jüri üye

listen to the pronunciation of jüri üye
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Sami's lawyer wanted to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. - Sami'nin avukatı jüri üyelerinin zihinlerinde mantıklı şüphe yaratmak istiyordu.

The jurors came into the courtroom. - Jüri üyeleri mahkeme salonuna geldi.

{n} a person who serves on ajury
one who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice
A person selected to be on a jury
1 A person sworn as a member of a jury; a person selected for jury duty
- Member of a jury jury - Specific number of people (usually six or twelve), selected as prescribed by law, to render a decision (verdict) in a trial
an individual who has been impaneled as a member of a jury
A member of a jury; a juryman
Researchers and content experts were selected nationally to assist in the selection of research-based interventions which are the focus of instructional modules within each of the content areas There is a team of such individuals for each content area They are referred to as jurors because of their role in selecting interventions They also provide consultation when needed
A member of any jury for awarding prizes, etc
someone who serves (or waits to be called to serve) on a jury
{i} member of a jury
A juror is a member of a jury. a member of a jury
jüri üye