kârlı, kazançlı, yararlı

listen to the pronunciation of kârlı, kazançlı, yararlı
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
{s} lucrative
producing a surplus; profitable
Greedy of gain
{a} profitable, gainful, bringing gain
highly profitable
producing a good profit; "a remunerative business"
Good fortune; favorable issue or event
Producing, or resulting in, good by
producing a good profit; "a remunerative business" In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately; used in a good sense; as, they luckily escaped injury
A lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable. Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms. a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money = profitable lucrative business/market/contract etc (lucrativus, from lucrari , from lucrum; LUCRE)
In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately; used in a good sense; as, they luckily escaped injury
Yielding lucre; gainful; profitable; making increase of money or goods; as, a lucrative business or office
Favored by luck; fortunate; meeting with good success or good fortune; said of persons; as, a lucky adventurer
Being without luck; unpropitious; unfortunate; unlucky; meeting with ill success or bad fortune; as, a luckless gamester; a luckless maid
{s} profitable, yielding monetary rewards, gainful
The state or quality of being lucky; as, the luckiness of a man or of an event
kârlı, kazançlı, yararlı

    Расстановка переносов

    kârlı, ka·zanç·lı, ya·rar·lı

