As a way to keep up with inflation, a COLA can be added to a structured settlement This allows the benefit payouts to increase at a specified rate If a payment design is quoted as "$1,000 payable monthly for 20 years, compounding annually at 3%", this means that in year one the payments will be $1,000 per month In year two, the payments will reflect a single rise by 3% so they will be $1,030 per month, in year three another 3% increase will take place and the payments will be $1,060 90 for the next 12 months, and so on
In PERS Plan 2 and the Defined Benefit portion of PERS Plan 3, on July 1 of every year following the first full year of retirement, the monthly benefit is adjusted by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U, Seattle), to a maximum of 3 percent per year
Cost of Living Adjustment Some insurance plans (such as disability) may adjust the benefit based on the cost of living as measured by some index, often the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Cola is a sweet brown non-alcoholic fizzy drink. a can of cola. cost-of-living adjustment. Cost of Living Adjustment in the US, an increase to people's wages or Social Security and Welfare payments to prevent them being affected by inflation (=the gradual rise in the price of goods etc). a brown sweet soft drink or a bottle, can, or glass of this drink (Coca-Cola). Coca Cola Co. Cola di Rienzo Cola dynasty cola nut
The kola nut (cola nut) is the edible seed of several species of tropical trees of the Cola genus native to Africa (especially Cola acuminata and Cola nitada). They are cultivated today in both Africa and the American tropics, where they are chewed to retard fatigue and hunger. Kola nuts have a bitter initial taste, then sweet, and also sweeten any food or drink taken immediately afterward. Kola nuts contain caffeine and theobromine and are famous for their use in 'Cola' soft drinks. Many soft drink manufacturers now use synthetic chemicals that resemble the flavor of kola nuts
Cost of Living Adjustment Federal retirees receive a COLA adjustment annually to their retirement benefit, which reflects the change in the cost of living based on the rate of inflation This is different than the annual pay adjustment employees usually receive in January A retiree's COLA is measured by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (a market basket of goods and services) from one year to the next Therefore, retirees receive COLAs on their retirement benefits, and employees receive basic pay increases and locality adjustments on their salary based on a Congressionally approved amount
Cost of Living Allowance which may be granted to employees based away from their home location, to provide for a higher cost of living than at the home location