kesilmiş ormanda yeniden ağaç dikmek, yeniden ağaçlandırmak

listen to the pronunciation of kesilmiş ormanda yeniden ağaç dikmek, yeniden ağaçlandırmak
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
To afforest
forest anew; "After the fire, they reforested the mountain
To replant with trees; to reafforest; to reforestize
forest anew; "After the fire, they reforested the mountain"
To replant a forest, especially after clear-cutting
{f} replant with trees, reestablish a forest
To reforest an area where there used to be a forest means to plant trees over it. He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia
kesilmiş ormanda yeniden ağaç dikmek, yeniden ağaçlandırmak

    Расстановка переносов

    ke·sil·miş or·man·da ye·ni·den a·ğaç dik·mek, ye·ni·den a·ğaç·lan·dır·mak