
listen to the pronunciation of institution
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Royal House eski bir kurumdur. - The Royal House is an ancient institution.

Tom büyük bir finans kurumu için çalışıyor. - Tom works for a large financial institution.


O hastane, kentteki en eski kuruluşlardan biridir. - That hospital is one of the oldest institutions in the city.


Smithsonian Enstitüsü nedir? - What is the Smithsonian Institution?

{i} yerleşmiş gelenek
(Ticaret) yerleşik yasalar
(Ticaret) gelenekler
yerleşmiş yasa
{i} atama
{i} kurum binası
{i} yerleşmiş uygulama
{i} hapishane
{i} tanınan kimse
{i} tesis
yerleşmiş gelenek veya kanun
{i} tesis etme
{i} tımarhane
institution management
(Ticaret) kurumsal yönetim
institution of heir
(Kanun) mirasçı nasbi
institution of public utility
(Ticaret) kamu hizmet kurumu
institution of religion
din kurumu
institution’s building
kurum binası
institution for the blind
Körler Enstitüsü
institution names
kurum adları
charitable institution
charity institution
(Turizm) hayır kurumu
forensic medicine institution
adli tıp kurumu
host institution
ev sahibi kurum
kuruma ait
geleneksel olarak
(Osmanlıca) müessesat
research institution
araştırma kurumu
supreme audit institution
(Kanun) yüksek denetim kurumu
turn into an institution
financial institution
finans enstütüsü
kuruluşa ait

Kurumsallaşmış ırkçılık polis gücü içinde önemli bir sorun. - Institutionalised racism is a significant problem within the police force.

Kurumsal ırkçılık ciddi bir sorundur. - Institutional racism is a serious problem.

thrift institution
ekonomi enstitüsü
community institution
halk kurumları
credit institution
kredi kuruluşu
Kurumsal olarak
lending institution
kredi kurumu
penal institution
related and affiliated institution
bağlı ve ilgili kuruluş
correctional institution
(Askeri) ISLAH MÜESSESESİ: Federal hapishane sisteminde, genellikle giydikleri hükümler beş yılı aşmayan mahkumlar için yapılmış ve asgari veya orta derecede emniyet tedbiri alınmış müessese
depository institution capital
(Ticaret) mevduat kurumu sermayesi
educational institution
eğitim ve öğretim kurumu
educational institution
eğitim öğretim kurumu
honoring institution
(Ticaret) ödeyen kurum
implementing institution
(Avrupa Birliği) uygulayıcı kuruluş
bir mevzuun esasına institutional food herhangi bir müessesenin çıkardığı yemek
kuruluş veya kuruma ait
{s} geleneksel
institutionalize kurum haline getirmek
adet haline getirmek
{s} kuruluşa/kuruma ait
dili düşkünler evine yerleştirmek
(Avrupa Birliği) kurumlar

2020 yılında, tüm kamu kurumlarında Almanca kullanımı nüfusun bir kısmında kitlesel protestolara rağmen, İngilizce lehine kaldırılmıştır. - In 2020, the use of German in all public institutions was abolished in favor of English, despite massive protests on the part of the population.

Almanlar, Avrupa Birliği ve onun kurumlarına büyük bir bağlılık gösteriyor. - Germans show an enormous commitment to the European Union and its institutions.

lending institution
(Ticaret) borç para veren kurum
maximum security institution
(Askeri) YÜKSEK EMNİYETLİ CEZAEVİ: Genel olarak ağır suçluları hapsetmeye yarayan ve mahpusların kaçmaları imkanını asgari hadde indirecek şekilde inşa edilmiş olan disiplin cezaevi. Böyle bir tesisin etrafı duvarlarla çevrilidir; mahpuslar genellikle, hücrelere konur ve faaliyetlerin büyük kısmı duvarlar içinde cereyan eder. Ayrıca bakınız: "medium security institution"
medium security institution
(Askeri) ORTA EMNİYETLİ CEZAEVİ: Etrafı duvar yerine çitle çevrili ve hafif suçluların hapsedildikleri askeri cezaevi veya ıslah merkezlerine verilen isim. Mahpuslar, genel olarak, baraka ve koğuşlarda yatarlar. Ayrıca bak. "maximum-security institution"
mental institution
akıl hastanesi
thrift institution
(Ticaret) tasarruf kurumu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The building which houses such an organisation
A person long established with a certain place or position
The act of instituting
An established organisation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, culture or the care of the destitute, poor etc
A custom or practice of a society or community - marriage for example
The act or process of instituting; as: (a) Establishment; foundation; enactment; as, the institution of a school
That which instituted or established Established order, method, or custom; enactment; ordinance; permanent form of law or polity
An institution is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank. The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution
Anything forming a characteristic and persistent feature in social or national life or habits
That which institutes or instructs; a textbook; a system of elements or rules; an institute
{i} institute, organization; place where people are confined and treated (i.e. prison or mental hospital); custom, convention; law or activity which is accepted in a society; act of instituting
Instruction; education
The institution of a new system is the act of starting it or bringing it in. There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania
An established or organized society or corporation; an establishment, especially of a public character, or affecting a community; a foundation; as, a literary institution; a charitable institution; also, a building or the buildings occupied or used by such organization; as, the Smithsonian Institution
an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society; "the institution of marriage"; "the institution of slavery"; "he had become an institution in the theater"
The act or ceremony of investing a clergyman with the spiritual part of a benefice, by which the care of souls is committed to his charge
An institution is a building where certain people are looked after, for example people who are mentally ill or children who have no parents. Larry has been in an institution since he was four
- A person long established with a certain place or position
An institution is a custom or system that is considered an important or typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time. I believe in the institution of marriage
an organization founded and united for a specific purpose
institution of higher learning
educational institution for continued education after graduation from high school
institution of marriage
marriage as a social and religious convention
academic institution
An educational institution dedicated to higher education and research, which grants academic degrees
acquiring financial institution
An acquiring financial institution (or "acquirer") contracts with the bank and the merchant to enable credit card transactions. The acquirer deposits the credit card totals and debits the end-of-month processing fees from the merchants' accounts. Abbreviated: AFI
correctional institution
A prison
Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or organized along the lines of an institution
In an institutional manner
mental institution
A psychiatric hospital, or the psychiatric ward of a hospital
{n} an establishment, law, education
academic institution
university, college, institute of higher learning
banking institution
institution which deals in money (keeping, lending, exchanging, etc.)
correctional institution
a penal institution maintained by the government
depository financial institution
a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities; "he cashed a check at the bank"; "that bank holds the mortgage on my home
educational institution
An approved, accredited, or licensed public or nonprofit institution or facility, entity, or organization conducting educational programs, including research for any such programs, such as a child care center, school, college, university, school for the mentally retarded, school for the physically handicapped, or an educational radio or television station
educational institution
Any establishment providing education, including schools,colleges,universities and institutes
educational institution
For the purposes of this project, this term refers to an institution that is 1) an accredited primary or secondary school, 2) an institution of higher education as defined by Section 61 003, Education Code, 3) a private institution of higher education accredited by a recognized accrediting agency as defined by Section 61 003, Education Code, 4) the Texas Education Agency and its successors and assigns, 5) a regional education service center established and operated in accordance with Chapter 8, Education Code, 6) the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and its successors and assigns, 7) a public library or regional library system as defined by Section 441 122, Government Code, or 8) a library operated by an institution of higher education or a school district
educational institution
establishment dedicated to educating people (school, etc.)
educational institution
an institution dedicated to education
educational institution
any public or private school, college or university, or other secondary or post secondary educational establishment
educational institution
Means an approved, accredited, or licensed public or nonprofit institution, facility, entity, or organization conducting educational programs, including research for any such programs, such as a child care center, school, college, university, school for the mentally retarded, school for the physically handicapped or educational radio or television station
financial institution
An intermediary that channels the savings of individuals, businesses, and governments into loans or investments (Chapter 1)
financial institution
An organization that attracts funds through some type of deposit mechanism lends those funds to individuals or corporations in order to make an acceptable return The major financial institutions involved in financing real estate are savings and loan associations, commercial banks, mutual savings banks, life insurance companies, credit unions, finance companies, and pension funds
financial institution
A commercial or investment bank, trust company, brokerage house, insurance company, or other institution that participates in financial transactions involving cash or financial products The primary role of such an institution is to facilitate the financing of investments, from home mortgages to the raising of funds via the issue of debt or equity for mega-projects It may also provide insurance, take on fiduciary responsibilities, store cash and securities for safekeeping, etc
financial institution
A place which collects funds from the public and places them in financial assets, such as deposits, loans, and bonds
financial institution
a federally insured bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, or credit union, whether state or federally chartered, authorized to conduct business in this state (per WAC 208-660-010)
financial institution
A generic term for banks, trust companies, credit unions, and perhaps other investment companies that deal with money, hold money, invest money and lend money
financial institution
Any organization in the business of moving, investing, or lending money, dealing in financial instruments, or providing financial services Includes commercial banks, thrifts, federal and state savings banks, saving and loan associations, and credit unions
financial institution
An institution that uses its funds chiefly to purchase financial assets (loans, securities) as opposed to tangible property Financial institutions can be classified according to the nature of the principal claims they issue See also depository institution
financial institution
An enterprise such as a bank whose primary business and function is to collect money from the public and invest it in financial assets such as stocks and bonds
financial institution
* Any bank, savings and loan, credit union or other institution organized under either national or state banking laws capable of both accepting deposits and making loans
financial institution
Organization engaged in any of the many aspects of finance including commercial banks, thrift institutions, investment banks, securities brokers and dealers, credit unions, investment companies, insurance companies, and REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS
financial institution
an organization that channels fund through the economy by accepting the surplus money of savers and supplying that money to borrowers, who pay to use the money
financial institution
An establishment responsible for facilitating customer-initiated transactions or transmission of funds for the extension of credit or the custody, loan, exchange, or issuance of money
financial institution
A bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union or similar institution
financial institution
An organization that helps to channel funds through an economy by accepting the surplus money of savers and supplying that money to borrowers, who pay to use the money Insurance companies are financial institutions
financial institution
An enterprise such as a bank whose primary business and function is to collect money from the public and invest it in financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and loans to others
financial institution
An institution whose primary business and function is to collect money from the public and invest it in financial assets such as stocks, bonds, etc
financial institution
an institution (public or private) that collects funds (from the public or other institutions) and invests them in financial assets
financial institution
establishment dealing with monetary matters
financial institution
Any organization, such as a bank or insurance company, that accepts and pays out money in a situation in which fees or interest are paid for the use of money
financial institution
a business organization that lends and borrows money, for example a bank
financial institution
A business that deals with money For example, a bank or credit union
organized as or forming an institution; "institutional religion" relating to or constituting or involving an institution; "institutional policy
Of, pertaining to, characteristic of or organized along the lines of an institution
Institutional means relating to a building where people are looked after or held. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive
relating to or constituting or involving an institution; "institutional policy
relating to or constituting or involving an institution; "institutional policy"
Relating to an institution in the sense of a humanly created and generally accepted social custom, usage, law, rule, principle or pattern of procedure or organization, etc , which pertains to, guides or regulates social conduct Examples: Government, language, family, individual laws, private property, market society, money, etc See also "Institutional economics" and "Institutionalism "
Institutional means relating to a large organization, for example a university, bank, or church. The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors
Pertaining to, or treating of, institutions; as, institutional legends
An institutional value or quality is considered an important and typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time. social and institutional values
Elementary; rudimental
organized as or forming an institution; "institutional religion"
{s} pertaining to an institution; characteristic of an institution, bland, drab, uniform
Includes churches, cemeteries, hospitals, and other charitable, civic or religious uses
One of the markets in children's publishing, named for the institutions the books are sold to[md]schools and libraries IRC--Short for International Reply Coupon: good for postage anywhere in the world Send one or more to a foreign publisher along with a self-addressed envelope for the response
Instituted by authority
by an institution; "institutionally controlled
by an institution; "institutionally controlled"
Throughout an institution
established ways of doing things or providing for needs; for example, the institution of marriage
The organized structural entities that serve as sites of power
A custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society: the institutions of marriage and the family   Established organizations or foundations that reflect the culture and beliefs of a people
used to track the schools that serve as a source of inquiries, applicants and students
Institutions are residential facilities designed to house and care for individuals with mental disabilities
Humanly devised constraints that structure human interaction They are made up of formal constraints (rules, laws, constitutions), informal constraints (norms of behaviour, conventions and self-imposed codes of conduct), and their enforcement characteristics (North, 1993, in Berkes and Folke, 1994: 4) The set of rules actually used by a set of individuals to organize repetitive activities that produce outcomes affecting those individuals and potentially affecting others (Ostrom, 1992 quoted in Berkes and Folke, 1994: 4)
Plural of institution
Institutional investors include pension funds, unit trusts and insurance companies These are the big players in the stock market as they have a lot of money to invest and as major shareholders they often have a say in company decisions See Financial Services Industry
lending institution
a financial institution that makes loans
lending institution
institution that provides loans
medical institution
institution devoted to the practice of medicine
medical institution
an institution created for the practice of medicine
mental institution
{i} insane asylum, hospital for the mentally ill people
nondepository financial institution
a financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance
penal institution
an institution where persons are confined for punishment and to protect the public
public institution
national institution run by one of the government offices, establishment that operates for the public good
thrift institution
a depository financial institution intended to encourage personal savings and home buying
thrift institution
body that deposits money for savings