(Askeri) HİDROGRAFİ: Seyrüsefer amaçlı kullanılan deniz, göl, nehir, okyanus ve bunların birleştiği kıyı sahalarının ölçülmesi, tanımlanması veya fiziksel özellikleriyle ilgilenen bilim dalı
{i} one who specializes in hydrography, one who maps bodies of water (oceans, rivers, etc.)
One skilled in the hydrography; one who surveys, or draws maps or charts of, the sea, lakes, or other waters, with the adjacent shores; one who describes the sea or other waters
A chart or graph that depicts changes in water quantity over time At the HBEF continuous streamflow is recorded on hydrographs attached to stream gauges at nine watersheds
A graphic representation of the variation in stream qualities, such as discharge, stage, or temperature These data are plotted against time on the graph This is also done for ground water and surface water levels
A plot (line graph) of water levels or discharge for a given period of time, usually annual, used to present water levels for that time, or to present an average of many individual events (i e 50-year average)
That branch of surveying which embraces the determination of the contour of the bottom of a harbor or other sheet of water, the depth of soundings, the position of channels and shoals, with the construction of charts exhibiting these particulars