
listen to the pronunciation of imagery
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} heykeller
{i} görüntüler
{i} betimleme
(Tıp) imajeri
söz sanatları
{i} benzetmeler
{i} tanımlamalar
(Tıp) Çeşitli mental tasvirlerin yeniden hatırlanması
{i} tasvirler
{i} hayaller
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ: Elektronik veya optik cihazlarla film, elektronik teşhir cihazları veya diğer vasıtalar üzerine yeniden çekilen eşyanın toplu olarak ifadesi
{i} imgeler
imagery code
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) imajlı kod
imagery collateral
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ TAMAMLAYICI: Görüntü yorumlamayı destekleyen ilgili malzeme
imagery collateral
(Askeri) görüntü tamamlayıcı
imagery communications and operations node; intermediate coordination node
(Askeri) görüntülü muhabere ve harekat düğüm noktası; ara koordinasyon düğüm noktası
imagery correlation
(Askeri) görüntü korelasyonu
imagery correlation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ: Mevki veya belirlenen fiziki karakteristikler itibariyle farklı tipteki sensörlerden, görüntüdeki farklı frekans şekilleri arasındaki müşterek ilişki
imagery data exploitation system
(Askeri) görüntülü veri kullanım sistemi
imagery data recording
(Askeri) görüntü veri kaydı
imagery data recording
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ VERİ KAYDI: Görüntü tespiti esnasında sensör kaydındaki matris bloğuna sürat, yükseklik, mevki, zaman gibi hava aracı ve sensorla ilgili bilginin aktarılması
imagery exploitation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜNÜN KULLANIMI: Görüntünün pozitif veya negatife basılması veya banyosu, görüntü grubu haline getirilmesi, tanıma, yorum, ölçüm bilgi çıkarılması, raporların hazırlanması ve bilginin yayımlanması safhası
imagery exploitation
(Askeri) görüntünün kullanımı
imagery exploitation support system
(Askeri) görüntü kullanım destek sistemi
imagery exploitation system
(Askeri) görüntü kullanım sistemi
imagery intelligence
(Askeri) görüntülü istihbarat
imagery intelligence
(Askeri) görüntü istihbaratı
imagery intelligence
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ İSTİHBARATI: Gerek yapılan fotoğrafçılık, enfraruj sensorlar, lazerler ve nesnelerin görüntülerinin film, elektronik teşhir cihazları veya diğer vasıtalar üzerine optik veya elektronik olarak çıkarıldığı sentetik (aperture) radarları gibi elektro-optik ve radar sensorlar ile toplananlardan faydalanılarak çıkartılan istihbarat bilgisi IMINT'de denir. Bak. "photographic intelligence"
imagery interpretation
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ YORUMLAMASI: 1. Görüntüde bulunan nesnelerin, faaliyetlerin ve arazinin tespiti, teşhisi ve tanımı işlemi. 2. Fotoğraf veya diğer kayıtlı görüntülerden bilgi çıkarılması
imagery interpretation
(Askeri) görüntü yorumlaması
imagery interpretation key
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ YORUM ANAHTARI: Görüntü yorumcularına, görüntüde görünen nesneleri çabuk tanımalarına yardım eden her türlü şema, plan, tablo, liste veya örnek vs
imagery interpretation key
(Askeri) görüntü yorumlama anahtarı
imagery interpretation report; imaging infrared; intelligence information report
(Askeri) görüntü kıymetlendirme raporu; kızılötesi görüntüleme; istihbarat bilgi raporu
imagery pack
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ PAKETİ: Müşterek bir hedef bölgesini kapsayan değişik görüntü sensörlerinden alınan kayıtların toplamı
imagery pack
(Askeri) görüntü paketi
imagery processing and dissemination system; inland petroleum distribution syste
(Askeri) görüntü işleme ve yayma sistemi; yurt içi petrol dağıtım sistemi (Kara Kuvvetleri)
imagery sortie
(Askeri) GÖRÜNTÜ SORTİSİ: Hava görüntüsü kaydetmek amacı ile bir uçağın yaptığı sorti
imagery sortie
(Askeri) görüntü sortisi
imagery therapy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) hayal kurma terapisi
Computer-generated imagery
(Antika) Bilgisayar tarafında oluşturulan görüntü
guided imagery
güdümlü görüntüleri
motor imagery
motor görüntüsü
advanced imagery requirements exploitation system
(Askeri) ileri görüntü ihtiyaçları kullanım sistemi
aerial imagery
(Askeri) Hava araçlarıyle sağlanan görüntü
continuous strip imagery
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ GÖRÜNTÜ ŞERİDİ: Bir arazi şeridinin uçuş yolu boyunca kesiksiz görüntüsünün verildiği şerit
eidetic imagery
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) şipşak bellek
eidetic imagery
fotografik bellek
fire support team; fleet imagery support terminal
(Askeri) ateş destek takımı; donanma görüntü destek terminali
hyperspectral imagery
(Askeri) hiperspektral görüntü
infrared imagery
(Askeri) ENFRARUJ GÖRÜNTÜ: Elektromanyetik tayfın enfraruj durumunda verilen bir hedef yüzeyinden neşredilen veya yansıtılan elektromanyetik radyasyonların algılanması sonucunda ortaya çıkan görüntü. (ortalama O.12 ile 1000 mikron arası)
joint Services imagery digitizing system
(Askeri) müşterek hizmetler görüntü sayısallaştırma sistemi
joint imagery production complex
(Askeri) müşterek görüntü üretim kompleksi
multi spectral imagery
(Askeri) ÇOK SPEKTRALLİ GÖRÜNTÜ: Bir nesnenin çok sayıda farklı spektral bandlardan aynı anda elde edilen görüntüsü
national imagery transmission format
(Askeri) milli görüntü iletim formatı
permanent record imagery
(Askeri) Sürekli görüntü kaybı
processor, laptop imagery transmission equipment
(Askeri) işlemci, dizüstü bilgisayar görüntü iletim teçhizatı
radar imagery
(Askeri) RADAR GÖRÜNTÜSÜ: Verilen bir hedef yüzeyinden yansıyan radar dalgalarının kaydedilmesi ile elde edilen görüntü
remote imagery transceiver
(Askeri) uzaktan görüntü alıcı-gönderici
secondary imagery dissemination system
(Askeri) ikinci görüntüyü yayma sistemi
secondary imagery dissemination; standard instrument departure
(Askeri) ikinci görüntünün yayılması; standart alet kalkışı
stored imagery repository and dissemination system
(Askeri) görüntü saklama ve yayımlama sistemi
tactical imagery dissemination system
(Askeri) taktik görüntü dağıtım sistemi
tactical optical surveillance system (TOSS) imagery processing system
(Askeri) taktik optik gözetleme sistemi (TOSS) görüntü işlem sistemi
television imagery
(Askeri) televizyon görüntüsü
television imagery
(Askeri) TELEVİZYON GÖRÜNTÜSÜ: Bir televizyon kamerası tarafından elde edilen ve kaydedilen veya elektronik olarak gönderilen görüntü
thermal imagery
(Askeri) TERMAL GÖRÜNTÜ: Görüntüsü elde edilen nesnelerden yayınlanan veya yansıyan termal (ısı) enerjinin algılanıp kaydedilmesiyle oluşturulan görüntü
ultraviolet imagery
(Askeri) MORÖTESİ GÖRÜNTÜ: Belirli bir hedef yüzeyinden yansıyan morötesi dalgaların algılanmasıyla oluşturulan görüntü
visual imagery
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel canlandırma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Unreal show; imitation; appearance
Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking; vivid descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible objects; figures in discourse
The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects; imitation work; images in general, or en masse
The work of the imagination or fancy; false ideas; imaginary phantasms
The work of one who makes images or visible representation of objects; imitation work; images in general, or in mass
You can refer to pictures and representations of things as imagery, especially when they act as symbols. This is an ambitious and intriguing movie, full of striking imagery. the use of words or pictures to describe ideas or actions in poems, books, films etc imagery of
Visible representation of objects and (or) phenomena as sensed or detected by cameras, infrared and multispectral scanners, radar, and photometers Recording may be on photographic emulsion (directly as in a camera or indirectly after being first recorded on magnetic tape as an electrical signal) or on magnetic tape for subsequent conversion and display on a cathode ray tube
A common term of variable meaning, imagery includes the "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of literature It signifies all the sensory perceptions referred to in a poem, whether by literal description, allusion, simile, or metaphor Imagery is not limited to vision, but also includes auditory, tactile (touch), thermal (heat and cold), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), and kinesthetic sensation (movement) Cf imagism, below
a technique where the patient focuses on positive images to help the body fight cancer and to feel better
A graphical 2-dimensional representation of an object, or the Earth's surface An image can be produced by an optical device, such as a photographic camera, or an electronic device, such as a scanner Remotely sensed images taken from a satellite are digital representations of the Earth's surface
Visual representation of features recorded by cameras on film or by sensing devices with information stored and displayed digitally
Visible representations of objects and/or earth science processes as sensed or detected by cameras
the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
A method of pain relief that uses mental images produced by memory or imagination
Refers to the use of language to represent things, actions or abstract ideas descriptively In its most common use, imagery suggests visual pictures, but it can also denote other sensory experiences (i e auditory)
The mental reconstruction of an experience without the original sensory stimulation Dance
descriptive language used in literary texts, for example smiles or metaphors
Collectively, the representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media
a two dimensional digital representation of the earth's surface Examples are a digital aerial photograph, a satellite scene, or an airborne radar scan
You can refer to the descriptions in something such as a poem or song, and the pictures they create in your mind, as its imagery. the nature imagery of the ballad
broadly defined, any sensory detail or evocation in a work; more narrowly, the use of figurative language to evoke a feeling, to call to mind an idea, or to describe an object
A mind/body therapeutic approach that brings one to a deep level of relaxation for the purposes of eliciting and interacting with ones own images to tap into personal inner resources for health , insight, and empowerment It is used in a variety of therapeutic settings from pain relief to stress management
The use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, or ideas The ability to perceive images in the mind These may be visual, auditory, tactile, etc
is language which conveys to the reader a sense of really experiencing the story
The array of images in a literary work Also, figurative language William Butler Yeats's "The Second Coming" offers a powerful image of encroaching anarchy: Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart
  Collectively, the representations of objects reproduced electronically or by optical means on film, electronic display devices, or other media   [JP1]
Often used in (but not particular to) poetry, language that creates a kind of sensation, usually visual, and associates a topic or theme with that sensation, thereby creating some underlying comment For instance, in Flannery O'Connor's A Good Man is Hard to Find the narrator says "the line of woods gaped like a large open mouth," creating an image of the woods eating the family; or in James Joyce's Araby, the houses on the street "conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one another with brown imperturbable faces," creating an image of the houses like people trying to retain a sense of respect Since imagery affects the senses, it is concrete rather than abstract language See Simile, Metaphor, Metonymy, Personification
Representation of objects as images through electronic and optical techniques (imagerie)
Mental images
(mental imagery): Method expounded by general practitioner Martin L Rossman, M D , in Healing Yourself: A Step-by-Step Program for Better Health Through Imagery (1987) Therein, Rossman recommended consulting "inner advisors" or a "small voice within" regarding such matters as attitude, emotions, environment, exercise, faith, illness, nutrition, and posture He stated that such "advisors" come in the form of angels, animals, deceased relatives, fairies, gremlins, leprechauns, long-lost friends, the ocean, Buddha, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus, John F Kennedy, Moses, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the "Star Wars" character Yoda Moreover, Rossman distinguished between "inner advisors" and "impostor advisors" ("inner figures" who are heavily judgmental, punitive, and hostile)
{i} visual images, pictorial representations; imaginary images, images created in the mind
(DoDI 5040 6) A visual representation of a person, place or thing recorded and stored in any format on a physical medium
generally: all figurative or non-literal language Specifically, imagery suggests visual and tangible pictures by using words
A cognitive-behavioral strategy that uses mental images as an aid to relaxation
Computer-generated imagery
(Antika) The application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television programs, commercials, and simulators
{n} sensible representation, show, an idea
guided imagery
A technique used to help someone focus on various images and pleasant experiences to relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, and provide diversion during painful procedures
guided imagery
This technique concentrates on using images or symbols to train the mind to create a definitive physiological or psychological effect Practitioners may teach clients how to relieve physical problems caused by stress, such as tension headaches The technique has also been effectively used in some cancer treatment programs for pain management
guided imagery
This relaxation and stress-reduction technique uses positive thoughts and images to relieve pain, slow the heart rate, and stimulate the body's healing responses
guided imagery
Physical problems can sometimes be alleviated by using the mind to concentrate on images and symbols Stress related headaches and even cancer pain can be effectively managed as practitioners guide patients in order to create the desired physiological or psychological effect
guided imagery
A relaxation technique that involves listening to music and/or a persons voice for the purpose of allowing imagery, symbols, and deep feelings to arise from the inner self
guided imagery
Guided imagery is an ancient form of meditation that uses the imagination (images and pictures we experience through any of our sensory perception) to reconnect to their inner resources for healing This process, often guided by a practitioner or audio tape, can help boost the immune system, promotes a reduction in anxiety and pain, and a greater sense of wellbeing
guided imagery
envisioning a certain goal to help cope with health problems
guided imagery
A technique of relaxation and pain control in which a person conjures up a picture that is held in mind during a painful or stressful experience
guided imagery
is usually incorporated as part of meditation or hypnotherapy Affirmative images, words and symbols are conjured and held in the mind to promote physical, emotional, spiritual well-being Guided Imagery can also be used to develop self-confidence in realizing a business or athletic goal
guided imagery
Using the power of the mind to evoke a positive physical response, guided imagery can reduce stress and slow heart rate, stimulate the immune system, and reduce pain As part of the rapidly emerging field of mind/body medicine, guided imagery is being used in various medical settings, and, when properly taught, can also serve as a highly effective form of self-care (3)
mental imagery
the ability to form mental images of things or events; "he could still hear her in his imagination"
national imagery and mapping agency
a combat support agency that provides geospatial intelligence in support of national security

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    /ˈəməʤrē/ /ˈɪməʤriː/


    ... imagery for a long time. ...
    ... existing aerial imagery. ...