Where but to think is to be full of sorrow And leaden-eyed despairs, Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow..
It was at the end of February..., when the world was cold..., when icy rains fell from the leaden skies in continual drizzling showers..
This is as heavy as lead.
- Bu kurşun kadar ağır.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them, with powder and lead - Thoughts are free!
- Hiçbir insan onları bilemez, hiçbir avcı barut ve kurşunla onları vuramaz. - Düşünceler özgürdür!
A doctor tried to remove the bullet from the president's head.
- Bir doktor, başkanın kafasındaki kurşunu çıkarmaya çalıştı.
Tom was killed by a stray bullet.
- Tom serseri bir kurşun tarafından öldürüldü.
The public bought it hook, line and sinker, didn't they?
- Halk olta iğnesi, olta ve olta kurşunu aldı, değil mi?