O, herkesin içinde benimle alay etti.
- He made fun of me in public.
Bay Kaifu herkesin içinde konuşmalar yapmaya alışkındır.
- Mr. Kaifu is used to making speeches in public.
Tom herkesin önünde konuşmak zorunda olduğunda sinirlenir.
- Tom becomes nervous whenever he has to speak in public.
Herkesin önünde küfretmeyin.
- Don't swear in public.
Bir kadına alenen yardım etme. Şüpheli görüneceksin.
- Don't help a woman in public. You'll look suspicious.
It's rude to make fun of your boss in public.
- Es ist unhöflich, sich über seinen Chef in der Öffentlichkeit lustig zu machen.
It will be difficult for him to speak in public.
- Es wird ihm schwerfallen, in der Öffentlichkeit zu reden.
This will be his first match in the public eye.
- Das wird das erste Spiel im Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit sein.
Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime.
- Obwohl er seine Haftstrafe im Gefängnis abgesessen hatte, verzieh die Öffentlichkeit dem Mörder sein Verbrechen nie ganz.
He took the public by surprise.
- Er überraschte die Öffentlichkeit.