katrandan çıkarılan çok kırıcı sıvı (c7h8o)

listen to the pronunciation of katrandan çıkarılan çok kırıcı sıvı (c7h8o)
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
(Tıp) cresol
either of the three isomeric phenols derived from toluene: ortho-, meta- or para-methylphenol
Any one of three metameric substances, CH3
{i} methyl phenol, aromatic fluid compound produced from coal during organic processes that is used in the manufacture of disinfectants solvents and resins
[Called also cresylic acid
] any of three poisonous colorless isomeric phenols; derived from coal or wood tar; used as a disinfectant
any of three poisonous colorless isomeric phenols; derived from coal or wood tar; used as a disinfectant
They are obtained from coal tar and wood tar, and are colorless, oily liquids or solids
OH, homologous with and resembling phenol
katrandan çıkarılan çok kırıcı sıvı (c7h8o)

    Расстановка переносов

    kat·ran·dan çı·ka·rı·lan çok kı·rı·cı sı·vı (c7h8o)