icabına göre kullanılabilir

listen to the pronunciation of icabına göre kullanılabilir
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
That which can be disposed of
That which is designed to be disposed of rather than refilled or repaired

Rather than purchase an expensive razor he bought a packet of cheap disposable ones.

{a} that may be disposed of, at command
{i} item which is meant to be used once and then discarded
free or available for use or disposition; "every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire"; "disposable assets"
A disposable product is designed to be thrown away after it has been used. disposable nappies suitable for babies up to 8lb Disposable products can be referred to as disposables. It's estimated that around 80 per cent of babies wear disposables
Contact lenses defined by the U S Food and Drug Administration as a contact lens that is used one time and discarded These can be worn either for a single day or up to seven days, depending on wear schedule prescribed by the eye care professional Any lens that is intended to be removed from the eye, cleaned, rinsed, disinfected, and reinserted does not qualify for inclusion in this category
A filter element intended to be discarded and replaced after one service cycle
Your disposable income is the amount of income you have left after you have paid income tax and social security charges. Gerald had little disposable income
Any object that is designed to be disposed of rather than refilled or repaired
a product designed to be thrown away after one use
designed to be disposed of after use; "disposable paper cups" free or available for use or disposition; "every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire"; "disposable assets
Subject to disposal; free to be used or employed as occasion may require; not assigned to any service or use
free or available for use or disposition; "every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire"; "disposable assets
designed to be disposed of after use; "disposable paper cups"
{s} meant to be used once and then discarded
meant to be thrown away after use
icabına göre kullanılabilir

    Расстановка переносов

    i·ca·bı·na gö·re kul·la·nı·la·bi·lir

