
listen to the pronunciation of iraq
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} İrak
(isim) İrak

Iraklılar çember içine alınmışlardı. - The Iraqis were surrounded.

Onların arabalarında önce Irak sonra Fransa diye okunan çıkartmalar vardı. - They had stickers on their cars reading: First Iraq then France.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a republic in the Middle East in western Asia; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq; modern government is involved in state-sponsored terrorism
a country in southwest Asia, between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Population: 23,332,000 (2001). Capital: Baghdad. It is an oil-producing country. Under its leader Saddam Hussein, Iraq was at war with Iran from 1980 to 1988, and its invasion of Kuwait in 1990 led to the Gulf War. officially Republic of Iraq Middle Eastern country, northwest of the Persian Gulf
{i} Republic of Iraq, country in southwest Asia
Country in Mesopotamia that borders on Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Official name: Republic of Iraq
iran-iraq war
a dispute over control of the waterway between Iraq and Iran broke out into open fighting in 1980 and continued until 1988, when they accepted a UN cease-fire resolution

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    /əˈräk/ /ɪˈrɑːk/


    () Possibly from Sumerian “Uruk|Uruk]]” or “Warka” (Biblical “Erech”) region in the south of ancient Iraq. Medieval Arabic uses ‘Iraq’ as a geographical term for the area in the south and center of the modern Iraq. Some Arabic sources say that Iraq comes from عريق (ʕarí:q, “deep-rooted”), from عرق (ʕirq, “root”).


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