A peripheral device connected to a computer that can hold a number of optical disks or magnetic tapes at a time, making it possible to switch among them at will
A cabinet that is part of an automated optical disk system storing disks, using robotics for retrieval, and having one or more computer drives See also OPTICAL DISK (OD)
A device that holds multiple optical disks or magnetic tapes, and one or more disk or tape drives, and which can swap the media in and out of the drive as needed Same as an autochanger Also called medium changer, or disk or tape libraries
A device that uses robotics to move optical media from internal storage slots to internal optical drives for the purpose of "Read" and "Write" operations It is commonly referred to as an optical library, since it contains media with data
A device which has the ability to move media among various components located in the device, including slots and media drives Jukeboxes automate loading, labeling, and mounting of the media, during backups and recovers
A jukebox is a machine that plays CDs in a place such as a pub or bar. You put money in and choose the song you want to hear. My favorite song is on the jukebox
A device which contains multiple discs and one or more readers It may also contain recording devices This term is sometimes used to describe a disc changer
Personal Digital Entertainment or Jukebox leverages the power of the PC to create enhanced audio and video entertainment experiences in a compact form On a portable big storage capacity (miniHardDiskDrive) allows to store WAV, MP3, news, digital audio books, various data, transferring via mic, line-in, data link