the process of translating a name into some object or information that the name represents A telephone book forms a namespace in which the names of telephone subscribers can be resolved into telephone numbers The Windows NTFS file system forms a namespace in which the name of a file can be resolved into the file itself Similarly, Active Directory forms a namespace in which the name of an object in the directory can be resolved into the object itself
In a QNX network, the process by which the Qnet network manager converts an FQNN to a list of destination addresses that the transport layer knows how to get to
The process of mapping a name into its corresponding address See also: Domain Name System [Source: RFC1208] [RFC 1983]
The process used on the network for resolving a computer address as a computer name, to support the process of finding and connecting to other computers on the network
The process of translating an Internet address name from the symbolic form used by people, such as "netguide com," to the numeric address used by the machines, such as "123 45 211 37 " It's what your domain name server does for you, as part of the Domain Name System (DNS)
Process relating a name and its corresponding address The domain name system (DNS) provides a computer naming mechanism enabling programs to use distant name servers to determine the IP address of a computer from its name See also: DNS, IP
The process of mapping a name into its corresponding IP address See also Domain Name System