knöchel (des oberen sprunggelenks)

listen to the pronunciation of knöchel (des oberen sprunggelenks)
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
The bony prominence on each side of the ankle joint
A projection at the distal end of each bone of the leg at the ankle joint
A layer
{i} bony projections on either side of the ankle (Anatomy)
Rounded projection on either side of the ankle joint
The bony prominence each side of the ankle joint
" A layer, " a shoot partly buried in the ground, and there cut halfway through
The malleolus of the tibia is the internal projection, that of the fibula the external
The rounded projection on the ankle, on both sides- lateral and medial
Rounded projection on either side of the ankle joint; the lateral malleolus is the fibula and tha medial malleolus is the tibia
a shoot partly buried in the ground, and there cut halfway through
knöchel (des oberen sprunggelenks)