i., i̇ng., k.dili. grev kırıcı

listen to the pronunciation of i., i̇ng., k.dili. grev kırıcı
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
A person who cheats in a game, a cheater
A disease among calves and sheep, characterized by a settling of gelatinous matter in the legs, and sometimes in the neck
Relating to a scab worker
A notorious gambler
{i} cheater; strikebreaker
Fatal cattle disease caused by soil-borne bacteria
A person who takes the place of striking workers. A scab
someone who continues to work when other workers are on strike - used to show disapproval
{f} act as a strikebreaker
i., i̇ng., k.dili. grev kırıcı

    Расстановка переносов

    i., i̇n·g., k.di·li. grev kı·rı·cı

