kate greenaway

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Английский Язык - Английский Язык
orig. Catherine Greenaway born March 17, 1846, London, Eng. died Nov. 6, 1901, London British artist and children's-book illustrator. The daughter of a draftsman and wood engraver, she studied art in London. In 1868 she began to exhibit drawings, contribute illustrations to magazines, and design Christmas and Valentine cards. Her first book, Under the Window (1878), was followed by The Birthday Book (1880), Mother Goose (1881), and many others that were enormously successful; the beauty of these books created a revolution in book illustration, and her work was praised by leading art critics around the world. Her yearly almanacs (1888-97) also became very popular
kate greenaway

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    Kate Green·a·way

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    keyt grinıwey


    /ˈkāt ˈgrēnəˌwā/ /ˈkeɪt ˈɡriːnəˌweɪ/