The credit limit is the maximum outstanding balance you can generally have on your credit card account
The credit limit is the maximum limit on the amount of money that you may borrow on your credit card account The issuer decides on the limit for each customer based on the information given on the application form The credit limit may be changed over time Some issuers change the limits automatically by watching the way you spend and repay Other issuers only offer to raise the credit limit when the customer asks them to
The Credit Limit is the total amount of credit extended to the customer by the lender
The maximum amount you may charge on a credit card Under some circumstances, your card issuer may increase or decrease your credit line
The maximum amount of available credit a cardholder may access The Consumer Federation of America suggests people carry credit lines no greater than 20 percent of their gross household income For example, people with a gross income of $50,000 would cap credit lines at $10,000
The maximum amount of money that a bank or other lender will lend to a particular individual or company
The maximum amount that you may have outstanding at any one time on your Credit Line, however it may never exceed the principal amount
When you first open an AdWords account, Google gives you an initial credit limit of $50 so your ads can start running right away You will be billed within 30 days or when you reach this credit limit If you reach the credit limit within 30 days, your limit will be raised for your next billing cycle More
Your credit limit is the maximum amount you may charge on a credit card Some card issuers set a separate limit for purchases and cash advances Many banks will allow you to spend more than your credit limit, but may charge you a fee for doing so It is up to you to keep track of your credit limit and how much available credit you have left
The maximum amount available to a person under a loan, credit card or other borrowing arrangement
– The maximum amount of credit that is available on a credit card or other line of credit account
The largest amount you can carry as the balance on your credit card If you exceed this amount an Overlimit Charge may be imposed
Your line-of-credit will have a credit limit - which is the total amount of funds you can draw at any point in time You can apply for any limit, however the maximum credit limit you may have is based on the amount of equity you have in property deemed to be suitable security For example, with a Freedom Plus Line-of-Credit - the maximum credit limit you can request is up to 90% of the value of an approved property You must also meet the Society's other lending criteria Monthly Fee We do not charge a monthly account keeping, administration or service fee - which could represent substantial savings to you
The maximum amount of charges you may incur on your card, which is determined by the issuer after examining your income, the amount of your current debt and your credit history
The maximum amount the cardholder may owe to the issuer on the card account at any time
As a general rule, credit can only be granted against collateral Among other forms, this type of collateral may consist of securities, houses and property However, no account is taken of the market value of the collateral, but only of the value as collateral security In addition, mortgages are subject to a legally-defined credit limit (Mortgage Banks Act) which is equivalent to a maximum of 60 % of the value as collateral security