
listen to the pronunciation of index's
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение index's в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

{f} indekslemek

Kitabın bir fihristi var mı? - Is there an index to the book?


Uygulama, vücut kütle indeks oranını hızlı bir şekilde hesaplamanı sağlıyor. - The application allows you to quickly calculate the ratio of body mass index - BMI.

İndeksli yatırım fonlarını nerede alabilirim? - Where can I purchase index funds?


Her öğrenci için numaralandırılmış dizin kartları kullanırım. - I use numbered index cards for each student.

index finger
işaret parmağı

Onun işaret parmağı yüzük parmağından daha kısadır. - His index finger is shorter than his ring finger.

Elin beş parmağı var: başparmak, işaret parmağı, orta parmak, yüzük parmağı ve serçe parmak. - The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky.

{i} gösterge
index number
indeks sayı
(Havacılık) ındeks
(Ticaret) alfabetik sıra
index base
(Bilgisayar) dizin tabanı
index case
(Tıp) indeks olgu
index delete
(Bilgisayar) dizin sil
index field
(Bilgisayar) dizin alanı
index file
(Bilgisayar) dizinli kütük
index finger
şehadet parmağı
index finger
gösterme parmağı
index fishing
(Denizbilim) gösterge avcılığı
index locale
(Bilgisayar) yerel dizin
index maker
(Bilgisayar) dizin oluşturucu
index mark
(Tekstil) indeks işareti
index name
(Bilgisayar) dizin adı
index server
(Bilgisayar) dizin sunucusu
index server
(Bilgisayar) dizin sunucu
index size
(Bilgisayar) dizin boyutu
index status
(Bilgisayar) dizin durumu
index update
(Bilgisayar) dizin güncelleştir
{f} indeksle
indeksle göstermek
indeksini bulmak
index cycle
dizin çevrimi
index error
gösterge hatası
index file
dizin dosyası
index file
dizin kütüğü
index finger
index hole
indeks deliği
index linked bond
endeksli tahvil
index marker
dizin işareti
index number
indeks sayısı
index of refraction
kırılma indeksi
index of refraction
kırılma katsayısı
index position
dizin konumu
index register
dizin yazmacı
index sequential file
dizinli sıralı kütük
index sequential file organization
dizinli sıralı kütük organizasyonu
index set
indeks kumesi
index word
dizin kelimesi
index word register
dizin sözcüğü yazmacı
international index number
uluslararası indeks numarası
index futures
(Finans) endekse dayalı vadeli işlem
index futures conract
(Finans) endekse dayalı vadeli işlem sözleşmesi
index futures contract
(Finans) endekse dayalı vadeli işlem sözleşmesi
index head
(Mühendislik) bölümlü başlık
index of
index positions
dizin konumları
index reference
indeksi referans
index sequential
dizinli sıralı
index; indication
indeksi; göstergesi
{ç} --es (în'deksîz)/in.di.ces (în'dısiz)
{f} 1. (kitap) için dizin hazırlamak
{f} ayarlı aynaya bağlamak
{f} yasak kitaplar listesine yazmak
(Tıp) (indicis)
index nu
(Tıp) Herhangi bir parçanın standard bir büyüklüğe oranını veren rakam; 3.İşaret
{i} katalog
(Askeri) PAFTA İNDEKSİ: Bir serideki (veya ilgili diğer serilerdeki) paftaların isim ve/veya numaralarını, genellikle her bir paftanın kapsadığı sahayı da belirtmek suretiyle, bir harita üzerinde gösteren diyagram
index finger işaret parmağı
{i} yasak kitaplar listesi
indeks yapmak
{i} işaret

O, başparmak ve işaret parmağıyla kelebeği yakaladı. - He grabbed the butterfly with his thumb and index finger.

Onun işaret parmağı yüzük parmağından daha kısadır. - His index finger is shorter than his ring finger.

{f} indekse yazmak
dizin,v.indeksle: n.indeks
(Tıp) İşaret (şahadet) parmağı
{i} ibre
indeks içine koymak
index card
index contour line
(Askeri) İNDEKS DÜZEÇ EĞRİSİ, KALIN MÜNHANİ (EŞ YÜKSELTİ EĞRİSİ): Ara düzeç eğrisinden ayırt etmek için daha kalın çizilmiş bir düzeç eğrisi. İndeks düzeç eğrileri genellikle verilen değerleri ile birlikte yükselmeleri okumayı kolaylaştırmak için her 5 düzeç eğrisinde verilir
index ellipsoid
indeks elipsoyidi
index entry
dizin öğesi
index entry
(Bilgisayar) dizin girdisi
index entry codes
dizin giriş kodları
index error
indeks hatası
index error
(Askeri) ISKALA HATASI: Bir pusula, ıskala veya başka bir alet üzerinde okunan miktarla, hakiki miktar arasındaki fark
index error
(Askeri) skala hatası
index fossil
indeks fosil
index fund
(Ticaret) indeksli yatırım fonu
index heading
dizin başlığı
index letter
(Askeri) İNDEKS HARFİ: Bir şifre alfabesi mürekkebinde, diğer bir mürekkibin anahtar harfi ile yan yana getirilen harf
index line
(Askeri) skala hattı
index line
(Askeri) ISKALA HATTI: Bir ölçü aleti üzerindeki müracaat hattı. Bu hat; taksimatın başlangıç noktası olarak kullanılır
index linked
geçim indeksine bağlanmış
index liquid
indeks sıvısı
index map
(Askeri) FİHRİST HARİTASI: Üzerinde, bir uçaktan alınmış bir seri fotoğrafların kapladığı bölgeler işaretlenmiş harita. Bir fihrist haritası, genellikle, fotoğrafların kapladığı arazinin tabii şekillerini ihtiva eder. Bak. "map"
index mineral
indeks mineral
index number
(İstatistik) gösterge sayısı
index number
(Ticaret) endeks sayısı
index of coincidence
(Askeri) RASTLAMA GÖSTERGESİ, TEKRARLANANLARIN İNDEKSİ: Kriptografide metne ait mükerrer elemanların görünen ve beklenen miktarları arasındaki nispet
index of help topics
Yardım konuları dizini
index of refraction
kırılma indisi
index of wholesale prices
toptan eşya fiyat endeksi
index on field
alana göre dizin yarat
index set
(Matematik) damga kümesi
index set
(Matematik) indeks kümesi
index species
indeks tür
index to adjoining sheets
(Askeri) Bak. "interchart relationship diagram"
index word
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dizin sözcüğü
index word
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endeks kelimesi
infiltration index
(Tarım) infiltrasyon indisi
installation index
(Aydınlatma) döşem indisi
installation index
(Aydınlatma) yer indisi
instrument with optical index
isikli gostergeli alet
color index
(Jeoloji) renk indeksi
color index
(Jeoloji) renk indisi
commodity channel index
(Ticaret) emtia kanal endeksi
commodity selection index
(Ticaret) emtia seçim endeksi
competition index
(Denizbilim) yarış göstergesi
consistency index
(Çevre) uyumluluk endeksi
consistency index
(Jeoloji) kıvam indeksi
consumer confidence index
(Ticaret) tüketici güven endeksi
consumer index
tüketici endeksi
consumer price index
(Ticaret) tüfe
consumer price index
(Ticaret) tüketici fiyatları indeksi
consumer price index
(Kanun) tüketici fiyat indeksi
consumer price index changes
(Ticaret) tüfe değişim oranları
consumer prince index
(Ticaret) tüketici fiyat endeksi
content index
(Bilgisayar) içerik dizini
cost of living index
(Kanun) hayat pahalılığı endeksi
cross index
çapraz dizin
device index
(Bilgisayar) aygıt dizini
diversity index
(Denizbilim) çeşitlilik göstergesi
equity index
(Ticaret) özkaynak endeksi
flood index
(Coğrafya) taşkın indeksi
flow index
(Çevre) akış endeksi
flow index
(Jeoloji) akma indeksi
human development index
insani gelişmişlik indeksi
load index
(Otomotiv) yük endeksi
main index
(Bilgisayar) ana dizin
mass index
(Ticaret) kütle endeksi
mitotic index
(Tıp) mitotik indeks
performance index
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) başarım ölçütü
port index
bağlantı noktası dizini
producer price index
(Kısaltma) üfe
producer price index
(Ticaret) üretici fiyat endeksi
reference index
referans indeksi
security index
(Tıp) güvenlik indeksi
thumb index
harf indeksi
title index
(Bilgisayar) başlık dizini
unique index
(Bilgisayar) benzersiz dizin
volatility index
(Ticaret) oynaklık endeksi
volatility index
(Ticaret) volatilite endeksi
weighted index
(Ticaret) ağırlıklı indeks
wind chill index
(Meteoroloji) rüzgar soğutma endeksi
alphabetical index
alfabetik indeks
breadth index
genişlik endeksi
business index
iş indeksi
card index
card index
kart fihristi
cephalic index
kafa indisi
cephalic index
kafatasının eni ile boyu arasındaki oran
colour index
renk ölçeği
composite index
bileşik endeks
compression index
sıkışma indisi
consumer price index
tüketici fiyat endeksi
cost of living index
geçim indeksi
cycle index counter
çevrim dizin sayacı
gross index
temel dizin
gross index
ana dizin
help index
yardım dizini
price index
fiyat endeksi

Hisse senedi fiyat endeksi, tüm zamanların en yükseğine yükseldi. - The stock price index soared to an all-time high.

Fiyat endeksi tüm zamanların en yükseğine ulaştı. - The price index hit an all-time high.

price index
fiyat  listesi
refractive index
kırılma indisi
refractive index
kırılım indisi
retail price index
perakende fiyat endeksi
sembolün sağ altına yazılan rakam
swelling index
şişme indisi
wholesale price index
toptan eşya fiyat indeksi
chain index
zincirleme endeks
comparable price index
karşılaştırılabilir fiyat indeksi
fit index
(İstatistik) Uyum indeksi
fog index
sis endeksi
geographical index
coğrafi endeksi
glycemic index
glisemik indeks
gouge index
oymak endeksi
high level index
üst düzey endeksi
mechanized index
mekanize endeksi
mouldability index
(Mühendislik) Kalıplanabilirlik İndeksi

There is a good (negative) correlation between the mouldability index and the flow path ratio.

refractive index
Kırılma indeksi

(eşanlam) index of refraction.

relative index
göreli endeksi
revolving index
döner endeksi
slaughter house index
katliam ev endeksi
stock index
Borsa endeksi

Various stock indexes are available to monitor the overall level of stock prices.

supplementary index
ek ındex
systematic index
sistematik indeksi
thematic index
tematik indeks
viscosity index
viskozite indeksi
word index
sözcük dizini
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
“” listed in the Oxford English Dictionary plural form of index

{2} For Quintilian does not speak of such Index’s as Books have now-a-days : but after he had nam’d several of the Greek Poets, Homer, Antimachus, Euphorion, &c.;.

To inventory, to take stock
A sign; an indication; a token

His son's empty guffaws ... struck him with pain as the indices of a weak mind.

A data structure that improves the performance of operations on a table
a single number calculated from an array of prices or of quantities
An alphabetical listing of items and their location; for example, the index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found
To arrange an index for something, especially a long text
An integer or other key indicating the location of data e.g. within a vector, database table, associative array, or hash table
The index finger, the forefinger
A type of noun where the meaning of the form changes with respect to the context. E.g., 'Today's newspaper' is an indexical form since its referent will differ depending on the context. See also icon and symbol
index card
A piece of heavy paper stock used to record information to be stored in an index
index cards
plural form of index card
index fingers
plural form of index finger
index fossil
Any ancient remains of a plant or animal that lived during a specific geological period and that can be used to date the containing rocks
index fossils
plural form of index fossil
index rerum
An index of subjects; used when a work contains multiple indexes, to differentiate from an index of personal names (index nominum), an index of places (index locorum), or an index of words (index verborum)
index rerum
A tabulated and alphabetized notebook, for systematic preservation of items, quotations, etc
index term
A term that captures the essence of the topic of a document, used as keyword to retrieve documents in an information system, for instance a catalog or a search engine
inverted index
An indexing algorithm which indexes the document being searched based on the keywords being searched
index of refraction
The refractive index (or index of refraction) of a medium is a measure for how much the speed of light (or other waves such as sound waves) is reduced inside the medium. For example, typical glass has a refractive index of 1.5, which means that light travels at times the speed in air or vacuum. Two common properties of glass and other transparent materials are directly related to their refractive index. First, light rays change direction when they cross the interface from air to the material, an effect that is used in lenses and glasses. Second, light reflects partially from surfaces that have a refractive index different from that of their surroundings
increase of index rate
increase of the rate of inflation
That which guides, points out, informs, or directs; a pointer or a hand that directs to anything, as the hand of a watch, a movable finger on a gauge, scale, or other graduated instrument
A type of noun where the meaning of the form changes with respect to the context. E.g., Todays newspaper is an indexical form since its referent will differ depending on the context. See also icon and symbol
A financial instrument that provides the basis for the interest rate charged on a loan Federal Stafford loans are typically indexed to the current rate of the 91-day U S Treasury bill Alternative student loans are typically indexed to other widely accepted financial instruments, such as the current LIBOR rate, the current T-bill rate, or the current Prime rate
Noun A set of information about network documents maintained by Netscape Compass Server The Compass index is analagous to a library's card catalog system; for each network document there is an entry in the index giving the search title, location, keywords, and other information about that document The system administrator determines which resources Netscape Compass Server will include in the index Verb Used to describe the process by which Netscape Compass Server gathers and orders information about resources available on the network
>> A published interest rate against which lenders measure the difference between the current interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage and that earned by other investments , which is then used to adjust the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage Examples include LIBOR, the Prime Rate and Treasury indices The Wall Street Journal publishes index information
In printing, a sign [&fist;] used to direct particular attention to a note or paragraph; called also fist
A published interest rate to which the interest rate on an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) is tied Some commonly used indices include the 1 Year Treasury Bill, 6 Month LIBOR, and the 11th District Cost of Funds (COFI)
A term used with ARM loans The index is the measure of interest rate changes that the lender uses to decide how much the interest rate on the ARM will change over time No one can be sure when an index rate will go up or down Some common indexes used are: 1 year Treasury rate, COFI (Cost of Index Funds) & 6 month LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
provide with an index; "index the book"
The ratio, or formula expressing the ratio, of one dimension of a thing to another dimension; as, the vertical index of the cranium
adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
The usual plural is indexes, but the form indices can be used for meaning 1
The index is the measure of interest rate changes that the lender uses to decide how much the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage will change over time
Noun A set of information about network documents maintained by iPlanet Compass Server The Compass index is analagous to a library's card catalog system; for each network document there is an entry in the index giving the search title, location, keywords, and other information about that document The system administrator determines which resources iPlanet Compass Server will include in the index Verb Used to describe the process by which iPlanet Compass Server gathers and orders information about resources available on the network
A guide to the material published within other works, sometimes within books but more often within periodicals Periodical indexes list every article for the periodicals and the period covered, listed alphabetically by author, title, and subject Indexes include the source information you'll need to find each article, usually the periodical title, issue number, and page numbers Indexes are available in print and in electronic form See Finding Sources in a Library / Using Periodical Indexes and Bibliographies in An Introduction to Research Processes
a measurement used by lenders to determine changes to the Interest rate charged on an adjustable rate mortgage
An index is an alphabetical list that is printed at the back of a book and tells you on which pages important topics are referred to. There's even a special subject index
the finger next to the thumb
A statistic that indicates some current economic of financial condition Indexes are used to make adjustments in variable rate loans The index plus the margin determines the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage One index used on some mortgages is the six-month treasury bill For example if the going rate for these treasury bills is 5 5 percent and the margin is 2 5 percent, your interest rate would be 8 percent Other common indexes used are the certificates of deposit index, COFI index, and LIBOR index
list in an index
If a quantity or value is indexed to another, a system is arranged so that it increases or decreases whenever the other one increases or decreases. Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation. see also card index. colour index consumer price index Index librorum prohibitorum price index
The index is the measure of interest rate changes a lender uses to decide the amount an interest rate on an ARM will change over time The index is generally a published number or percentage, such as the average interest rate or yield on Treasury bills Some index rates tend to be higher than others and some more volatile
If you index a book or a collection of information, you make an alphabetical list of the items in it. This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers She's indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator
an economic indicator, usually a published interest rate, that determines changes in the interest rate of an ARM ARM rates are adjusted to reflect changes in the index The margin is the amount a lender adds to the index to establish the actual interest rate on an ARM
{i} list of subjects or other information arranged in alphabetical order; indicator, sign; arrangement of data (Computers); price index, number which indicates changes in prices (Economics); statistical measure of the changes in a portfolio that represents a market
A prologue indicating what follows
A relative expression of the weighted value of a group of securities used as a performance indicator (see FTSE indices) Insider dealing The purchase or sale of securities by someone who possesses 'inside' information affecting securities which has not yet been made available to the market and which, if made available, would significantly affect the share price In the UK such deals are a criminal offence Investment trust A collective investment fund in the form of a listed company which holds a portfolio of securities on behalf of its own shareholders Because an investment trust is itself a listed company, its shares can be bought and sold in the usual way
{f} create an index (for a book); place in an index; indicate; adjust prices or salaries in accordance with changes in economic indicators; label and arrange data in an index table (Computers)
For arrays and collections, the position of the particular element with respect to others, usually beginning with 0 (arrays) or 1 (collections) as the first element When used with database files or tables, index refers to a lookup table, usually in the form of a file or component of a file, that relates the value of a field in the indexed file to its record or page number and location in the page (if pages are used)
A published interest rate compiled from other indicators such as U S Treasury bills or the monthly average interest rate on loans closed by savings and loan organizations Mortgage lenders use the index figure to establish rates on adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs)
The second digit, that next to the pollex, in the manus, or hand; the forefinger; index finger
A key indicating the location of data or an object, e.g. within a database table, associative array, or hash table
A published interest rate against which lenders measure the difference between the current interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage and that earned by other investments (such as one- three-, and five-year U S Treasury Security yields, the monthly average interest rate on loans closed by savings and loan institutions, and the monthly average Costs-of-Funds incurred by savings and loans), which is then used to adjust the interest rate on an adjustable mortgage up or down
That which points out; that which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses
A term used in Adjustable Rate Mortgages, (see Adjustable Rate Mortgage) It is a measure of prevailing market interest rates The index is used with the margin to determine your new interest rate at the time of adjustment If the index increases, your interest rate increases unless an interest rate cap (see Cap) is reached if the index decreases, your interest rate decreases, unless a cap is reached Often, these interest rates are the rates for U S treasury securities Treasury securities have become popular as indexes because they are easy to monitor and reflect economic conditions accurately
A positive or non-negative integer indicating the location of data within a vector or vector based multidimensional array
a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
An index is a system by which changes in the value of something and the rate at which it changes can be recorded, measured, or interpreted. the UK retail price index. economic indices
A published interest rate, such as the prime rate, LIBOR, T-Bill rate, or the 11th District COFI Lenders use indexes to establish interest rates charged on mortgages or to compare investment returns On ARMs, a predetermined margin is added to the index to adjust the interest rate up or down
the finger next to the thumb an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number adjust through indexation; "The government indexes wages and prices"
To provide with an index or table of references; to put into an index; as, to index a book, or its contents
Most lenders generally tie adjustable rate mortgage loan (ARM) interest rate changes to an "index " An index is a widely published rate such as LIBOR, T-Bill, or 11th District Cost of Funds (COFI) Lenders use these indices to establish the interest rates charged on mortgage loans For ARMs, a predetermined margin is added to the index to compute the interest rate adjustment
The published index of interest rates on a publicly traded debt security used to calculate the interest rate for an ARM The index is usually an average of the interest rates on a particular type of security such as the LIBOR
A table for facilitating reference to topics, names, and the like, in a book; usually alphabetical in arrangement, and printed at the end of the volume
an alphabetical listing of names and topics along with page numbers where they are discussed
A published rate, such as the average interest rate or yield on Treasury bills A margin is added to the index to determine the interest rate that will be charged on an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
Any rate published by an independent third party (the government, the federal bank, etc ) which serves as the base for calculating a variable item in a contract (A Variable or Adjustable Rate Mortgage may use the Federal Bank's monthly prime interest rate as the index for the interest charged under that mortgage)
The figure or letter which shows the power or root of a quantity; the exponent
A number used to compute the interest rate for an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) The index is generally a published number or percentage, such as the average interest rate or yield on Treasury bills A margin is added to the index to determine the interest rate that will be charged on the ARM This interest rate is subject to any caps that are associated with the mortgage
index bond
bond whose principle is linked to the index or the dollar rate
index card
An index card is a small card on which you can write information. Index cards are kept in a box, arranged in order. a small card for writing on, used especially in an index (2)
index case
the earliest documented case of a disease that is included in an epidemiological study
index case
The earliest documented case of a disease included in an epidemiologic study
index climb
rise in the stock market
index file
collection of systematically arranged information
index finger
forefinger, first finger after the thumb
index finger
Your index finger is the finger that is next to your thumb. = forefinger. the finger next to your thumb = forefinger
index finger
the finger next to the thumb
index fossil
a fossil known to have lived in a particular geologic age that can be used to date the rock layer in which it is found
index fossil
The fossil remains of an organism that lived in a particular geologic age, used to identify or date the rock or rock layer in which it is found. Also called guide fossil
index fund
a mutual fund that invests in the stocks that are the basis of a well-known stock or bond index
index fund
A mutual fund that keeps a portfolio of stocks designed to match the performance of a stock market or one of its sectors as measured by an index of selected stocks. Also called market fund
index in lieu
index of consumer prices for the current month (Accounting)
index linked
coupled or tied to the index
index loss
loss incurred as a result of a decrease in stock market activity
index number
number which shows the change in percentages
index number
A number indicating change in magnitude, as of price, wage, employment, or production shifts, relative to the magnitude at a specified point usually taken as 100
index of refraction
The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium under consideration. Also called refractive index
index register
a specialpurpose register used by a processor when performing indexed addressing The value in the index register is usually the reference location to which a displacement will be added
index register
A register that contains a quantity for modification of an address without permanently modifying the address
index register
(computer science) a register used to determine the address of an operand
index register
B3 5 2, p83
index register
Special register used for modifying addresses
index register
Also known as X, IX or by other names The register used to hold a value that becomes a factor in an indexed addressing mode Frequently used for arithmetic operations, though without as many capabilities as an accumulator
Index-linked pensions or payments change as inflation or the cost of living changes. index-linked wages, pensions etc, increase or decrease according to the rise or fall of prices
index-linked loan
loan whose rate is connected to the stock market
index-linked mortgage
mortgage whose rate is connected to the financial index
Nikkei index
The value of shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Quetelet index
body mass index
Rohrer's index
The ponderal index
body mass index
a statistical measure of the weight of a person scaled according to height, used to estimate if a person is underweight or overweight. BMI units are defined as \mathrm{kg}/\mathrm{m}^2 ≈ \mathrm{703*lb}/\mathrm{in}^2
To index a group of items using index cards
consumer price index
A statistical estimate of the level of prices of goods and services bought for consumption purposes by households
ponderal index
An anthropometric statistic that combines the height and weight of an individual, similar to the body mass index
price index
A statistical estimate of the level of prices of some class of goods or services
process window index
A statistical measure that quantifies the robustness of a thermal process
producer price index
A statistical estimate of the level of prices of goods and services bought by domestic producers
refractive index
the ratio of the speed of light in air or vacuum to that in another medium
body mass index
(plural body mass indices) an approximate measure of whether someone is over- or underweight, calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of their height in metres
refractive index
1. the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to that in a medium(synonym) index of refraction

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    /ˈəndeksəz/ /ˈɪndɛksɪz/