Partial ownership of a property, such as real estate or a chartered airplane, such that each partial owner has use of the property for only a portion of the time
A fractional is much more expensive than a traditional timeshare, but to many people, it's worth it.
If something is fractional, it is very small in size or degree. a fractional hesitation. + fractionally frac·tion·al·ly Murphy, Sinclair's young team-mate, was fractionally behind him
Relatively small; inconsiderable; insignificant; as, a fractional part of the population
The T1/E1 channel is one of the following groupings of consecutively or nonconsecutively assigned time slots: N T/1 time slots (NX56/64Kbps where N = 1 to 23 T1 time slots per FT1 channel) N E1 time slots (NX64Kbps, where N = 1 to 30 time slots per E1 channel)