iskeleti daha ziyade kıkırdaktan meydana gelmiş olan

listen to the pronunciation of iskeleti daha ziyade kıkırdaktan meydana gelmiş olan
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Having a tough or fibrous texture, usually in reference to a mushroom stipe
{a} having or like gristles, gristly
Pertaining to or composed of cartilage
comprising of soft cartilage rather than bones
{s} made of cartilage; consisting mainly of cartilage
related to or resembling cartilage
Having the skeleton in the state of cartilage, the bones containing little or no calcareous matter; said of certain fishes, as the sturgeon and the sharks
Firm and tough, but flexible; like cartilage
Of or pertaining to cartilage; gristly; firm and tough like cartilage
composed of cartilage
difficult to chew
iskeleti daha ziyade kıkırdaktan meydana gelmiş olan

    Расстановка переносов

    is·ke·le·ti da·ha zi·ya·de kı·kır·dak·tan mey·da·na gel·miş o·lan

