jüpiter ii kod adlı uydu

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Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
The 6th known moon of Jupiter (and its 4th largest)
Issues from some European countries since 1956 to further the project of a United Europe and to commemorate the annual European Postal and Telecommunications Conference
A satellite of Jupiter orbiting at a mean distance of 671,000 kilometers Also called Jupiter II
the 4th largest of Jupiter's satellites; covered with a smooth shell of frozen water
The "United Europe'' theme celebrated annually on stamps of western European nations since 1956 The original Europa stamps were issued by the nations in the European coal and steel association Today, European nations that are members of the postal and telecommunications association (CEPT) issue Europa stamps
Europa is a large, dense, icy moon of Jupiter Its surface is covered with long, crisscrossing track ways (but few craters) and frozen sulphuric acid Its diameter is less than 2,000 miles (3,138 km), smaller than the Earth's moon It takes Europa 3 55 days to orbit Jupiter Its mean distance from Jupiter is about 420,000 miles (670,900 km) Its mass is 4 80x1022 kg It was discovered by Galileo and S Marius (independently) in 1610
jüpiter ii kod adlı uydu

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    jü·pi·ter i·i kod ad·lı uy·du

