
listen to the pronunciation of indirect
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Dolaylı çevirileri yorumlarken dikkatli ol. Cinsiyetler değişmiş olabilir. - Be careful interpreting indirect translations. Genders may have changed.

Onun fikrini dolaylı olarak araştırmaya başladım. - I tried to investigate his opinion indirectly.

(Havacılık) indirekt
direkt/doğrudan olmayan
{s} doğru olmayan
{s} kinayeli
(Tıp) Dolaylı, aracılı, indirekt
{s} aldatıcı
indirect discourse sözcünün söylediklerinin şahıs ve zaman değişimiyl
{s} endirekt
indirect cost dolaylı masraf
indirect damage dolaylı zarar
{s} dolaşık, dolambaçlı
dolaylslyla olan
endirekt, endirek
indirect damage
indirek zarar
indirect damage
indirekt zarar
indirect democracy
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı demokrasi
indirect labor
(Teknik,Ticaret) dolaylı işçilik
indirect labour
(Ticaret) dolaylı işçilik
indirect lighting
(Aydınlatma,Teknik) dolaylı aydınlatma
indirect measurement
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dolaylı ölçme
indirect operating cost
(Ticaret) dolaylı işletme gideri
indirect proof
(Matematik) dolaylı kanıt
indirect ray
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dolaylı ışın
indirect representation
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı temsil
indirect speech
(Dilbilim) dolaylı aktarım
indirect speech
dolaylı anlatma
indirect tax
(Ticaret) vasıtalı vergi
indirect address
dolaylı adres
indirect addressing
dolaylı adresleme
indirect bilirubin
indirekt bilirubin
indirect control
dolaylı denetim
indirect drive
endirekt tahrik
indirect effect
dolaylı etki
indirect expression
dolaylı söz
indirect impregnation
dolaylı emdirme
indirect lighting
dolaylı ışıklandırma
indirect method
dolaylı yöntem
indirect method of proof
dolaylı yöntemle kanıtlama
indirect mortgage loan
dolaylı ipotek kredisi
indirect object
dolaylı tümleç
indirect proof
dolaylı ispat
indirect speech
dolaylı anlatım
indirect tax
dolaylı vergi
indirect wave
yansımış dalga
indirect wave
endirekt dalga
indirect arbitrage
dolaylı arbitraj
indirect discourse
dolaylı söylem
indirect entry
dolaylı giriş
indirect export
Dolaylı ihraç
indirect fire
dolaylı yangın
indirect object
dilb. dolaylı tümleç, -e halindeki isim
indirect personal object
dolaylı şahıs tümleci
indirect question
dolaylı soru
indirect referencing
dolaylı referans
indirect study of users
kullanıcı dolaylı çalışma
indirect acting clement
dolaylı eylemli alet
indirect acting element
dolayli eylemli alet
indirect acting element
(Bilgisayar) dolaylı eylemli alet
indirect actinic effect
(Aydınlatma) dolaylı aktiniksel etki
indirect action
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı hareket
indirect action
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı eylem
indirect adress
Dolaylı Adres
indirect air defence
(Askeri) endirekt hava savunması
indirect air defense
(Askeri) ENDİREKT HAVA SAVUNMASI: Dost uçakların düşmanın uçak fabrikaları ile ikmal tesislerine ve yerdeki düşman uçaklarına karşı harekatta bulunması suretiyle yapılan endirekt savunma. Bak. "direct air def ense"
indirect air support
(Havacılık) indirek hava desteği
indirect air support
(Askeri) endirekt hava desteği
indirect air support
(Askeri) ENDİREKT HAVA DESTEĞİ: Taktik muharebeye girişmiş düşman kuvvetlerinden başka hedeflere karşı hava taarruzu ile kara veya deniz kuvvetlerine verilen destek. Şunları kapsar: Hava üstünlüğünün sağlanması ve idamesi, menetme ve teciz etme. Bak. "air support"
indirect benefit
indirek fayda
indirect benefit
indirekt fayda
indirect bonding
(Havacılık) dolaylı bağlama
indirect braking
(Otomotiv) dolaylı fren
indirect business taxes
(Ticaret) dolaylı işletme vergileri
indirect business taxes
(Ticaret) dolaylı ticari vergiler
indirect communication
(Askeri) endirekt muhabere
indirect communication
(Askeri) ENDİREKT MUHABERE: Bir ara telsiz istasyonundan geçmesi gereken telsiz veya diğer çeşit muhabereler. Endirekt muhabere; bir ara telsiz istasyonundan geçmeyen "direkt muhabereden" farklıdır. Bak. "direct communication"
indirect competitor
(Ticaret) dolaylı rakip
indirect contact
(Tıp) indirekt temas
indirect cost
dolaylı masraf
indirect cost
indirect damage assessment
(Askeri) ENDİREKT HASAR KIYMETLENDİRİLMESİ: Direkt kıymetlendirme yapanlar dışındaki vasıtalarla elde edilmiş; gerçek silah kuvveti, infilak yüksekliği ve yer sıfırı gibi esaslara dayanan, revizyon görmüş hedef analizleri. Bak. "post strike damage estimation"
indirect depreciation
(Ticaret) dolaylı amortisman
indirect distribution
(Ticaret) dolaylı dağıtım
indirect drain pipe
dolaylı dren boru
indirect election
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı seçim
indirect election
(Politika, Siyaset) iki turlu seçim
indirect evidence
(Konuşma Dili) ikinci derecede kanıt
indirect exchange
(Ticaret) dolaylı kambiyo
indirect expense
(Ticaret) dolaylı masraflar
indirect experience
(Bilgisayar) dolaylı tecrübe
indirect exporting
(Ticaret) vasıtalı ihracat
indirect exporting
(Ticaret) dolaylı ihracat
indirect exposure
(Çevre) dolaylı maruz kalma
indirect extrusion
(Mekanik) dolaylı ekstrüzyon
indirect extrusion
endirek ekstrüzyon
indirect fire
(Askeri) Endirek ateş
indirect fire
(Askeri) dolaylı yönlendirilen ateş
indirect fire
(Askeri) GÖRMEYEREK ATIŞ: Nişancı tarafından görülmeyen bir hedefe karşı yapılan atışlar. Bak. "fire"
indirect fire
(Askeri) endirekt ateş
indirect fire
(Askeri) görmeyerek atış
indirect fluorescent antibody
(Tıp) indirek floresan antikor
indirect flux
(Aydınlatma) dolaylı akı
indirect foundation
indirek temel
indirect fuel ignition
(Otomotiv) endirekt yakıt ateşlemesi
indirect heating
dolaylı ısıtma
indirect heating system
dolaylı ısıtma yöntemi
indirect illumination
(Askeri) ENDİREKT AYDINLATMA: Işıldak veya difuzyon ve yansıtma ile aydınlatan işaret ve aydınlatma mühimmatı kullanarak yapılan aydınlatma
indirect indicator
dolaylı gösterge
indirect infection
(Tıp) indirekt infeksiyon
indirect injection
(Otomotiv) ön yanma odalı enjeksiyon
indirect instruction
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dolaylı komut
indirect instruction
dolayli komut
indirect interest
(Kanun) dolayısıyla alaka
indirect irrigation benefits
indirek sulama faydalan
indirect irrigation effects
indirek sulama tesirleri
indirect laying
(Askeri) görmeyerek nişan
indirect laying
(Askeri) GÖRMEYEREK NİŞAN: Hedef top mevziinden görünmediği zaman top ile hedef yerine nişan noktası (aiming point) denilen sabit bir cisme nişan alarak veya bir top komuta aleti gibi nişangahtan ayrı bir tevcih vasıtasından faydalanarak nişan alma. Buna (indirect pointing) de denir
indirect laying position
(Askeri) KAPALI MEVZİ: Böyle bir mevzi
indirect liability
(Ticaret) ileride doğabilecek borç
indirect liability
(Ticaret) endirekt borç
indirect light
dolaylı ışık
indirect lobbying
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı lobicilik
indirect losses
indirek kayıplar
indirect manufacturing costs
(Ticaret) genel imalat maliyetleri
indirect material
(Ticaret) dolaylı madde
indirect means
dolambaçlı yol
indirect measurement
dolayli olcme
indirect method of measurement
(Bilgisayar) dolaylı ölçüm yöntemi
indirect object
dilb. dolaylı tümleç
indirect object
(Dilbilim) ismin -e halindeki isim
indirect object
dolaylı nesne
indirect observation
(Askeri) dolaylı gözetleme
indirect observation
(Askeri) ENDİREKT GÖZETLEME: Bak. "observation"
indirect offset
(Askeri) dolaylı offset
indirect operating cost
dolayli isletme gideri
indirect perception
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) dolaylı algı
indirect pointing
(Askeri) görmeyerek nişan
indirect pointing
(Askeri) GÖRMEYEREK NİŞAN: Bak. "indirect laying"
indirect productior
(Ticaret) birinci üretim
indirect pulp capping
(Diş Hekimliği) endirekt pulpa kaplaması
indirect pulp capping
(Diş Hekimliği) endirekt kuafaj
indirect quote
(Ticaret) dolaylı kotasyon
indirect radiation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dolaylı ışıma
indirect radiation
dolayli isima
indirect ray
dolayli isin
indirect receipts
indirek gelirler
indirect relay
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sekonder röle
indirect rule
(Politika, Siyaset) dolaylı yönetim
indirect sentence
(Dilbilim) dolaylı cümle
indirect source
(Tıp) indirekt kaynak
indirect speech
dolaylı söz
indirect speech act
(Dilbilim) dolaylı sözeylem
indirect speech questions
(Dilbilim) dolaylı anlatım soruları
indirect sunlight
indirek güneş ışını
indirect support
(Askeri) ENDİREKT DESTEK: Bir muharebe birliğine uçaklar tarafından yapılan destek. Endirekt destek düşman gerilerindeki ikmal ve ulaştırma hatlarını kesmeyi, düşman uçaklarını tahrip etmeyi, direkt destek ise gözetleme, haberlerin ulaştırılması ve diğer özel görevleri içine alır. Bak. "direct support"
indirect tax system
(Ticaret) dolaysız vergi sistemi
indirect taxes
indirekt vergiler
indirect taxes
indirek vergiler
indirect taxes
(Ticaret) vasıtasız vergiler
indirect taxes
(Ticaret) dolaylı vergiler
indirect test
(Dilbilim) dolaylı sınav
indirect transaction taxation
(Ticaret) dolaylı muamele vergilemesi
indirect transmission
(Tıp) indirekt bulaşma
indirect user
dolaylı kullanıcı
indirect waste pipe
dolaylı kirlisu borusu
zımni olarak
dolaylı olarak

Dolaylı olarak yardımcı olacak. - It'll help indirectly.

Delhi belediye başkan yardımcısı dolaylı olarak rhesus maymunları tarafından öldürüldü. - The deputy mayor of Delhi was indirectly killed by rhesus monkeys.

dolambaçlı biçimde
endirekt olarak
z. dolaylı olarak

Dolaylı olarak yardımcı olacak. - It'll help indirectly.

Onun fikrini dolaylı olarak araştırmaya başladım. - I tried to investigate his opinion indirectly.

{i} dolaylılık
(isim) dolaylılık
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Not direct; roundabout; deceiving; setting a trap; confusing
Indirect remarks and information suggest something or refer to it, without actually mentioning it or stating it clearly. His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid + indirectly in·di·rect·ly He referred indirectly to the territorial dispute
Roundabout, not open or straight forward In project management, 'Indirects' typically refer to costs that cannot be identified directly with any one activity See Indirect Cost
an attack or riposte that finishes in the opposite line to which it was formed, by means of a disengage or coupé
not as a direct effect or consequence; "indirect benefits"; "an indirect advantage
An indirect route or journey does not use the shortest or easiest way between two places. The goods went by a rather indirect route. direct
Descriptive of an offensive action initiated by disengaging and then passing the blade under or over the opponent's blade
Light produces soft shadows Produces less light that strains and is harsher on the eye, than direct light
Not resulting directly from an act or cause, but more or less remotely connected with or growing out of it; as, indirect results, damages, or claims
an attack, parry, or riposte taken in a line other than that of the engagement
Not straightforward or upright; unfair; dishonest; tending to mislead or deceive
Impacts caused by the proposed action and occurring later in time or farther removed in distance, but are still reasonably foreseeable
descended from a common ancestor but through different lines; "cousins are collateral relatives"; "an indirect descendant of the Stuarts"
an offensive action made by first passing the blade under or over the opponent's blade
An access is said to be "indirect" when a register holds its target For example, an indirect branch is one whose target is specified in a register
Not tending to an aim, purpose, or result by the plainest course, or by obvious means, but obliquely or consequentially; by remote means; as, an indirect accusation, attack, answer, or proposal
not as a direct effect or consequence; "indirect benefits"; "an indirect advantage"
Not direct; not straight or rectilinear; deviating from a direct line or course; circuitous; as, an indirect road
having intervening factors or persons or influences; "reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light"; "indirect evidence"; "an indirect cause"
Not reaching the end aimed at by the most plain and direct method; as, an indirect proof, demonstration, etc
An indirect result or effect is not caused immediately and obviously by a thing or person, but happens because of something else that they have done. Businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that's going on elsewhere direct + indirectly in·di·rect·ly Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence
Indirect costs also known as F&A costs are those that are incurred for common or joint objectives and therefore cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity
not direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination; "sometimes taking an indirect path saves time"; "must take an indirect couse in sailing"
A simple attack or riposte that finishes in the opposite line to which it was formed
{s} not direct, circuitous, roundabout; devious, deceitful
Maximum number of children that can be connected to nodes of this type in total (possibly via siblings) The value must be at least as great as the number of direct children
Purchases which do not go directly into the end-product of the Buying Organization Account for over 80% of transactionvolume Generally not well-automated and are generally subject to sales taxes
an attack or riposte that finishes in the opposite line to which it was formed, by means of a disengage or coupe'
extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action; "making indirect but legitimate inquiries"; "an indirect insult"; "doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind"; "though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest"; "known as a shady indirect fellow"
indirect free kick
a free kick from which a goal may be scored only after the ball has been played by at least one other player
indirect maternal death
A pregnancy-related death in a female patient with a preexisting or newly developed health problem
indirect object
A grammatical role of a ditransitive verb that usually manifests as a recipient or goal

He gave the money to the bank.

indirect objects
plural form of indirect object
indirect quotation
A rate in foreign currency
indirect quotations
plural form of indirect quotation
indirect speech
reported speech
Attributive form of indirect object, noun
indirect addressing
addressing in a roundabout manner, addressing something by using intermediate destinations en route to the final destination
indirect advertising
advertisement of a product by having it appear casually in the background (of a movie, television program, etc.)
indirect antonym
the antonymy of `wet' and `parched' is mediated by the similarity of `parched' to `dry'
indirect antonym
antonyms whose opposition is mediated e
indirect approach
roundabout method, circuitous way
indirect control
control that goes through intermediate channels, control that is not directly enforced
indirect cost
expense that is not directly connected to a specific account
indirect cost
money that a business must spend, not directly on its products or services, but on other things such as buildings or wages
indirect cost
(Ticaret) A cost that can not be meaningfully traced to a specific product or production process; a group or consolidated cost that is normally allocated to multiple items based on a calculated distribution of overhead
indirect damage
incidental damage, secondary damage
indirect discourse
Indirect discourse is the same as indirect speech. indirect speech
indirect discourse
"he said `I am a fool' would be modified to `he said he is a fool'"
indirect discourse
a report of a discourse in which deictic terms are modified appropriately e
indirect evidence
Circumstantial evidence
indirect fire
fire which hits a target which is not the target toward which the weapon is aimed and fired
indirect fire
fire delivered on a target that is not itself used as the point of aim for the weapons
indirect hit
blow that did not land exactly where intended
indirect immunofluorescence
a method of using fluorescence microscopy to detect the presence of an antigen indirectly
indirect influence
effecting change through another agent, vicarious effect
indirect labor
(Ticaret) Production support labor that can not be allocated to a specific item or process. The labor charges for plant maintenance and other activities that are sometimes broken into 1) indirect activities done by personnel classified as indirect and 2) activities such as training for personnel usually classified as direct
indirect laying
aiming by pointing a firearm at some object and not directly at the intended target when there is no line-of-sight contact with the target
indirect liability
legal responsibility incurred as a result of another person's actions
indirect lighting
artificial lighting which is deflected to reduce glare
indirect lighting
a concealed lighting fixture
indirect lighting
Illumination by reflected or diffused light
indirect object
An indirect object is an object which is used with a transitive verb to indicate who benefits from an action or gets something as a result. For example, in `She gave him her address', `him' is the indirect object. Compare direct object. An object indirectly affected by the action of a verb, as me in Sing me a song and turtles in He feeds turtles lettuce. an object of a verb that refers to the person that something is given to, said to, made for etc. For example, in the sentence 'I asked him a question', the indirect object is 'him'
indirect object
(Grammar) person or thing indirectly affected by the action of the verb (i.e. "him" in "give him the book")
indirect object
the object that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb
indirect question
An indirect question is the same as a reported question
indirect speech
{i} speech that is not straight to the point, speech that is not forthright; words of another person reported to someone else but not using the exact words
indirect speech
Indirect speech is speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words: for example, `They said you didn't like it', `I asked him what his plans were', and `Citizens complained about the smoke'. indirect discourse reported speech a way of reporting what someone said without repeating their exact words. For example, in the sentence 'Julia said that she didn't want to go', the clause 'that she didn't want to go' is indirect speech. Her actual words were 'I don't want to go'
indirect tax
a tax that can be shifter to a party other than the one on whom the tax is levied
indirect tax
An indirect tax is a tax on goods and services which is added to their price. Compare direct tax. A tax, such as a sales tax or value-added tax, that is levied on goods or services rather than individuals and is ultimately paid by consumers in the form of higher prices. a tax which is added to the cost of goods and services direct tax tax'ation
indirect tax
tax which is not collected directly from the payer
indirect tax
a tax levied on goods or services rather than on persons or organizations
indirect tax
any tax levied on an activity or event
indirect tax
A tax you do not pay directly, but which is passed on to you by an increase in your expenses For instance, a company might have to pay a fuel tax The company pays the tax but can increase the cost of its products so consumers are actually paying the tax indirectly by paying more for the merchandise
indirect taxation
taxation method in which the tax is not collected directly from the payer
indirect taxation
Indirect taxation is a system in which a government raises money by means of indirect taxes
indirect transmission
a transmission mechanism in which the infectious agent is transferred to the person by a fomite of vector
indirect way
roundabout route, circuitous course; roundabout manner; evasive manner
free indirect speech
A style of indirect speech which imitates direct speech, converted to third-person
{a} not strait, oblique, unfair, mean
Not directed; aimless
in a indirect manner
not in a forthright manner; "he answered very indirectly"
not in a forthright manner; "he answered very indirectly
In an direct manner; not in a straight line or course; not in express terms; obliquely; not by direct means; hence, unfairly; wrongly
circuitously, in a roundabout manner; deviously
Deviation from an upright or straightforward course; unfairness; dishonesty
The quality or state of being indirect; obliquity; deviousness; crookedness
{i} lack of directness, circuitousness; deviousness, deceitfulness
The condition of being indirect
having the characteristic of lacking a true course toward a goal