A political upheaval in a government or nation state characterized by great change
The motion of a point, line, or surface about a point or line as its center or axis, in such a manner that a moving point generates a curve, a moving line a surface (called a surface of revolution), and a moving surface a solid (called a solid of revolution); as, the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of its sides generates a cone; the revolution of a semicircle about the diameter generates a sphere
The motion of one body around another (e g the motion of the planets in their orbit around the Sun)
Process of change involving the mobilizing of a mass social movement in order to break the political status-quo and radically transform the society
The space measured by the regular return of a revolving body; the period made by the regular recurrence of a measure of time, or by a succession of similar events
a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving; "the industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution"
This is the motion of the earth traveling around the sun It takes the earth 365 days to complete one revolution around the sun This is why there are 365 days in a year The earth is undergoing rotation (see above) and revolution at the same time Return to Seasonal Temperature Effects