
listen to the pronunciation of impact
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Onların çevre üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi yok. - They have no impact on the environment.

Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.


Darbe için kendinizi güçlendirin. - Brace yourselves for impact.

(Tıp) impakt
güçlü etki
çarpma şiddeti
{i} şok
(Tıp) Sıkıştırmak, hareketine main olacak şekilde bastırmak
(Askeri) VURUŞ, VURMA: Bir mermi veya bombanın hedefe veya yere çarpması
(Tıp) Ani çarpışma, hızla vuruşma
{f} pekiştirmek
impact crater gök taşının çarpmasıyle açılan krater
{f} sıkıştırmak
{i} vuruş
etki yapmak
impact analysis
(Ticaret) etki analizi
impact assessment
(Askeri) etki değerlendirmesi
impact crushers
(İnşaat) darbeli kırıcı
impact point
(Askeri) iniş noktası
impact point
(Havacılık) çarpma noktası
impact pressure
(Askeri) vurma tazyiki
impact pressure
(Askeri) vurma basıncı
impact printer
(Bilgisayar) vurmalı yazıcı
impact resistant
darbeye dayanıklı
impact test
çarpma deneyi
impact test
darbeye dayanırlık deneyi
impact wrench
(Otomotiv) darbeli anahtar
impact behaviour
darbe davranışı
impact crusher
çarpmalı kırıcı
impact drill
vurgulu delici
impact effect
çarpma etkisi
impact grinding
çarpmalı öğütme
impact ionization
çarpışma iyonizasyonu
impact load
çarpma yükü
impact parameter
şok parametresi
impact pressure
darbe basıncı
impact pressure
vuruş basıncı
impact printer
vuruşlu yazıcı
impact resistance
darbe direnci
impact resistance
çarpma dayanıklılığı
impact test
darbe testi
impact test specimen
darbe testi örneği
impact crusher
çarpmali kırıcı
impact drilling
vurgulu delme
impact factors
etki faktörü
impact injury
darbeden kaynaklanan yaralanma
impact resistance
darbe dayanımı
impact socket
Darbeli lokma
impact absorber
darbe emici
impact accelerometer
(Havacılık) iniş akselerometresi
impact action fuse
(Askeri) MÜSADEMELİ TAPA: Bir mermi veya bombanın bir cisme çarpması ile faaliyete geçen tapa. "Direct action fuze" ile eş anlamlıdır. Bak. "percussion fuze", "contact fuze", "fuze"
impact action fuse
(Askeri) darbe tesirli fünye
impact angle
(Otomotiv) darbe açısı
impact angle
(Otomotiv) çarpma açısı
impact area
(Askeri) VURUŞ SAHASI: Bütün mermi ve bombaların isabeti beklenen sınırları belirli saha
impact band
(Bilgisayar) vuruşlu bant
impact basin
(Havacılık) çarpma havuzu
impact basin
çarpmalı dinlendirme havuzu
impact behaviour
çarpma davranışı
impact break
(Otomotiv) anı darbe kırılması
impact compactor
vuruşlu kompaktör
impact crusher
çarpmalı konkasör
impact drift
darbeli çektirme
impact drill
darbeli delici
impact drill
vurulu delici
impact ductility
vuruşa dayanırlık
impact ductility
impact effect
vuru etkisi
impact effect
darbe tesiri
impact elasticity
vuruş esnekliği
impact extrusion
(Mekanik,Teknik) darbeli ekstrüzyon
impact factor
vuruş katsayısı
impact factor
darbe çarpanı
impact factor
darbe etkeni
impact factor
darbe faktörü
impact filter
darbeli filtre
impact force
çarpma kuvveti
impact formula
çarpma formülü
impact fracture
vuruş kırılması
impact fuse
(Askeri) MÜSADEMELİ TAPA: Bu tapalarda beş türlüdür: a) Superquick fuze; Üstün hassas tapa. b) Instantaneous fuze; Hassas tapa c) Delay fuze; Tavikli tapa. d) Selective superquick fuze; Birden fazla tesirli tapa. e) Super sentitive fuze; Çok üstün hassas tapa
impact fuse
(Askeri) (FUSE) MÜSADEMELİ TAPA: Mermi veya bombanın hedefe çarpmasıyla faaliyete geçen tapa. Buna (percussion fuze) ve (contact fuze) da denir. Bak. "fuze"
impact fuse
(Askeri) Hassas tapa
impact indicators
(Askeri) etki göstergeleri
impact insulation
vuruş sesi yalıtımı
impact lag
(Ticaret) gecikmeli etki
impact line
(Askeri) vuruş çizgisi
impact line
(Askeri) VURUŞ ÇİZGİSİ (HV.): Bir tahrip çizelgesinin iki tarafında, buna paralel olarak uzanan ve tahrip usullerine göre tahrip edilmiş bir füzeye ait vuruş dış sınırlarını gösteren iki çizgiden biri
impact live load
hareketli yük çarpma tesiri
impact loss
darbe kaybı
impact member
darbe elemanı
impact microphone
(Askeri) vuruş mikrofonu
impact microphone
(Askeri) VURUŞ MİKROFONU (HV.): Bir başka cisme çarpan cisimdeki titreşimi tespit eden ve özellikle uzay araştırmalarında küçük gök cisimlerinin çarpmasını kaydeden bir alet
impact moling
darbeli yatay kazı
impact noise
vuruş gürültüsü
impact on
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- çarpmak 2- etki etmek
impact oriented data
(Ticaret) etki odaklı veri
impact other
(Bilgisayar) vuruşlu diğer
impact parameter
(Nükleer Bilimler) çarpma parametresi,çarpışma değişkeni
impact phase
vukubulma aşaması
impact point
(Askeri) DÜŞÜŞ NOKTASI, İNİŞ NOKTASI: Atma bölgesinde ilk paraşütçü veya malzeme ikmal kabının yere ineceği tasarlanan nokta. Bak. "point of impact"
impact point prediction; industrial preparedness program
(Askeri) darbe noktası tahmini; endüstriyel hazırlıklılık programı
impact predictor system
(Askeri) vuruş kestirme sistemi
impact predictor system
(Askeri) VURUŞ KESTİRME SİSTEMİ (HV.): Bir füzenin kendi motor gücü ile uçuşunu takip eden ve motor çekiş gücü kesildiği anda füzenin nereye düşeceğini bir saniyenin muntazam aralıklı küsuratıyla kestiren elektronik bir sistem. Bu sistem; füze üzerinde bulunan, yer antenlerinden işaretleri alıp sonra bunları vuruş kestirme istasyonuna gönderen bir transpondenden ibarettir. İşaretler kompütere verilmek üzere istasyonda tahlil edilir ve uçuş yolu, kompüter tarafından bir levha üzerine işaretlenir
impact pressure
impact printer
vuruşlu yazıcı vurmalı yazıcı
impact rupture
darbe kırılması
impact screen
darbeli elek
impact screen
çarpmalı elek
impact screwdriver
darbeli tornavida
impact sensor
(Otomotiv) çarpma sensörü
impact sensor
(Otomotiv) darbe sensörü
impact strength index
darbe dayanımı indeksi
impact stress
vuruş gerilmesi
impact test specimen
çarpma deneyi örneği
impact tube
(Havacılık) pilot tüpü
impact tube
(Havacılık) vuruş tüpü
impact tube
darbe tüpü
impact velocity
(Askeri) vurma hızı
impact velocity
(Askeri) VURMA HIZI: Bir merminin vuruş anındaki hızı. Burada, vuruş anında hedefin hızı da hesaba girebilir. Bu terimi, merminin vuruş noktasında haiz olduğu hızı ifade eden vuruş hızı (striking velocity) terimi ile karıştırmamalıdır. Bak. "striking velocity"
environmental impact
(Çevre) çevresel etki
environmental impact
çevreye saygı
regulatory impact assessment
düzenleyici etki analizi
centre of impact
orta vuruş çekidi
centre of impact
orta vuruş noktası
sıkıştırıp birbirine kaynatma
non impact printer
vuruşsuz yazıcı
point of impact
vuruş çekidi
adverse impact
olumsuz etki
çevresel etki
economic impact
ekonomik etki
environmental impact
Çevresel etkiler
high impact
yüksek darbe
impact of
limited impact
kısıtlı etki
low impact
düşük etkili
make an impact
Bir izlenim bırakmak; bir etki bırakmak
make an impact
bir etki yaratmak
modified to impact strength
etki gücü olarak
point of impact
(Askeri) Bir mermi veya bombanın isabet ettiği veya isabet etmesinin beklendiği nokta
point of impact
(Askeri) TESİR NOKTASı, VURUŞ NOKTASı: İlk paraşütçünün veya hava indirme yükünün karaya indiği veya kara inmesinin beklendiği indirme bölgesindeki nokta
the impact
angle of impact
(Askeri) VURUŞ AÇISI: Bir merminin vuruş noktasından mermi yoluna çizilen teğet ile, yine vuruş noktasından toprağa çizilen teğet arasındaki dar açı. Bir merminin hedefe veya toprağa çarptığı noktadaki açı
berthing impact
(Askeri) yanaşma darbesi
bomb impact plot
(Askeri) BOMBA SADME GRAFİĞİ: Hedef bölgesinin, genellikle darbe öncesi çekilmiş fotoğrafı olan, ve belli bir bombardıman taarruzunda atılan bombaların vuruş veya patlama noktalarının işaretlendiği bir grafik şekil
center of impact
(Askeri) ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASI: Dağılma dikdörtgeninin merkezi. Mermi düşüş noktalarından meydana gelen şeklin sadece en önünde ve en arkasında bulunan iki nokta arasındaki mesafe dikkate alındığı zaman bu mesafenin merkezidir. En sağda ve en solda bulunan iki nokta arasındaki istikamet bakımından da istikamet merkezi olur. Bak. "mean point of impact"
combination time and impact fuse
(Askeri) KARIŞIK TAPA: Ayrıca bakınız: "hydrostatic fuze", "igniting fuze", "impact action fuze", "proximity fuze", "self destroying fuze", "variable time fuze"
continuously computed impact point
(Askeri) sürekli hesaplanan darbe noktası
designated mean point of impact; desired mean point of impact
(Askeri) etkinin tasarlanmış orta noktası; etkinin arzu edilen orta noktası
desired point of impact
(Askeri) arzu edilen etki noktası
environmental impact analysis
çevresel etki analizi
environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) (EIA) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi (ÇED)
environmental impact changes
çevresel etki değişimleri
environmental impact statement
çevresel etki raporu
expected impact
(Politika, Siyaset) beklenen etki
(Tıp) İyice sıkışmış durumda olan, anormal derecede hareketsiz duran
(Tıp) İnkibaz peklik
(Tıp) nesne sıkışması
darbe ölçer
incline impact test
(Gıda) eğik düzlem çarpma testi
irregular impact sound
(Otomotiv) düzensiz darbeli ses
line of impact
(Askeri) sadme hattı
line of impact
(Askeri) vuruş hattı
line of impact
(Askeri) ETKİ, VURUŞ, SADME HATTI: Etki veya patlama noktasında mermi yoluna teğet olan hat
line of impact
(Askeri) etki hattı
line of impact arrival
(Askeri) VURUŞ HATTI: Vuruş veya paralanma noktasında mermi yoluna teğet bir hat
line of impact arrival
(Askeri) vuruş hattı
mean point of impact
(Askeri) ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASI: Koordinatları; aynı şartlar altında, aynı nişan noktasına takılmış belirli bir miktardaki mermilere ait ayrı ayrı vuruş noktaları koordinatlarının aritmetik ortalaması olan nokta. Bak. "center of impact"
mean point of impact error
(Askeri) ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASI HATASI: Orta vuruş noktası ile hedef arasındaki mesafe. Bak. "center of burst"
normal impact
(Askeri) NORMAL VURUŞ, DİKİNE VURUŞ: Bir merminin kendi uçuş yoluna dikey bir düzeye çarpması
normal impact
(Askeri) normal vuruş
normal impact
(Askeri) dikine vuruş
normal impact effect
(Askeri) NORMAL VURUŞ ETKİSİ: Bak. "cardinal point effect"
point of impact
(Askeri) TESİR NOKTASI, VURUŞ NOKTASI: 1. İlk paraşütçünün veya hava indirme yükünün karaya indiği veya kara inmesinin beklendiği indirme bölgesindeki nokta. 2. Bir mermi veya bombanın isabet ettiği veya isabet etmesinin beklendiği nokta
point of impact
(Askeri) Vuruş noktası
point of impact; probability of incapacitation; procedural item
(Askeri) çarpışma noktası; kapasite yetersizlik olasılığı; prosedürel madde
political impact
siyasi etki
potential impact
(Politika, Siyaset) olası etki
regulation on environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Tüzüğü
stripped center of impact
(Askeri) TABİİ DAĞILMA ORTA VURUŞ NOKTASI: Hiçbir düzeltme tanzimi veya şahsi hatalar için bir düzeltme yapılmadığı taktirde, bir seri atımın kaplayacağı sahanın merkezi
surface of impact
(Askeri) VURUŞ SATHI: Bir mermi vuruş noktasından yere teğet veya hedef sathı ile aynı olan düzlem
system impact message
(Askeri) sistem etki mesajı
transboundary environmental impact assessment convention
(Avrupa Birliği) Sınıraşırı Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Sözleşmesi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
To collide or strike

When the hammer impacts the nail, it bends.

A forced impinging

His spine had an impingement; L4 and L5 made impact, which caused numbness in his leg.

A significant or strong influence; an effect

Our choice of concrete will have a tremendous impact on the building's mechanical performance.

To influence; to affect; to have an impact on

I can make the changes, but it will impact the schedule.

To compress; to compact; to press or pack together

If fecal incontinence is caused by impacted stool in the rectum, the impaction must be removed.

The force or energy of a collision of two objects

The hatchet cut the wood on impact.

{f} press against; collide, crash; affect strongly, influence; pack in, squeeze in
The impact that something has on a situation, process, or person is a sudden and powerful effect that it has on them. They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country When an executive comes into a new job, he wants to quickly make an impact
The Impact study, or Impact, as it is often called, is actually a collection of 12 studies centered around the same 100 U S daily newspapers Each study focused on one aspect of newspapers, be it content, consumer or newspaper organization Together, they offer the most complete picture of the newspaper industry ever collected This study, fielded during 2000, forms the foundation of the Readership Institute's knowledge For more information click here
The effect or influence of one thing on another Some impacts are anticipated, and others are unanticipated
a forceful consequence; a strong effect; "the book had an important impact on my thinking"; "the book packs a wallop"
the broad changes (for example in economic and social terms) brought about by the project or programme
The extent to which the program has made a long-term change in the attitudes, behavior, or health of the program participants Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Accountability and Evaluation, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?"
the striking of one body against another
A significant or strong influence. An effect
Intensive Motivational Program of Alternative Correctional Treatment This is the state’s correctional boot camp program, which currently has two sites: Hoffman and Morganton The program is a 90-day shock incarceration with military discipline and heavy reliance on physical labor and personal growth rehabilitation A shock incarceration program is a short, intensive period of incarceration usually for young or first-time offenders to deter later criminal activity The program is operated by the Division of Prisons, therefore an admission to IMPACT is counted as a prison admission, but a term at IMPACT is considered a special condition of a probationary sentence
If one object impacts on another, it hits it with great force. the sharp tinkle of metal impacting on stone When a large object impacts the Earth, it makes a crater. to have an important or noticeable effect on someone or something impact on/upon
Direct or indirect changes in the existing environment, whether beneficial or adverse, resulting from a specific act or series of acts
A harmful effect upon a wetland ecosystem or established water conveyance, caused by development or construction activities
To drive close; to press firmly together: to wedge into a place
A part formed in a confining die from a metal slug, usually cold, by rapid single stroke application of force through a punch causing the metal to flow around the punch and/or through an opening in the punch or die
- The degree of success of a campaign; the reaching of consumers
The effect of one thing or action on another person, activity, or area For example, environmental impact refers to the good or bad effect an activity has on the surrounding environment
An impact is the action of one object hitting another, or the force with which one object hits another. The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact
change in the chemical, physical (including habitat) or biological quality or condition of a waterbody caused by external sources
Though some traditionalists disagree, impact has been accepted by most writers as a verb (and an often powerful one at that)
To impact on a situation, process, or person means to affect them. Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people. the potential for women to impact the political process
The overall and long term effect of an intervention Results of a programme or project that are assessed with reference to the development objectives or long-term goals of that programme or project; changes in a situation, whether planned or unplanned, positive or negative, that a programme or project helps to bring about Impact is the longer term or ultimate result attributable to a development intervention, in contrast with output and outcome that reflect more immediate results from the intervention The concept of impact is close to "development effectiveness" Examples: higher standard of living, increased food security, increased earnings from exports, increased savings owing to a decrease in imports See "Results"
the striking of one body against another a forceful consequence; a strong effect; "the book had an important impact on my thinking"; "the book packs a wallop"
Contact or impression by touch; collision; forcible contact; force communicated
A measure of the effect that an Incident, Problem or Change is having or might have on the business being provided with IT services Often equal to the extent to which agreed or expected levels of service may be distorted Together with urgency, and perhaps technical security, it is the major means of assigning priority for dealing with Incidents, Problems or Changes
Any aspect of an action that may cause an effect; for example, land clearing during construction is an impact, while a possible effect is loss and fragmentation of wildlife habitat
The extent to which an advertisement is able to make a strong and lasting impression
press or wedge together; pack together
like effect is a synonym for outcome, although an impact is somewhat more direct than an effect Both terms are commonly used, but neither is a technical term For technical precision, Treasury Board Secretariat recommends that outcome be used instead of impact
The single instantaneous stroke of a body in motion against another either in motion or at rest
the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat; "the armies met in the shock of battle"
{i} influence, effect; colliding of two bodies; touch
The changes in the lives of rural people, as perceived by them and their partners at the time of evaluation, plus sustainability-enhancing change in their environment to which the project has contributed Changes can be positive or negative, intended or unintended In the logframe terminology these "perceived changes in the lives of the people" may correspond either to the purpose level or to the goal level of a project intervention
the effect or influence of an action or activity e g road construction impacts on the environment in a variety of ways
Measure of the business criticality of an incident Often equal to the extent to which an incident leads to distortion of agreed or expected service levels
The effect of a failure to preserve confidentiality, integrity and/or availability Impact may be one of four types: Disclosure, Modification, Destruction or Denial It relates to the embarrassment, harm, financial loss, legal or other damage which could occur in consequence of a particular security breach
Changes attributable to the project
A change in the chemical, physical, or biological quality or condition of a water body caused by external sources (USEPA Region 5)
The effect, acceptable or unacceptable, of an incident on a system, operation, schedule, or cost Unacceptable impact is impact deemed, by the system owner and as compared to the missions and goals of the U S Department of Defense (DOD), as severe enough to degrade an essential mission, capability, function, or system causing an unacceptable result Like impact, unacceptable impact refers to the total system and all areas of operational concern, not only confidentiality
influencing strongly; "they resented the impingement of American values on European culture"
The assessment of the adverse effects of an occurring risk
impact crater
A crater formed from an impact, typically of a meteorite, as opposed to one formed by other means such as vulcanism
impact craters
plural form of impact crater
impact energies
plural form of impact energy
impact energy
The energy needed to fracture a material under standard conditions
impact printer
A printer in which each character is produced by part of the mechanism striking the paper (normally through an inked ribbon)
impact printers
plural form of impact printer
impact resistance
The characteristic of resistance to fracture under the sudden application of an exerted force
impact assessment
Impact assessment is the process of identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action. It is used to ensure that projects, programmes and policies are economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable
impact analysis
(Ticaret) The process of determining the organizational costs and benefits of a proposed alternative
impact fuse
explosive that is activated by a strong impact
impact on the agenda
influence on current priorities
impact printer
a printer that prints by mechanical impacts
impact strength
force with which one object struck another
impact structure
A large geologic structure, such as a crater or astrobleme, created by the violent collision between a planet and a space projectile such as a comet or meteor
impact test
Test of the ability of a material to withstand impact, used by engineers to predict its behaviour under actual conditions. Many materials fail suddenly under impact, at flaws, cracks, or notches. The most common impact tests use a swinging pendulum to strike a notched bar; heights before and after impact are used to compute the energy required to fracture the bar (see strength of materials). In the Charpy test, the test piece is held horizontally between two vertical bars, much like the lintel over a door. In the Izod test, the specimen stands erect, like a fence post. See also testing machine
impact zone
The spot on a wave where the water is just about to collapse and explode, entailing the greatest opportunity and danger for a surfer
Charpy impact test
A test of the impact strength of a material, used to determine its relative ductility or brittleness. The test is executed by swinging a large, heavy hammer on a pendulum from a predetermined height. The hammer fractures the material sample, usually a block of a certain size with a notch cut in it. The height to which the pendulum swings is used to calculate the energy necessary to fracture the sample
adverse impact
The rejection for employment, placement, or promotion of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class, when compared with a non-protected class
compression; the packing together of loose matter
a solid, immobile bulk of stool
Of, pertaining to, possessing, or caused by impact

And in what may prove to be the most impactive development, the university is nurturing the nexus of science and business to create a biotechnology sector that has already brought millions of dollars and hundreds of jobs into town.

Any of several machines or devices in which a part impacts on another, or on a material
{v} to drive close together or very hard
{n} a driving together, touching
have an impact
(deyim) Bir etkisi olmak
An impact
environmental impact
ecological effects of a particular action or project
had an impact
had an effect, made a difference, made an impression
High-impact materials are very strong. The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet
High-impact exercise puts a lot of stress on your body. high-impact aerobics. low-impact
past of impact
{s} wedged in firmly, embedded; pressed tightly together; overcrowded; of a tooth which is unable to fully erupt (Dentistry)
a tooth that is impacted is growing under another tooth so that it cannot develop properly
Driven together or close
wedged or packed in together; "an impacted tooth"
wedged or packed in together; "an impacted tooth
present participle of impact
something packed together tightly; a mass of densely-packed matter
a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally
a lodgment of something in a strait or passage of the body; as, impaction of the fetal head in the strait of the pelvis; impaction of food or feces in the intestines of man or beast
the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed
Impaction means the effect of one thing on another
Any tooth that does not erupt when it should (e g , tooth blocked by bone and/or tissue, keeping it under the surface of the gum)
The driving of one fragment of bone into another so that the fragments are not movable upon each other; as, impaction of the skull or of the hip
A condition that a tooth is not able to come in normally or stuck underneath another tooth or bone
a disorder in which a tooth is so crowded in its socket that it cannot erupt normally a disorder in which feces are impacted in the lower colon the condition of being pressed closely together and firmly fixed
a disorder in which feces are impacted in the lower colon
{i} state of being firmly wedged in; overcrowded condition; condition in which a tooth is unable to fully erupt (Dentistry)
A condition describing the total or partial lack of eruption of a tooth well after the normal age for eruption An impacted tooth may appear blocked by another tooth, bone or soft tissue, but the cause of tooth impaction if often unknown
a sharp collision produced by striking or dashing against something
a condition where things pack together and cause blockage
An immovable packing; Med
A general term for instruments which sample atmospheric suspensoids by impaction Same as impactometer
An object which strikes the surface of a celestial body
The term used for a Meteorite which enters a planets (earths) atmosphere and collides with the surface of the planet
plural of impactor
this term, on the other hand, loosely encompasses how all the players involved feel about the effects of the cue ball striking the racked balls The "impacts" of change are our evaluations of all the effects of change -- and thus vary from person to person
"Impacts" are the affects or consequences of actions Environmental impacts are effects upon the elements of thew environment, i e ,: Natural environment: earth, air, water, plants and animals, energy and natural resources; Built environment: environmental facilities, maintenance, communications, water/storm water, sewer/solid waste, other governmental services or utilities) (Washington State Environmental Policy Act)
Positive or negative effects upon the natural or human environment resulting from transportation projects
The difference between the anticipated effects of alternative treatment in comparison to existing or benchmark condition effects Differences may be expressed by narrative, quantitative, visual, or other means Impacts are used as a basis for making informed conservation decisions
third-person singular of impact
(Reach x Frequency) the total number of exposures to a schedule of advertisements Not a measure of the number of different people exposed to a commercial
A term to describe the positive or negative effects upon the natural or human environment as a result of a specific project or projects
The total number of occasions on which a publication/spot will be seen It is calculated by the aggregate of the average issue readership of all titles in the schedule This is equivalent to reach multiplied by frequency
The significant consequences of a government program activity, either intended or unintended, and either positive or negative
Impacts can also be referred to as 'final outputs' They are the final consequences of a project or Action Plan on those aspects of the economy that the Structural Funds seek to influence Typically, final impacts are couched in terms of changes to employment, value-added and/or productivity in the economy Consequently, both the activities supported and their intermediate effects (or outputs) should be directed at achieving the final impact
plural of , impact
Results of an unwanted incident
Low-impact projects, developments, and activities such as holidays are designed to cause minimum harm to the environment. sensitive, enlightened, low-impact ecotourism
Low-impact exercise does not put a lot of stress on your body. high-impact
make a wide impact
have major influence, affect greatly
point of impact
place on a target where the ammunition hit (Ballistics)