
listen to the pronunciation of kutupluk
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
either of the two extremes of such attributes
polarité = [French] polarity, from polus = [Latin] pole, from polos = [Greek] turning pointPolarity is a word that indicates one of two opposing choices In solar physics it is mostly used to distinguish whether magnetic field is pointing (somewhat) toward you or away from you This is called the magnetic polarity Read more about magnetic polarities on the Polarity Page
the sign of the potential (voltage) between two points in a circuit When a potential difference exists between two points, one end has a positive polarity and the other one, negative polarity Electrons flow from negative to positive, but by convention, current is considered to flow from positive to negative
The change or retention of the dark-to-light relationship of an image For example, going from a first- generation negative to a second-generation positive reverses polarity, whereas going from a first-generation negative to a second-generation negative maintains polarity See also NEGATIVE FILM, POSITIVE FILM
In electricity, the condition of being positive or negative
A designation of the relative instantaneous direction of the current in a secondary lead as compared with a primary lead The two leads are said to be of the same polarity when, at any instant, the currents in the two leads are flowing in the same direction as if the leads were a single piece of wire The polarity of a single-phase transformer is classed as either additive or subtractive
In electricity, the quality of having two oppositely charged poles, one positive one negative
In electricity, refers to the condition of being either positive or negative 2
the separation, alignment or orientation of something into two opposed poles
having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges); "he got the polarity of the battery reversed"; "charges of opposite sign"
A property of the conic sections by virtue of which a given point determines a corresponding right line and a given right line determines a corresponding point
– Ability of a power supply to produce an output that is positive or negative referenced to ground Also see Floating Output
Magnetically, opposite poles, north and south In electricity, oppositely charged poles, positive and negative
{i} presence of two opposing tendencies; state of having unequally distributed characteristics
The wiring of a microphone or speaker to make sure that the movement of air will be in the same direction as the electrical signal Also of concern between equipment in a balanced system
The designation of positive (+) or negative (-) electrical potential to the electrode
A speaker, for example, has a positive and a negative input terminal Connecting a battery directly to the speaker will result in the diaphragm moving outward If you reverse the battery leads, the diaphragm will move inward Caution: Too high of a voltage battery will also burn out the speaker!
Which side of an electrical circuit is the positive? Which is the negative? Polarity is the term describing which is which
As applied to electric circuits, polarity indicates which terminal is positive and which is negative As applied to magnets, it indicates which pole is North and which pole is South

This pole is sharp at the end. - Bu kutup sonunda keskindir.

Indifference is like the ice on the poles: it kills everything. - Kayıtsızlık kutuplardaki buz gibidir: her şeyi öldürür.

field core

The only natural enemies of beluga whales are polar bears. - Beluga balinalarının tek doğal düşmanı kutup ayılarıdır.

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics official mascots are The Polar Bear, The Hare, The Leopard and two aliens called The Snowflake and The Ray of Light. - 2014 Sochi Kış Olimpiyatlarının resmi maskotları Kutup Ayısı, Tavşan, Leopar ve Kar Tanesi ve Işık Demeti adlarındaki iki uzaylıdır.

(an) expert, (an) authority
(geographic, celestial, electrical, magnetic) pole
pole; polar

Earth rotates on its polar axis. - Dünya kutup ekseninde döner.

Uranus tilts over so far on its axis that it rotates on its side. Because of this, its poles are sometimes pointed almost directly at the Sun. - Uranüs, ekseninde çok fazla yana yatar öyle ki yan tarafı etrafında döner. Bu yüzden, kutupları bazen neredeyse direk güneşi işaret eder.

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