstü oyuncu ile oynanır. Genel olarak 4 kişi oynanan Batak, bir dakika içinde kağıtların dağıtılmasıyla başlar ve 10-30 dakika arası sürer. İhaleli ve İhalesiz olarak 2 çeşit oyanınış biçimi vardır
left lane
Otoyollarda sol veya en soldaki şerit
life in the fast lane
Hızlı şeritte yaşam
memory lane
hafıza şeritli
multi lane
en az iki şeritli yol
outside lane
dışında şerit
pit lane
(Spor) Pit şeridi
shipping lane
şeritli nakliye
Tek şeritli (yol)
slow lane
şeritli yollarda yavaş gidilen şerit
turn lane
çevirmek kulvar
acceleration lane
hızlanma şeridi
acceleration lane
hız şeridi
allowable supply list; archipelagic sea lane; assign switch locator (SL) routing
(Askeri) izin verilen ikmal listesi; takım adalar deniz şeridi; anahtar yer bulma yönlendirmesi tahsisi; Kara Kuvvetleri yetki verilmiş stok listesi (kadro stok listesi)
approach lane
(Askeri) yaklaşma şeridi
auxiliary lane
yardımcı şerit
auxiliary lane
yardımcı kuşak
boat lane
(Askeri) bot şeridi
car pool lane
otoyolda şartlı şerit
car pool lane
otoyolda en sol şerit
deceleration lane
yavaşlama şeridi
declaration lane
yavaşlama şeridi
double lane
çift şerit
double lane
çift şerit (yol)
dual lane highway
(Askeri) çift şeritli kara yolu
emergency lane
acil durum şeridi
emergency lane
emniyet şeridi
fast lane
(otoyolda) sürat şeridi
fire lane
(Askeri) ATIŞ KORİDORU: Ağaçlı veya otla kaplı sahalarda atış yapmak için temizlenmiş atış yolu. Bak. "lane"
fire lane
(Askeri) atış koridoru
firing lane
(Askeri) Atış koridoru
firing lane
(Askeri) ATIŞ KORİDORU: Bak. "lane"
helicopter lane
(Askeri) HELİKOPTER UÇUŞ YOLU: Helikopterlerin, helikopter iniş bölgesine gidiş ve dönüşte içinde uçtukları emin bir hava koridoru
inside lane
iç kulvar
left lane
sol şerit (trafik)
median lane
refüj şeridi
minefield lane
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) MAYIN TARLASI GEÇİDİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Bir mayın tarlasında, mayınlanmamış veya mayınlardan temizlenmiş, işaretli bir geçit. Düşman mayın tarlaları içinde yolların genişliği geçit açmada kullanılan usule ve yolun açılmasını gerektiren maksada bağlıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "lane marker (land mine warfare)
ocean lane
(Havacılık) okyanus gemilerinin rotası
ocean lane
(Askeri) okyanus sefer güzergahı
offside lane
İng. (karayolunda) sollama şeridi
offside lane
karayolunda sollama şeridi
sea lane
(Askeri) DENİZ YOLU: Bak. "lane"
sea lane
{i} rota
sea lane
{i} seyir hattı
second lane
ikinci şerit
shipping lane
(Askeri) nakliye rotası
shipping lane
(Askeri) NAKLİYE ROTASI: İki kalkış/varış noktası arasındaki deniz ticaretinin genel akışını belirtmek için kullanılan terim
single lane bridge
stay in lane
şerit değiştirmeyin
submarine safety lane
(Askeri) emniyetli denizaltı geçiti
three lane
üç şeritli
traffic lane
truck lane
kamyon şeridi
two lane
çift şeritli
two lane column
(Askeri) ÇİFT YÜRÜYÜŞ KOLU: Bir yolda, aynı istikamette ve paralel iki kol halinde hareket eden araçların meydana getirdikleri yürüyüş kolu
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Yuva, ev
Kuş yuvası
Bowling'de, topun yuvarlandığı ahşap kulvara verilen ad
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A patronymic surname anglicised from various Irish surnames
A male given name transferred from the surnames
A topographic surname for someone who lived in a lane
A lengthwise division of roadway intended for a single line of vehicles
A narrow passageway between fences, walls, hedges or trees
A similar division of a racetrack to keep runners apart
A course designated for ships or aircraft
{n} a narrow street, a close passage or road
A male given name
a narrow way or road a well-defined track or path; for e
A portion of a street or highway, usually indicated by pavement markings, that is intended for one line of vehicles
a well-defined track or path; for e g swimmers or lines of traffic
4. At a swimming pool or athletics track, a lane is a long narrow section which is marked by lines or ropes
A lane is a route that is frequently used by aircraft or ships. The collision took place in the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Carrie Lane Drury Lane Theatre Kirkland Joseph Lane Lane Burton Arthel Lane Watson
LAN Emulation LANE allows traffic from other networks, such as Ethernet and Token Ring, to be carried over an ATM network LANE must provide several functions, such as emulating Media Access Control (MAC) addresses and simulating broadcasts LANE is required to connect common network clients and servers, such as NetWare, OS/2, Windows NT, and Unix, to an ATM network
LAN Emulation
Playing surface Wooden or urethane deck 62'10-3/4" long and 42 inches wide with ten pins spaced one foot apart 60 feet from the foul line Pins are on and gutters are at the side, not part of, the lane Does not include the "approach "
LAN Emulation, a program that provides control over the execution of the LAN Emulation Server (LES), Broadcast/Unknown Server (BUS), and LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) on the local host
ATM Forum's method of using an ATM switch or switches to emulate an Ethernet or Token Ring LAN The resulting "Emulated LAN" is called an ELAN, which can be thought of as a kind of fairly simple VLAN
The actual playing area, which is 42 inches wide and 62 feet, 10 3/4 inches long The gutters and the approach are not part of the lane "Lanes" can be used to describe the entire center
swimmers or lines of traffic
On a gel or a blot, a lane belongs to one sample It contains fragments of different sizes that were separated by gel electrophoresis See band, blot
A passageway between fences or hedges which is not traveled as a highroad; an alley between buildings; a narrow way among trees, rocks, and other natural obstructions; hence, in a general sense, a narrow passageway; as, a lane between lines of men, or through a field of ice
The movement of goods from one location to another
LAN Emulation Typically used in LANE over ATM
A program that provides control over the execution of the LAN Emulation Server (LES), Broadcast/Unknown Server (BUS), and LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) on the local host
LAN Emulation; LAN simulation on ATM networks
In gel electrophoresis, a lane is the section of a gel below one well The gels we are using have six wells, so they have six corresponding lanes When you look at a stained gel, all the bands in one lane came from the same sample of DNA loaded into one well
LAN Emulation: The set of services, functional groups and protocols which provide for the emulation of LANS utilizing ATM as a backbone to allow connectivity among LAN and ATM attached end stations
LAN Emulation (ATM)
A lane is a part of a main road which is marked by the edge of the road and a painted line, or by two painted lines. The lorry was travelling at 20mph in the slow lane I pulled out into the eastbound lane of Route
The area (or volume) enclosed by adjacent lines (or surfaces) of zero phase of either the carrier beat phase signal, or of the difference between two carrier beat phase signals On the earth's surface a line of zero phase is the locus of all points for which the observed value would have an exact integer value for the complete instantaneous phase measurement In three dimensions, this locus becomes a surface
The painted area between the end line and the free-throw line near each basket, outside which players line up for free throws Also known as the key, because in the early years it was key-shaped It was three times widenend its present shape
The free throw lane
a narrow way or road
-a row of stored or stage materials Also used to designate the location associated with a physical lane
{i} alley, narrow passageway between buildings (or walls, etc.); narrow road; course or track which has clear boundaries on either side (as on a highway, racetrack, etc.); set route followed by planes or ships
Lane is also used in the names of roads, either in cities or in the country. The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane
[1] A narrow road, often in the country
A lane is a narrow road, especially in the country. a quiet country lane Follow the lane to the river
A route through an enemy or friendly obstacle which provides a passing force safe passage The route may be reduced and proofed as part of a breaching operation or constructed as part of a friendly obstacle A lane must be 1 meter wide for dismounted column movement and 4 5 meters wide for single-lane column movement A two-way mounted lane is 10 meters wide
lane violation
The act of entering the free-throw lane before the free-throw shot has left the shooter's hands
lane departure warning system
A lane departure warning system (LDW) is a mechanism designed to warn a driver when the vehicle begins to move out of its lane (unless a turn signal is on in that direction) on freeways and arterial roads
Lane Kirkland
born March 12, 1922, Camden, S.C., U.S. died Aug. 14, 1999, Washington, D.C. U.S. labour-union leader. He served as an officer in the U.S. merchant marine and joined the American Federation of Labor (AFL) as a staff researcher in 1948. He was elected secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO in 1969 and succeeded George Meany as president in 1979. During Kirkland's tenure (1979-95), the AFL-CIO's membership and political influence waned due to shrinking employment in the U.S. manufacturing sector
lane's prince albert
apple used primarily in cooking
White Hart Lane
Tottenham Hotspur Football Club itself
White Hart Lane
the home stadium of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
air lane
A designated route used by commercial aircraft when flying from one airport to another
bicycle lane
A part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists
bus lane
A lane on a road along which only buses (and other specified types of vehicles) are allowed to travel
collector lane
In a multi-lane controlled-access highway or expressway system, a lane which is physically separated from the (core) lane(s) closest to the median and which is intended for vehicles traveling relatively shorter distances, so that these vehicles may enter and exit the highway system without unduly interrupting the flow of traffic
core lane
In a multi-lane controlled-access highway or expressway system, a lane close to the median and physically separated from the outer lanes, which has fewer entrances and exits than the outer lanes and which is intended for vehicles traveling longer distances, so that these vehicles may proceed in a relatively uninterrupted manner and often at greater speed. (Contrasted with a collector lane)
cycle lane
A part of a roadway designated for use by cyclists
express lane
In a supermarket or other large retail enterprise, a checkout aisle reserved for customers with relatively few items to purchase
express lane
In a multi-lane controlled-access highway or expressway system, a lane close to the median and physically separated from the outer lanes, which has fewer entrances and exits than the outer lanes and which is intended for vehicles traveling longer distances, so that these vehicles may proceed in a relatively uninterrupted manner and often at greater speed. (Contrasted with a local lane)
fast lane
Any situation or activity where the pace is very rapid
fast lane
On a multilane road, the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds
filter lane
A lane of traffic reserved for those making a specific turn at the next junction
free-throw lane
The rectangular or trapezoidal area between the free-throw line and the end line

Players must remain outside the free-throw lane until the ball leaves the free-throw shooter's hands.

green lane
Any of several types of wide unsurfaced paths through the countryside, especially ancient ones once used for herding animals
in the fast lane
In a lifestyle, employment position, or other set of circumstances where the rapid pace is exciting, frantic, or risky

He readily admits to a life of promiscuity and a history of many liaisons with prostitutes. I lived in the fast lane, he confesses.

plural form of lane
bowling alley

We spent every weekend down at the lanes.

local lane
In a multi-lane controlled-access highway or expressway system, a lane which is physically separated from the (express) lane(s) closest to the median and which is intended for vehicles traveling relatively shorter distances, so that these vehicles may enter and exit the highway system without unduly interrupting the flow of traffic
memory lane
A set of recollections available to be reviewed, especially accompanied by a feeling of nostalgia

Sigrid took a bittersweet trip down memory lane when Anne opened the carton of ornaments and lifted out a crumpled tinsel star. All at once she was three years old again and her father was holding her up in his strong arms to place that same star on the very top of their Christmas tree.

pit lane
A lane adjacent (usually on the inner curve) to a racetrack where the competing teams' garages are situated
sea lane
A regularly used route for ocean-going vessels
Alternative spelling of sea lane
victory lane
The place where the winner of a motor race goes to celebrate victory after an event
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) In transportation engineering and transportation planning, a high-occupancy vehicle lane (or HOV lane) is a lane reserved for vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers. They are also known as carpool lanes, commuter lanes, diamond lanes and transit lanes
breakdown lane
A breakdown lane (or 'emergency lane' or 'hard shoulder' or 'simply shoulder') is a reserved area by the verge of a road or motorway. Generally it is kept clear of all traffic. In the event of an emergency or breakdown, a motorist can pull into the hard shoulder to get out of the flow of traffic and obtain an element of safety. A hard shoulder also allows some extra flexibility should a motorist need to take evasive action, as it is a buffer area between the main thoroughfare and the edge of the road. Emergency vehicles such as ambulances and police cars may also use the shoulder to bypass traffic congestion
free throw lane
(Spor) The key, officially referred to as the free throw lane is an area in a basketball court underneath the basket bounded by the endlines, the foul lanes and the free throw line. Usually painted (although unpainted on some courts with painted perimeters), it is a critical area on the court, where much of the action takes place in a game
kari's lane
(Oyunlar) Oh Hell (also known as Up the River, Hell Yeah!, Stinky Fingers, Get Fred, Gary's Game, Diminishing Bridge, Shit On Your Neighbor, Kari's Lane, German Bridge in Hong Kong, and many variations of "Oh Hell" with euphemisms and other swearwords) is a trick-taking card game in which the object is to take exactly the number of tricks bid, unlike contract bridge and spades, where taking more tricks than bid is a loss. Its first appearance dates to the early 1930s and is sometimes credited to Geoffrey Mott-Smith
pit lane
(Spor) In motorsports, a pit stop is where a racing vehicle stops in the pits during a race for refuelling, new tires, repairs, mechanical adjustments, a driver change, or any combination of the above
A lane
Brick Lane
a road in the East End of London, which has a Sunday street market and many Indian restaurants which serve curry dishes
Burton Lane
orig. Burton Levy born Feb. 2, 1912, New York, N.Y., U.S. died Jan. 5, 1997, New York City U.S. songwriter. Lane worked in Tin Pan Alley, where he came to the attention of George Gershwin. His tunes were featured on Broadway from the early 1930s and were later heard in films, including Babes on Broadway (1942). His greatest success came with Finian's Rainbow (1947; film, 1968), for which he worked with lyricist E.Y. Harburg. He collaborated with Alan Jay Lerner on the film Royal Wedding (1951). Another joint effort with Lerner, On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (1965; film, 1970), gave Lane his last notable success
Drury Lane
a street in London famous for its theatres
Drury Lane Theatre
Oldest English theatre still in use. It was built in London by Thomas Killigrew for his acting company as the Theatre Royal (1663). It burned in 1672 and was rebuilt in 1674 with Christopher Wren as architect. It prospered under such actor-managers as Colley Cibber and later under David Garrick and Richard Brinsley Sheridan. An expanded "fireproof" theatre opened in 1794 and burned in 1809. Rebuilt in 1812 with over 2,000 seats, it declined in popularity from the 1840s, but it revived in the 1880s with melodramas and spectacles and was the scene of the acting triumphs of Henry Irving and Ellen Terry. More recently it has played host to many U.S. musicals
HOV lane
high-occupancy vehicle lane a lane on main roads that can only be used by vehicles carrying three or more passengers when there is a lot of traffic
Joseph Lane Kirkland
born March 12, 1922, Camden, S.C., U.S. died Aug. 14, 1999, Washington, D.C. U.S. labour-union leader. He served as an officer in the U.S. merchant marine and joined the American Federation of Labor (AFL) as a staff researcher in 1948. He was elected secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO in 1969 and succeeded George Meany as president in 1979. During Kirkland's tenure (1979-95), the AFL-CIO's membership and political influence waned due to shrinking employment in the U.S. manufacturing sector
Lois Lane
in the stories about Superman, a female reporter who works for the The Daily Planet, and has a romantic relationship with Superman
Memory Lane
imaginary place where memories are kept
Park Lane
a wide street in central London between Marble Arch and Hyde Park Corner. It has buildings on one side and Hyde Park on the other, and it is famous for its expensive hotels and houses
Petticoat Lane
a street in the East End of London, where a market is held every week on Sunday morning
air lane
A regular route of travel for aircraft. Also called airway
air lane
route through the air travelled by aircraft, airway; passageway through which air travels (Medical); ventilator shaft
air lane
a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another
back lane
(British) back alley, small path or street behind a row of houses
bike lane
A bike lane is a part of the road which is intended to be used only by people riding bicycles
bus lane
A bus lane is a part of the road which is intended to be used only by buses. a part of a wide road that only buses are allowed to use
bus lane
a traffic lane intended for buses only
marginal path
crawler lane
a special part of a road that can be used by slow vehicles so that other vehicles can go past fast lane
cycle lane
a part of a wide road that only bicycles are allowed to use
diamond lane
a special lane on a road or street that is marked with a diamond shape and can be used only by buses, taxis etc and sometimes private cars with more than one passenger
fast lane
If someone is living in the fast lane, they have a very busy, exciting life, although they sometimes seem to take a lot of risks. ..a tale of life in the fast lane
fast lane
the traffic lane for vehicles that are moving rapidly a hectic and pressured lifestyle often characterized by recklessness or dissipation; "life in fashion's fast lane has taught her a lot
fast lane
high-speed lane, lane on a road or highway that is designated for high-speed travel; fast-paced lifestyle, lifestyle characterized by the desire for instant gratification; shortest or fastest route to
fast lane
a hectic and pressured lifestyle often characterized by recklessness or dissipation; "life in fashion's fast lane has taught her a lot"
fast lane
On a motorway, the fast lane is the part of the road where the vehicles that are travelling fastest go
fast lane
the traffic lane for vehicles that are moving rapidly
having two lanes for traffic in each direction
free throw lane
a lane on a basketball court extending from the end line to 15 feet in front of the backboard; players may not enter this lane during a free throw
inbound lane
lane traveling towards a center
plural of lane
multi-lane road
{i} road with more than two lanes of traffic
ocean lane
path for sea travel
having only one lane in a single direction
sea lane
Sea lanes are particular routes which ships regularly use in order to cross a sea or ocean. a path across the sea that ships regularly use
sea lane
{i} fixed and regularly used sea route for large vessels
shipping lane
an officially approved path of travel that ships must follow
(of roads) having a single lane for traffic in both directions; when vehicles meet one must pull off the road to let the other pass
slow lane
If you say that a person, country, or company is in the slow lane, you mean that they are not progressing as fast as other people, countries, or companies in a particular area of activity. Germany was not trying to push Britain into the slow lane
slow lane
the traffic lane for vehicles that are moving slowly
slow lane
On a motorway or freeway, the slow lane is the lane for vehicles which are moving more slowly than the other vehicles
swerve into the opposite lane
move quickly in the other lane, swerve into oncoming traffic
having a lane for traffic in each direction and a center lane for passing
traffic lane
a lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane
traffic lane
a lane of a main road that is defined by painted lines; "that car is in the wrong traffic lane"
having a lane for traffic in each direction
{s} having two lanes of traffic in the same direction
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение lane в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

lane sınırı çökeltisi
grain boundary precipitate
tırmanma şeridi climbing lane
(in a highway)