Short INterspersed Element Families of selfish DNA elements that are a few hundred basepairs in size and dispersed throughout the genome (see Chapter 5)
The ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse of the right triangle which contains the angle; abbreviated sin
the y coordinate of any point except the vertex on the terminal side of an angle divided between the vertex and the point
Short interspersed nuclear element A group of retropseudogenes that occur in the hundreds of thousands in the human genome and each of which is typically about 300 bases long
Sin(q) is the y-coordinate of the point on the unit circle so that the ray connecting the point with the origin makes an angle of q with the positive x-axis When q is an angle of a right triangle, then sin(q) is the ratio of the opposite side with the hypotenuse
the fraction calculated for an angle by dividing the length of the side opposite it in a triangle that has a right angle, by the length of the the side opposite the right angle cosine, tangent (sinus, from ; SINUS)