A light-producing vessel, instrument or apparatus; especially, a vessel with a wick used for the combustion of oil or other inflammable liquid, for the purpose of producing artificial light
For definition purposes, a lighting artifact intended for use INDOORS Can be fixed or portable; of any "fuel" source ("gas", liquid fuel, electricity, chemical reaction )
The electric cap lamp worn for visibility Also, the flame safety lamp used in coal mines to detect methane gas concentrations and oxygen deficiency
The term used to refer to the complete light source package including the inner parts as well as the outer bulb or tube "Lamp", of course, is also commonly used to refer to a type of small light fixtures such as a table lamp
To smell of the lamp To bear the marks of great study, but not enough laboured to conceal the marks of labour The phrase was first applied to the orations of Demosthenes, written by lamp-light with enormous care
What the lighting industry technically calls a light bulb A glass envelope with gas, coating, or filament that glows when electricity is applied